June 29, 2015

Another convention adventure

On Saturday I visited another anime convention, Hypecon in Hyvinkää :) There was no entry fee and Hyvinkää is quite close to Helsinki (only about 40-50 minutes by train), so we wanted to go check it out with Sarg, Tiinyan, Elina and Jaya! ♥ We went there right after 10am when the convention started, mainly to get the first dibs on the sale tables XD None of the other programs seemed interesting to us though, so after going through the sales a couple of times we spent the rest of the day just hanging out, eating, visiting some shops in the nearby shopping center and of course, taking photos of our dolls!

Photo of the program leaflet :3

This is actually the only photo that I have of Hypecon itself, the rest are just photos of our dolls and other stuff XD

My "loot" from the con is just these two small items :D A Chii pin and the most adorable crochet flower (which is obviously for my flower fairy, Esmerie!) I only took this crappy photo with my phone...

I also bought this Chii pin as a little souvenir for Janina, who couldn't attend since she was sick at the time :( So, I was hoping that this cheers her up a bit! I was trying to find something of her waifu Eli, but there was pretty much nothing Love Live related (or then I was just too blind to notice any) >3<

Tiinyan bought this adorable white Alpaca that's holding a little pouch with a cuuute chick in it XDD Chici wanted to take a photo with this little "relative" hahah

Chici had a "please buy friend~" note on her dress... Tiinyan was thinking of ordering a blue Chici from Soom and of course this little chick was hoping that she would really do it! Mission has been accomplished now ;D (Please excuse the eyes being all derpy... they had moved around during the transport and I apparently didn't pay much attention to putting them back ^^;)

A group photo! At this point Jaya was not in our company yet, so her dolls are missing (no worries though, we took another group photo later >:3)

Elina's cute Bluefairy :3 (I'm not 100% sure what her sculpt is? I'm not so familiar with Bluefairies ^^;)

Maite, also Elina's cutie, with a My Melody plushie ♥

This cheerful girl is Tiinyan's Miisu! Loved seeing her in person :)

Tiinyan's Mamachapp ♥ This was so adorable, bringing along new temptations like this should be illegal X'D Must resist

Aaand my and Tiinyan's Miu twins! They were even wearing matching sailor outfits, even though we had not planned any of it in advance XD

Here's the second group photo we took, after Jaya had joined us. This time only the Pureneemo girls are there!

Jaya's Yumei! Look at that cute Kuromi camera XD ♥

And Jaya's other Pureneemo, Kiseki :) Jaya had made her a beautiful cosplay outfit of Goddess Zelda ♥

Also another photo of Elina's Maite, because cute ♥

I also took more photos of these Miu twins ♥ It's so fun when your friend has a duplicate of a doll you own and you get to take photos of them together sometimes :)

High five!

At some point we ended up going to a pet store (random huh?) where I saw this cutie...

Trust me, it was not an easy task to walk away without taking him (I think it was a boy?) home ;____; Unfortunately right now is not a good time for me to take in a pet, since I'm going to move sometime this autumn and there's no telling if I manage to get an apartment where pets are allowed. But hopefully some day I'll have a cute little hamster like this! (Btw, the color of this hamster is called "sapphire", which is my favorite color of this breed. My online nickname Safir also comes from the Finnish word "safiiri", which means sapphire :3)

Before leaving home, we went to check if we had won anything with the serial numbers in our con tickets. While the rest of us had no luck at all and won nothing...

...Tiinyan actually won a cool Hypecon T-shirt! ♥

So, what are my thoughts on Hypecon? For a free convention, I think it was great! There were many sellers, great artist alley, a lot of programs, hall of cosplay competition, etc. but since the programs didn't seem that interesting to us, we had quite quickly gone through everything there was for us. Also, I think we all felt like the con was more directed at younger people. It's awesome that there are still free conventions like this, where you can just hang around with your friends :)

The next convention will be a 2-day Tracon in September :) Many of us will be going there as well~


In other news, I just received a shipping notice for my Iplehouse Eva *w* Hopefully she'll make it home before the weekend~ Iplehouse has been really fast lately, I ordered my girl in late May, paid her off last Thursday and now she's already on her way! Although I knew that some layaway orders had shipped really fast after being paid off, I was sure that I would be unlucky and have to wait for longer than this.. X'D Just yesterday me and Sarg did some fabric shopping and I thought I won't need any fabrics for Medeia yet lol


  1. Hämpsteri! Senja tarvii oman hämpsterin! Pikkujyrsijät on ihania *3*

    Oli kyllä kiva con vaikka ohjelmat skipattiinkin, haha, mutta seurahan nyt tietty parasta mahdollista <3 Ja nukkehöpötykset. Shuan malli on May Valentine jos se nyt jotakuta kiinnostaa xD

    Traconissa sitten taas!

    1. Kovasti Senja ainakin haluaisi oman hämpsterin ;___; Saa nähdä miten muuttohommien kanssa nyt käy, että onko se lähivuosina mahdollista!

      Joo tällainen yleinen hengailukin on mukavaa hyvässä seurassa :3 Mietinkin Maytä, mutta en viitsinyt sitä tuohon laittaa kun en ollut varma XD Se taitaa olla ainoa Bluefairy skulpti jonka muistan nimeltä.

      Traconissa coneilut jatkuu >:3

  2. Joo, oli kiva coni vaikkei missään ohjelmissa käytykään :'D Tää tais olla mun ihka ensimmäinen sellainen puhtaasti "hengailuconi".

    Eih miten sulonen toi hamtaro onkaan! ^3^ ♥ Ja awww miten hienot kuvat sait otettua meidän Miu-kaksosista ^^ Kiitoksia vielä kivasta coniseurasta!

    1. Ihan mukava oli tosiaan tällainenkin con, ei tarvinnut kytätä kelloa ja stressata että pitäisi olla koko ajan juoksemassa ohjelmasta toiseen XD Sai vaan puhtaasti olla ja höpötellä, was nice!

      Hahah oli kyllä hauska kun ensin hipelöi niitä pieniä Hamtaro-pehmoja conissa ja sitten myöhemmin löytyi tällainen elävämpi versio x3 ♥

      Kiitos mukavasta coniseurasta siullekin~ Traconissa sitten taas!

  3. Vaikuttipa hauskalta conihengailulta, harmi kun en päässyt... :< Mutta ehkä sitten Traconissa jos sinne on vielä lippuja saatavilla, en ole tarkastanut.

    Voi miten suloinen hamsteri~ <3 Ja pssst mahtaako vuokraisäntä tulla tarkastamaan onko kämpässä häkkieläimiä... pikkujyrsijät eivät niin hirmuisesti pääse paikkoja tuhoamaan. Tai ainakin aikaansaavat aika pikkuisia tuhoja sitten. ;)

    1. Toivottavasti saataisiin siutkin taas johonkin coniin mukaan! Traconiin taisi viikonloppu- ja lauantailiput olla jo loppuunmyyty, mutta sunnuntailippuja vielä jäljellä (ainakin viime kurkkauksella). Kannattaa siis toimia nopsaan jos tuonne mielii tulla :3

      Tuo oli kyllä niin ihana ♥ Tykkäisin kyllä ehkä enemmän tyttöhamsterista >:3 (sellaisia tuli tosi kanssa ihasteltua Sadun kanssa kun käytiin sunnuntaina Itiksen eläinkaupoissa nyyh...) Hahah tottahan tuokin, tuskin moisia pystyisivät oikeasti valvomaan...

  4. Wow, I didn't know there was a thing that existed like a free convention. Very envious of you guys over there!

    The photos are all gorgeous and I love those group photos. A friend and I both got the same Pureneemo so it'll be interesting to see the two together when they are released.

    Congrats on the shipping notice from Iplehouse. I feel really lucky that I get to experience these dolls through you. I'm a fan and I was on their website again on the weekend but Iplehouse dolls and I don't get along. It's unfortunate. They have so many gorgeous sculpts and I really love the aesthetics of their bodies.

    1. Most of the anime conventions are not free here either, but some smaller ones don't have entry fee :) I think it's great especially for younger anime fans and kids, whose parents might not be willing to pay for a 20€+ ticket...

      Thank you! Ohh which Pureneemos did you and your friend get? :)

      Great to hear that ^^ It's the same for me with many other companies; I might enjoy seeing some dolls in other people's photos, but just don't get along with them myself. It's great to be able to share the doll hobby with people all over the world, you don't always need to have everything yourself :)

    2. We both ended up ordering Ichimatsu Kohina. I don't believe she's being released though until September. Which is good. It'll give me some breathing room as I have my Pullip Mad Hatter end of this month or August being released.

  5. Lucky you, we don't have many conventions here, just the occasional doll show. Shame you didn't find things to buy, but at least you can look on the brightside, you still have money in your pockets to buy dolls!
    Loved all the photos, and the little hampster. :)

    1. Aww sad to hear that :/ Finland is quite a small country, so it's easy to travel to other cities were some conventions are held.

      Hahah that was a good one XD Dolls always win, so it's good that I managed to keep the money in my pockets and didn't spend that much at the con!

  6. Lovely con, and it was free?! wow! Sounds so wonderful.

    Congratulations on your shipping notice :D :D post photos soon!

    1. Yup it was free! It's indeed wonderful that there are also free conventions, especially for younger anime fans and kids :)

      Thank you ♥ I actually just posted a box opening X'D I'm a bit behind on replying to the older comments...

  7. Looks like it was a lot of fun!! I missed my con this year, but they've been doing an extra in winter, so I hope I can catch it then. So many sweet photos!! :D

    1. It definitely was! Hope you get to visit a con in winter then, if they arrange one :)
