July 19, 2015

Polly & Molly

Sarg got her second Lil Fairy Vel this week and gave me the permission to share these adorable photos of the twins Polly and Molly here on my blog! ♥ Hope we get to take photos of all of our Lil Fairies together soon (at least after we've moved in together next month!), but for now, here are these two :)

Photos taken by Sarg, edited by me :3

This is Polly! She is the new one that Sarg just got :3 Being the little diva she is, she's already settled in and pretty much bosses all the other girls around...

We thought that the outfit would be really bright-colored, but it's actually beautiful shade of wine red.  The fabric is really soft and this could easily be used as a coat too (there was a cape as well, but Polly doesn't use it inside). For a chance it's great to get other than summer dresses for Azones! This little "fairy bible" was included with the doll as well.

And this one's Molly :3 She's wearing her casual clothes (+ shoes which Polly is probably going to steal soon...) and is not that much into dressy clothes, unlike her sister, though sometimes she'd love to try on those pretty clothes u_u Which might not be a good idea, since Polly is very protective of her closet XD

Enjoying some cotton candy x3

It's really good!

Beware though, the cotton candy can apparently attack you!

But no worries! As a cleaning spirit, Molly always has a cleaning cloth somewhere near in case of emergencies :3

Ta-da, the cleaning cloth saves the day!! XD

Molly likes Polly's hat~

But Polly won't share X'D


  1. Haha, such fun pictures and well-propped! Send some praise for the waifu, she did awesome job <3

    1. Heheh thank you, dearie! 8) Told that to the waifu, she says thank you as well~

  2. Haha, Polly ja Molly ovat mahtava parivaljakko XD

    1. Saa nähdä mitä tapahtuukaan sitten kun kaikki viisi Lil Fairyä on samassa paikassa, mahtaa olla hulinaa >:o

  3. Ihanat, söpöt Velit ja hauskoja kuvia, näitä oli kiva katsella! Olen itse haaveillut siitä erikoisversio-Velistä millä on kultaiset hiukset, mutta haaveeksi taitaa jäädä kun tuppaa olemaan vähän hankalamman puoleinen hankinta...

    1. Kiitoksia, kiva kun tykkäsit kuvista! ♥
      Hmm, mahdatko tarkoittaa tätä versiota ? Yahoo Japanissa näyttäisi nyt nimittäin olevan tuo yksi ainakin 8D Toistaiseksi hyvään hintaankin, mutta hinta saattaa tuosta vielä nousta kyllä.

  4. They are super cute *^^*
    And huge congratulations that you guys are moving in together!! That is awesome!! *Brings out confetti* :D

    1. Thank you dear ^w^
      It's definitely exciting to be able to finally move in together~

  5. They are so adorable, and I also love the background in this photos~ (with those cute little bottles)~

    1. Thank you! ♥ Sarg has made some "candy" from clay to put into those little bottles hahah XD

  6. Hi Safir!
    Oh dear I think you and Sarg are going to have your hands full with these two! Lovely photo story, made me giggle. Funny how language differs, what you call cotton candy, we call fairy floss...but either way it still rots your teeth, so those little tackers had better beware. :)

    1. Hey~
      You're so right... And now we can only imagine what will happen when all our five Lil Fairies are in one place at the same time ^^; Chaos to be expected... Love to hear you liked the little photo story!
      I've heard that it can be called both cotton candy or candy floss, depending on where you live. Fairy floss is a new variation to me though D: You always learn something new!

  7. What an adorable pakr of sisters! :3 And congrats on your move, I hope you have plenty of shelf space for your joined collections! :)

    1. Aren't they? ♥ Thank you! We will have a little walk-in closet, which will be a "doll room" for us XD Hopefully we'll find a good way to display/store everything!

  8. Such a lovely story!!! Love it, so cute :3
    And congrats on moving together!!!

  9. Congrats to Sarg for the new arrival! They look quite adorable. I like their faces. How tall are they compared to the Neemos?

    1. Thank you~ Lil Fairies are about 16cm tall :) I should take a group picture of all the girls standing next to each other, but for now, here's an older photo that might give you an idea of their size.

  10. This is so funny and cute! XD Love it!!
