August 12, 2016

Rose Quartz Sahra double arrival

I'm a bit late with posting these two box openings/arrivals, since these dolls have been at home for around two weeks already ^^; I originally fell in love with the pink hair of the DS version, but liked the outfit of the standard version more... Thus I ended up pre-ordering both >.<;

First up is the DS version~

This page actually shows the standard version's outfit piece by piece, but basically the DS versions has the same outfit with just different colors. I wonder if I got a wrong leaflet with this doll, or if Azone really made just this one leaflet for both dolls?

As you can see, Sahra actually came with an extra pair of hands. It was a nice surprise, since these Twinkle a la Mode girls are in white skin and I don't have that many extra hands in that skin color (most of my Pureneemo girls being normal skin).

Out of the box and trying some posing :D

The cute shoes~

I knew pretty much from the beginning that I want my girl to have shorter hair, so I cut it a bit... This is what it looks like at the moment. I might cut it a little more, though I like this length too :3 It's something a bit different from my other Neemos.

Next up is the standard version. I originally pre-ordered her just to get the outfit, but after getting her home and taking a better look at her, I decided that she could stay ^^; I even came up with a name for her by accident and how she would relate to the other Sahra...

Like I mentioned earlier, the leaflet seems to be exactly the same for both dolls, so I didn't take photos of every page for the second time :)

I cut her hair short too, but didn't remember to take a photo before re-dressing her for a photo with her sister. You can see a little bit of the end result on the picture below.

So here you can see the girls together~ ♥ I decided to name them Momo and Misa. Both of them like bunnies and any bunny themed things, so these cute hoodies were a must-have for them x3 

I'm still waiting on my third Sahra, the lavender-haired Nostalgic Story version which I bought from Yahoo Japan ages ago. Hopefully she's going to arrive soon too. After that, my Sahra sister trio is complete and I can share more about their background ^3^

In other news, my school started on Wednesday and that's going to take a big part of my time for a few years from now on, so I might not have the time and energy for updating my blog so often :/ I'll try my best though!


  1. Ihania Sahroja! Vaikken yleensä niin välitäkään Sahrasta, niin sinun kuvissasi tämäkin tyttö näyttää tosi söötiltä ^^ ♥

    (Tuosta lehtisestä; muistelisin, että minäkin olen aina saanut ihan vaan sen normi-version lehdykän, vaikka kyseessä olisikin ollut DS-versio)

    1. Aww kiitoksia ^^ Itselläkään Sahra ei näitä muutamaa julkaisua lukuunottamatta juurikaan kolahda, mutta nämä pari olivatkin sitten pakkohankintoja ja erittäin ihania! ♥

      Joo näin ajattelinkin, sama tarinahan noilla on sun muuta. Hassua vaan tuo, että asu on esitelty eri värisenä :D

  2. They're so sweet together - I love the way the light pink and deep red in their outfits contrast each other! :)

    1. Thanks so much~ Yeah I adore their outfits, the colors in them are so pretty ^^

  3. They are both so cute!!! I like the standar version way more, it might be because of the outfit, but I also like the darker hair, so glad you decided to keep her! Can't wait to see them both with her sister once she arrives!!
    I wish you all the success in school, hope you still have time for your hobbies. If you can't blog it's okay, I'll be here when you get to it later :D

    1. Thank you! :3 I've learned to love the standard version now too, at first I wasn't very keen on her hair and eye color combination, but it looks surprisingly pretty.

      Luckily the days aren't too long (at least in the first few months), but I still feel quite tired and laggy after each day XD But I hope to have enough time for my hobbies too! Writing this blog and answering to people's comments is something that I really enjoy~

  4. Ihanat! Kivaa että on vielä yksi tulossa lisää. :) Jännällä seuraan.
    Toivottavasti koulun alku meni hyvin! Täällä on vielä meidän tytöillä kesäloma, mutta 17.8 alkaa meillä arki. Lykkyä tykö koulun jatkoon ja toivottavasti ehdit myös nukkejen kanssa touhuta!

    1. Kiitos~ Toivottavasti kolmaskin sisko saapuu tosiaan pian :)
      Heh, sehän onkin juuri tänään kun kommentteihin vasteilen XD Hyvin alkoi koulu minulla, onneksi päivät on suht lyhyitä niin jää jonkin verran aikaa nukkeiluunkin!

  5. They're both adorable, I like the hair colors and outfits as well!
    Can't wait to see your third Sahra too :3

    1. Thank you dear ^^
      I'm hoping that the third Sahra arrives soon~

  6. Tykkään paketin aukaisukuvista ihan todella paljon enkä pettynyt tässäkään! :D Ihanaa seurata mitä kivaa sieltä paketista paljastuu, minusta sopii nuo lyhemmät hiukset kummallekin. ^^ Kiva että päätit pitää tuon tummatukkaisenkin Sahran, sille sopii tosi hyvin tuo lyhyt polkka. :) Onnea onnea! ^_^ Toivottavasti kolmaskin tyttö kotiutuu pian. :)

    1. Kiva kuulla, itekin tykkään katsella box opening -kuvia ja näitä on hauska kuvata myös :D Ja kiitos kiitos~
