November 3, 2015

Little squirrel is finally home

I finally received my Amiami order containing Squirrel Chiika that I snagged from the pre-owned section~ ♥ I've seen this doll go for over 20,000yen on Yahoo!Japan, so I was really pleased to find it for only 18,000yen. By getting her from Amiami, I also saved all the commission fees that I would've had to pay if I got her from Y!J :)

I combined her to my September order which got delayed for over a month by one outfit, so I waited for her quite long ^^; When I finally got an email from Amiami that the order is ready to be shipped, I was so impatient that I chose EMS shipping instead of the usual Airmail X'D The package wasn't so heavy, so EMS was only a bit more expensive than Airmail. After this long wait at least the shipping was fast!

Here she is in her adorable box :3 Chiika was my first doll from this forest animal series, but Sarg has Bambi Raili, Cat Aika and Wolf Himeno. I think the boxes for this series are really adorably designed! ♥

That smiling mouth is so cute! ♥ I already had two Chiikas with the surprised/wondering expression, so it's great that this one has a different mouth~ I could easily own an army of Chiikas though, they're so cute >w< Aaand actually I'm not far from an army, since I'll have 4 Chiikas after the Picconeemo version comes home...

This makes me think of lolita clothes! ♥

At the backside of the box there's a picture of the standard version with the DS version.

Top of the box

The leaflet cover is the same image that was on the box

Photos of the outfit, piece by piece

A cute little comic, featuring Usagi-san (Rabbit) Miu ♥

Chiika also came with a bunch of extra hands, which I wasn't expecting! Most of the dolls that I've got didn't come with any (I guess Azone doesn't include them with the newer releases), but this was definitely a positive surprise XD I have so many Pureneemo girls already that I would've had to buy more of these hands soon anyway.

The accessories she came with~ The rest she was already wearing in the box

Aaaand here she is! ♥ I've decided to give her the name Totori, which is like a funny mixture of Totoro and Kotori XD I wanted her nickname to be Toto-chan, but felt like Totoro would be too common, so I came up with something a bit different. I like combining different names >3<

The fluffy squirrel tail ♥ It's sewn on her pants, but with just a few stitches so I think it'd be easy to separate it from the pants and attach it on some other clothing instead.

I really love this hairband with squirrel ears, so cute *3*

Happy little squirrel ready for adventures! ♥

This doll has been one of my most wished Azone dolls, so I'm really happy to finally have her! Now if we only managed to find the DS version of this Chiika for Sarg, she'd be Totori's twin sister~ There are only a few of the older releases left on my wishlist now, so I can concentrate on the future releases :3 The new releases of Nina and Chisa will be up for pre-order starting from Thursday and I'm still torn about whether or not I want to get that Chisa ;___;

Besides Chiika, my Amiami order also had these (pink) clothes for my girls~ The cardigan (on right) is much nicer than I expected, so I might want it in some other color (brown?) as well.

And these are for Sarg's dolls. That maid dress is the one that delayed the whole damn order :'D I actually tried it on Totori after taking the photos and now I think I need to buy one for her as well... Thank you Neemos for taking my money u_u


  1. Aww aww AWWW <3 I want a smiling Chiika too ;_; She's so frigging cute, and 18k yen is a good deal for a wanted Azone ^3^ Congrats once more! <3

    1. Thank you <3 Chiika looks so cute with both expressions, you definitely need a smiling Chiika too ;3; I'm really happy that I found Toto for this price, lucky~

  2. Ahh, all your neemo posts have made me cave and start adding neemos to my wishlist ToT sadly all the ones I like appear to be sold out xO xO

    Your new arrival is so cute (love her blouse!) and I adore the clothes you ordered ~

    1. Yay! I mean oh no! XDD Neemos would be a really cute addition to your doll family, I'm sure~ These dolls are sold a bit like Soom limiteds - once the pre-order ends and the doll is released, there are rarely any in stock :/ Then there is second-hand market (Yahoo Japan, Mandarake, perhaps Taobao as well?), but the prices for some dolls can rise, depending on how popular it is etc.

      Thank you! ♥ Her default outfit is quite lovely~

  3. Onneksi olkoon! Nyt olen kyllä niin kateellinen että voisin hakata päätä seinään. :P Ihana Totori! <3 Miten uskomattoman huono tuuri voikaan olla, että juuri siihen tilaukseen sattui tuo kovan onnen asu jonka julkaisua lykättiin ja lykättiin...
    Minä muuten irrotinkin hopeakettu-Lienin hännän ja kiinnitin sen tavallisiin pikkupöksyihin. Nyt se mahtuu paremmin erilaisten mekkojen alle. :D

    1. Kiitos kiitos :3 ♥ Oivoi, onko orava-Chiika toivelistalla sielläkin? ;3; Meinasi kyllä usko loppua tän asusetin kanssa kun tuntui, ettei sitä koskaan julkaista... Kerkesin jo pelätä, että Amiamilla pistävät Chiikan uudelleen myyntiin kun se niin kauan roikkui tossa tilauksessa ^^;

      Joo täytyy tosiaan katsoa josko irrottaisin oravaisen hännän, että saisi käytettyä paremmin :) Tää häntä on kyllä niin muhkea!

    2. Joo, on. Haluaisin kerätä kaikki metsäneläimet, mutta oon niin nuuka etten raski maksaa niistä tähtitieteellisiä summia. Saan varmaan odottaa seuraavat kymmenen vuotta että saan ne kaikki ostettua mulle sopivilla hinnoilla. :P

    3. Noi jälkimarkkinahinnat voi kyllä olla ihan järkyttäviä! >.< Yahoo Japania kannattaa kytätä, siellä on näitä metsäläisiä näkynyt aina välillä 15-18,000yenin tienoilla. Toivottavasti vielä tärppäisi ja saisit kotiutettua näitä ihanuuksia :3

  4. Onneksi olkoon vielä kerran! Totori on suloinen nimi ^3^ ♥

    Meitsi yrittää saada tilattua tuon uuden Ninan n_n Chisakin olis toisaalta niin söppänä ;3;

    1. Kiitos paljon ^o^ Totori-nimi kyllä jotenkin sopii tälle pallerolle~

      Oih, kerro sitten saitko Ninan napattua!! Itse päätin eilisiltana nähtyäni Twitterissä/Instassa julkaistut söpöt kuvat, että kyllä se Chisa on pakko saada siskoksi tälle aiemmalle Chisalle u3u Heräsin sitten aamulla viideltä tilaamaan sen silmät ristissä...

    2. Sain napattua :) Ite heräsin 5.40, kun olin aamuvuoroon menossa ja varasin samalla neidin. Sitten päivemmällä näin myös nuo insta-kuvat ja aah! Chisa näyttää niin söpöltä, että tekisi niin mieli ostaa myös hänet ;_;

    3. Yay mahtavaa! ♥ Saa nähdä miten sulla käy sitten ton Chisan kanssa >:D Toi Ninakin on kyllä supersöpö, mut pakko koittaa jotenkin vastustaa, nghh...

  5. Congratulations, she's super cute! Can't wait to see all the girls wearing their new clothes~ <3

    1. Thanks so much <3 Now I just need to figure who gets to wear the clothes first D:

  6. Oh congrats on Squirrel Chiika. She is among the cutest Chiikas I've seen. I love your photos of her and that eye/hair combo is quite lovely.

    It's a shame Azone decided not to send extra hands with their recent releases. It seems like they used to with the older releases. Wonder why that changed. I would have at least thought the Ex-Cute line would get them.

    That maid outfit is super cute.

    1. Thank you! :) She is probably my favorite Chiika release ever, though I like many others as well ♥ Her hair is a bit different shade of brown compared to the other Azone dolls we have, it's great to have a lot of variety in the hair/eye colors so that they're not all the same :3

      I do wonder when they decided to stop sending the extra hands with the dolls, and why... If all of the ones that I have came with extra hands, I would be drowning in hands though X'D But if someone ordered just one doll or a few, it'd be great that you don't have to buy the hand parts for them separately.

  7. Congrats on getting your so wanted Chiika release, she's super cute!!! And you got her for a better price than you thouht wich is also awesome :D

    Love the clothes Sarg got (yours too ofc, but she got more so XD)

    The extra hands are nice, I wish all dolls came with extra hands in different positions, it can make such a big difference!

    1. Thanks so much~ The second-hand prices can be quite frustrating sometimes, so I'm happy that I found such a great deal!

      Hahah I love Sarg's haul too XD Totori almost ended up stealing that maid outfit...

      Yeah the extra hands are great! Azone does sell them separately, but it'd still be great if you got at least one set with the doll you order :/ Maybe they're now trying to get more people to buy the hand parts separately, hmm?

  8. Congratulations Safir on receiving Squirrel Chiika. Wonderful photos as always! I wish the hat was slightly bigger though.

    I guess Azone are not sending extra hands with their new releases because of cost everyone seems to be cutting back these days.

    The outfits are cute and will look lovely on.

    1. Thank you dear! ♥ I agree with you on the hat, it doesn't fit on her head and there's nothing to keep it in place, so it can be a bit difficult especially if it's windy outside ^^; Azone has similar hats that are bigger and fit the doll's head just perfectly, I wonder why they decided to make this one so small...

      Yeah, maybe Azone wants more people to buy the hand parts separately. I feel like the prices for newer releases have been a bit higher than before though, but I guess there are many reasons behind that. I need to buy more sets of the extra hands, so that the girls won't have to fight over them if I want multiple of them to have the same hand pose XD

  9. Nämä eläin-teemaiset Neemot ovat kyllä yksiä onnistuneimmista sarjoista, joita Azone tekee/on tehnyt. Oravainen on ihanainen. Haluaisin joskus hommata susi-Neemon tai jos tulisi lisää kettu-neemoja (joku silver fox on kai ollutkin...).

    Ihaninta on kyllä tuo pörröhäntä. <3 :)

    1. Oon kyllä samaa mieltä, eläinteemaiset Neemot on tosi ihania! ♥ Ollaan kivasti saatu hommattua melkein kaikki suosikit tuosta sarjasta c: Silver Fox Lien on tosiaan ollut ja sitten tuo Ookami-san Himeno, saisi kyllä tulla enemmänkin kettu/susineemoja~

      Tää pörröhäntä on kovin muhkea ja pehmoinen <3

  10. Onneksi olkoon! Silmät napillaan olen katsellut noita kuvia ja kyllä on todella herttainen tuo Totori - nimi on ihana ja sopii hyvin! Ja ei ollut kallis. Ihan ihmeissään. :)

    1. Kiitoksia~ Täytynee seuraavaksi viedä tämä jonnekin metsään ihmettelemään :) On kyllä kovin herttainen tapaus!
