July 3, 2015

Meddy is here - Iplehouse SID Eva box opening~!

Can't believe that it's July already, time just flies, doesn't it? o3o I had planned to make a post or two earlier this week while staying at Sarg's, but we ended up not spending time at the computer at all and the mobile internet around the area sucks, so I figured I'd just make those posts after I get home ^^; There are a few general doll-related posts to make and I also have some new Azone photos from this week! Those will have to wait a bit longer though, since I have a box opening from today ♥

Right after getting back home, I was able to pick up my new Iple girl, from the post office! They tried to deliver the package in the morning, but sadly I wasn't home to receive her yet. Sometimes they try to deliver EMS packages twice, but this time I was lucky they only tried once so she was already waiting for me at the post office >:3

So, here comes Medeia, also known by the nickname Meddy :)

(The photos aren't the best quality and don't really do justice to her pretty resin color, but let's not focus on that X'D)

The huge box! (notice my dog in the top right corner...)

Got these boots for Meddy! I cringed at the price, but these were just too perfect to not buy ;___;

The inner box

The pretty Iplehouse logo :3 

Getting closer... Certificate, owner manual, etc. paperwork in the plastic bag

Backside of the certificate, I think this is an important thing to remember!

Looook, there she is!!! 

Hello~ ♥ This pretty face ^3^

Eva is one of those sculpts that I haven't always liked, at some point she was actually one of my least favorites from Iple's sculpts and I never could've imagined owning her... But things can change! Especially now after seeing her in person, I think this sculpt is going to make the perfect Medeia ♥

Stylish self-censoring XD

Iplehouse recently re-designed the hands for some of their dolls, here you can see the new SID woman hands! They look so pretty and realistic, I think I like them more than the older SID hands :3 I'll try to take a comparison at some point.

I also took these two photos of Medeia with her wig:

I'm still not 100% sure whether or not this will be her default style and color, but it'll do for now at least :3

I'm really loving her so far~ ♥ The poor girl doesn't have her own eyes nor any clothes yet, so I didn't take that many photos of her... More spam will surely follow later though >3< Makoeyes just shipped out the order containing Meddy's eyes, so hopefully those will arrive soon! I probably won't do her faceup before getting the eyes, so I can be sure to get everything right!

*sigh* Wish I had started sewing for her in advance, so I could've dressed her up already ^^; No such luck this time though, I've been awfully lazy... But at least I managed to buy the needed fabrics for an outfit I've been planning to make her, so I can start working on it right away! Being lazy AND slow, it might take a while before I finish anything, but I'm not in a hurry. It's fun to have WIP projects that I can work on when I have the time and inspiration :3


  1. Congratulations on your new gorgeous girl! *^^*
    She is super pretty. Can't wait to see how you'll style her :D
    Do you have a specific style in mind? ^^

    1. Thanks so much ^^
      Well the first outfit I'm going to make her is similar to Iple's Witch Hunter set, I could call Medeia's clothing style as "old country girl" I guess hahah XD She's a mage/sorceress, so I'll also need to make her something more fitting for combat. Faceup wise there won't be anything that special, she'll get some freckles and a pretty natural faceup, maybe a bit of smoky eye with natural colors :)

    2. That sounds awesome! So excited to see her with clothes and all *^^*
      I love IH clothes...if I had the money *insane laugh* ;D

  2. Oh she is so pretty! I love Eva's little smile--I think she will fit in well with your other girls, she is like a big version of those happy little Azones. I can't wait to see what you will sew for her! <3

    1. Thank you ♥ I like the smile too and I agree about her being almost like a big version of the happy little Azones hahah XD The first outfit I'm going to sew for her is something similar to the Witch Hunter set that Iple has~

  3. Aäää!! Olen niin hidas! Postauksiisi en ole edes kerennyt kommentoida, kun niin kaikkea muuta kiirettä tähän kesälle mahtuu..( tai ei oikeastaan, mutta tänne bloggeriin olen aina tullut niin myöhään ja sitten huomaan, että joidenkin postauksista on jo viikko kulunut, enkä niitä ole ehtinyt katsoa).. ÄHHG! x(
    Tosi pahoillani siis olen, ettei minun kommenttejani ole täällä vähään aikaan näkynyt. Toivottavasti ymmärrät?! ^ u ^♥

    Aivan järkyttävän ihana neito! Woaahh, nuo saappaat ovat siistit!! ♥ Tulen niin odottamaan minkälaisen nassun tämäkin neitonen saa! Tuo neidin naamalla oleva pieni hymy on niin lumoava‼ ; y ;♥
    Ai, oletkos siis saamassa piakkoin sen Azonen, vai onkos se jo sinne kotiutunut? O u O‼
    Iii, se on aivan mahtavaa,niin päästään pian näkemään se uutukainen! <3 (* w *)

    1. No worries, ei tarvitse ottaa mitään paineita kommentoimisesta~ ^^ Mukava kuitenkin nähdä sinua täällä taas! ♥

      Kiitoksia paljon~ Nämä saappaat oli tosiaan pakkohankinta, vaikka korkea hinta hirvittikin >3< Ovat kyllä tosi laadukkaat ja hintansa veroiset! Tämän kasvot on kyllä kovin nätit ilman meikkiäkin, tuo hymy etenkin niinkuin mainitsit c: Meikki tulee olemaan varmaankin suht luonnollinen ja pisamia tulee~

      Yksi Azone-tyttönen lähtee tässä piakkoin matkaan Suomea kohti, mutta tuon toisen julkaisu kuulemma viivästyy kesäkuulta heinäkuulle (tarkempaa päivää ei vielä tiedossa), joten sitä joutuu vielä jonkin aikaa odottelemaan :/

  4. Oh huge congrats on her arrival. She is gorgeous. Iplehouse always do such lovely sculpting on their dolls. And those hands are just beautiful. I love doll hands. It's always a make or break for me if I don't like the doll's hands.

    I can see why you chose those boots. They're really lovely and quite detailed. Very realistic.

    1. Thanks so much! ♥ I do agree, Iplehouse's sculpting job is just superb :) And I also feel you on the doll hands, they're an important part of a doll's body so they must be something you like!

      If only Iplehouse's shoes weren't that expensive, I'd like to own more of them ^^; I do have a few other pairs, but most of my doll shoes come from cheaper shops.

  5. Congratulations Safir. she's a wonderful sculpt and has lovely hands. I'm sure she will look beautiful when you've done her face up. I have a few IH dolls but only tiny size, maybe one day I'll splurge. :)

    1. Thank you Xanadu :) These new hands look even more realistic than the old ones, though they are pretty as well. I think IH dolls are pretty in all sizes, but being more into bigger dolls, I'm quite safe from their JIDs and other smaller ones... Those I get to enjoy through other people's photos ♥

  6. She is so stunning, congrats!!! And those new hands are so realistic and nice! I look forward to a comparison! I'm sure Meddy will look great when you give her a faceup and all. Please, do share pics!

    1. Thank you ^^ I didn't realize that Meddy would come with the new hands (even though I had seen the news on DoA discussion thread), but it was definitely a nice surprise!

      I'll surely share more pics of her once I get her faceup done~ Her eyes probably will take a few weeks to arrive though >3<

  7. Onnea uudesta naisesta! Odotan innolla mitä tästä tulee :D

  8. Isot onnittelut tästä kauniista neidosta! Se on kyllä jännä juttu nukkien kohdalla tuo, että jotakin mitä ei ole koskaan ajatellut hankkivansa, ilmestyy se kotiin kumminkin aikanaan ^^

    1. Kiitos kiitos ^3^ On se joo jännää miten saattaa nukkemaku muuttua vuosien varrella! Aikoinaan kun hartsinukkeja alottelin niin en voinut kuvitellakaan SD-nukkeja itselle vaan harrastin MSD-kokoa ja pienempiä, mutta nyt SD-kokoiset on se mieluisin koko ja MSD:t ei enää juurikaan innosta :'D

  9. Onnea uudesta kauniista Medeiasta! Olen joskus ajatellut tilata Iplehousen nukkeja, mutta sitä niinkuin on vähän epäröivä ja päättyy aina samaan paikkaan (itse Dollmore) tottumuudesta. Saa nähdä jos sitä iskee joku päivä ja tekee tilauksen! Sormia kyllä kutittaa! :D Hauskaa kesänjatkoa!

    1. Kiitoksia ^^ Tuo on kyllä ihan totta, että helposti tulee palattua samojen firmojen sivuille kerta toisensa jälkeen ja useat nuket on sitten samasta paikasta! Itsellä Iplehouse on juuri sellainen, Soom on toinen (tosin pidin lähinnä heidän vanhemmasta tuotannostaan, nämä uudemmat julkaisut eivät ole olleet niin mieleisiä). Voin kyllä hyvillä mielin suositella, Iplen nuket on mielestäni laadukkaita ja firma on myös asiakaspalvelultaan oikein miellyttävä :3 Odotusajatkaan ei ole olleet pitkät ainakaan lähiaikoina.

      Mukavaa kesänjatkoa sinullekin! :)

  10. Congrats! She is lovely!! It is fun to have wips, I know when I order a doll I'm always too broke to buy their other items. XD;;; I look forward to the hand comparison! Can't wait to see her finished up!

    1. Thank you :) I usually try to get the basic items (wig, eyes, some clothes) for a new doll before it arrives, but lately I've found myself being too lazy to sew in advance and with Medeia, I really wasn't expecting her to ship out so fast ^^; But yeah, I do like working on things slowly as well, there's no need to rush!

      I'll try to get the hand comparison done during this week!
