April 17, 2016

She will be loved

Carmen is currently participating in a light-hearted BJD fashion contest, Instagram's Next Top BJD :D It was not hard for me to choose which one of my dolls to enter as most of my dolls have their own specific styles and color themes, but Carmen can wear multiple different styles and colors.

The first challenge was "Neutral plus a pop of color", so basically an outfit consisting of a neutral-colored piece and something colorful. I had just finished sewing simple nightwear for Carmen and thought that the colors fit the theme quite nicely ^^

Besides taking one photo for the challenge, I took some other photos just for fun to have a complete photoshoot for this blog :3 I'm having so much fun with the contest so far, this challenge gave me so much inspiration and I'm sure the future challenges will do just the same!


  1. Kuulostaa hauskalta idealta tuollainen kilpailu :D Lycka till! Carmen on kyllä niin pähee mimmi! ♥

    1. Kovin inspiroiva on kyllä ollut tuo kilpailu ja kiva katsella myös mitä muut saavat aikaan ^^ Kiitoksia~ ♥ Carmenista on kyllä muodostunut yksi omista suosikkinukeistani u_u

  2. I love all the photos but my favorite is the 2nd one, it is so PERFECT!
    That contest seems like a lot of fun but also a lot of work XD so glad it inspires you to take more photos like this though, because they are FAB

    1. Thank you dear! ^^ The second photo was actually my "official" photo for the contest~ My Iple girls have quite a big wardrobe, so hopefully I won't need to sew new clothes for every challenge, since that'd be a lot of work XD A new challenge is posted every two weeks, so there's plenty of time to pick an outfit and take a photo, that's not so much work!

  3. I love these kinds of fun challenges! :D
    I love the splash of hot pink color in your photos!

    1. Yeah me too ^^
      Thank you~ Bright pink really suits Carmen, it was an obvious choice for the bright color of this outfit!

  4. She looks great!!! I love her colors, and those shoes are amazing!
    Wonderful photos too <3

    1. Thank you so much! ♥ I'm so glad that some of the shoes from Tata's Paradise with Iplehouse girls ^^

  5. Oh she's wonderful Safir. Good luck with the challenge, not that you need luck, your photos are always awesome!

    1. Aww thank you very much ^w^ I'm loving the Top BJD contest so far, it's really fun~ Even if I get eliminated at some point, I think I still want to take a photo for the future challenges for fun :3

  6. Gorgeous girl! Gorgeous shots! *__*
    I really really dig those tattoos <3 She looks so pretty and badass and lovely :D

    1. Thank you :)
      I should re-do her tattoos someday, they've started to fade a bit :/

  7. Ooo kiva haaste! Täytyypä seurailla mitä siellä tapahtuu! :D Haluaisin joskus osallistua mutta tuntuu ettei ole aikaa. Todella kaunis Carmen, tykkään hirmusti myös hänen nimestään. Minäkin ihailin noita tatuointeja, tulee semmonen rockabilly viba neitosesta. :) Hihihiii ja suuteloita lopuksi <3 =3=

    1. Joo tohon tosiaan otettiin alkuilmoittautumisia joku aikaa sitten ja toimii samaan tyyliin kuin Huippumalli haussa yms. ohjelmat eli porukkaa tippuu kierros kierrokselta pois :D Hauskaa on ollut tähän mennessä!

      Kiitoksia kehuista! ♥ Tämmöinen vähän rokahtava leidi Carmen on tosiaan ja tykkää myös fiftari-tyylistä ^3^
