July 24, 2015

Yukatas, hugging pillows and giant leaps

Me and Sarg went to do a little bit of shopping in Helsinki, but before that we sat down for a while to take some photos of our Neemos with their new yukatas :) You may have already seen the two of mine (pink and black) in the Amiami June loot post and in these pictures you can see them in use, as well as find out which ones Sarg got! These yukatas are really adorable~

We definitely need to work on some hair accessories and jewelry for our girls >:3

The girls from left:
Janna (my Minami-sensei) in black
Miyuki (Sarg's Miu) in blue
Mayuna (Sarg's Maya) in her default outfit
Kirari (my Maya) in pink
Harumi (Sarg's Raili) in white

A group photo of the yukata girls by themselves :3 Which one of these is your favorite?

Mayuna loves hugging pillows! ♥

I have no idea what these two have in mind, seems like it's something mischievous >.<

We were supposed to get just a few simple portraits, but in the end we got a bit carried away and ended up shooting a funny little photo story X'D Sarg took care of posing the dolls, while I took the photos. My dear friend Janina helped me a lot by editing all the speech bubbles and effects to the pictures, thanks a lot to her!! ♥♥

Hope you enjoyed this random story x3 It's so fun to do random photo stories like this with Azones, so I'm sure we're going to make lots of them in the future too! I've been slowly gathering furniture and Re-ments, as well as working on creating some dioramas for these girls :3

+ To end this post, have a few funny extras :D

Mayuna-chan in trouble ; . ;

"Heeeelp, giant hands are attacking!!!"

Ever seen a hugging pillow with shoes? XDD

Wish you all have a great weekend! ♥


  1. Loved the random story. Looks like it was a lot of fun to pose and photograph. You always take such great photos of pureneemos. Their decal eyes are always my achilles heel. I can never get the photos right there.

    I love the blue Yukata. But I also love the colour blue so could be a bit biased there although they all look quite lovely.

    I almost got Maya but unfortunately someone bought her before I could decide. I don't as yet have any blonde / blue eyed girls in my collection and would love to add one. Wish I knew what was planned to be released (if any) for the rest of the year so I could plan!

    1. Oh thanks so much ;3; We always do have so much fun with our Azones, they're so easy to take along to different places and pose well! I admit that I've been neglecting my BJDs for a bit lately, though that's partly because I've already packed most of my stuff for the move ^^; I'm sure after we've settled in to our new home, the bigger dolls will start getting attention again as well~

      The decal eyes can be a bit challenging for sure, you always need to check that light won't make them look weird >3<

      Hahah yeah, the blue yukata is really pretty~ Blue used to be my favorite color when I was younger, but nowadays I actually like purple and pink more x3 If only this same yukata had been offered in a purple color...

      Awww sorry to hear that :/ Hope you'd be able to find her later second-hand though! I've already seen some on Yahoo!Japan and the prices don't seem to be that high yet. There has been some nude dolls without the outfit and accessories too, in case you're not interested in them.

      As for the new releases still coming up this year, there are at least Raili, Lycee, Nina and Chisa :) Some don't still have any pre-order/release date info available.

  2. Dear god, ne on kaikki niin sulosia noissa yukatoissaan!! ♥o♥ Ja hauska kuvatarinakin vielä lisäksi :D
    Aikas kuumottava toi halityyny X'DD

    1. Fuuu kiitoksia ;3; Kiva kun tykkäsit~ Nää yukatat on niin söpiksiä, täytyy koittaa itsekin ommella jossain vaiheessa XD
      Hahah nää pienet halityynyt on hauskoja XD

  3. That was so cute!!! Also loved the extras, your Azones are too adorable!!

    1. Awww thanks so much, Musume ♥ Love to hear that ^^

  4. Voi ihanuudet! ♥ Kaikilla niin söpöt yukatat päällä! >3< En edes osaa päättää kuka on ihanin, mutta Janna ja Miyuki ehkä...<3 ^^

    Tosi hauska pikku tarina, toivottavasti näitä tulee vielä paljon lisää! :3 Olen kyllä kokenut saman kuin Kira-chan, ja se sattuu. xD Toivottavasti halityyny auttoi ja kuivasi loputkin kyyneleet~ ♥

    1. Hih kiitos paljon~ Miyuki on kyllä semmoinen linssilude että ei tuolle voi kuin sulaa ♥ Ja Janna-sensei hauskasti koittaa olla yhtä nuorekas ja söpö kuin oppilaansa X'D

      Joo täytyy koittaa kehitellä lisää tarinoita :) Näitä tämmöisiä randomejä sekunnissa kehiteltyjä näkyy ainakin syntyvän... Kira voi nyt taas hyvin, taisi olla ihmeellinen parantava vaikutus halityynyllä XD

  5. Ammagawd, where did you get that tiny love pillow XD that's hilarious! I also love the little edited effects in your story, your girls are all so cute :O

    1. Hahah it's from Ebay XD I think they're meant as keychains, but make the cutest doll props! And thank you, great you liked the story ♥ I need to practice making effects myself too, so that I don't need to bother my friend >3<

  6. Awww awww, ihanat yukatat ja tuo stoori xD <3 Pinkki yukata on tietty miun suosikki! Ja halityynyn kengät :D

    1. Kiitos kiitos :D Joo ei oo mikään ylläri että pinkki on Ellun suosikki! Ja kävelevä halityyny ftw >:D

  7. Mayuna-chan in a bag might be my favorite photo :D I think my favorite of the Azones is Janna in her tiny glasses--she reminds me of my wonderful college French teacher!

    1. Hahah poor Mayuna-chan in the bag X''D
      Awww that's so sweet about your teacher! I've thought of Janna as a language teacher as well actually XD

  8. Haha sweet story X'D and super cute girls ^^

  9. Naw!! Janna is my favorite!! <3
