September 21, 2016

Souldoll Vito girl arrival!

Me and Sarg received a big doll package yesterday when our two Souldoll Vito girls arrived :) We ordered these two on April 5th and they were shipped on September 12th, so the waiting took a bit over 5 months ^^; We did order on layaway though and paid it off in August, but Souldoll starts working on the layaway orders earlier than after receiving the last payment. It seems that Souldoll has been pretty slow with orders lately. But to be honest, it didn't feel like 5 months to me, more like 3 months or so XD It feels like time just flies!

When Souldoll released Calia and Riris we both got excited since the Vito size seemed just perfect, the body looked so beautiful and these two sculpts looked like they'd be perfect for our characters, my Lisanna and Sarg's Nemora. At the time we already had them as dolls though, Lisanna was Withdoll Angela and Nemora was Withdoll Priscilla. We decided to sell them and get the Vito girls as new, sort of "updated" shells for them. While I still do like Withdoll Angela as a sculpt, it just didn't feel right for Lisanna's character in the end. Also, I would've preferred a light tan skin tone for Lisanna originally, but Withdoll's tan seemed way too dark and I had to settle for normal skin. Souldoll's sandy brown instead is a perfect color. Re-shelling the girls seemed like a good idea.

Now to the box opening!

When we placed our order Souldoll had this event that you get a free gift dress with a Vito girl - since we ordered two Vito girls, we also got two dresses :D Sarg sold hers, since Nemo wears darker colors and she didn't really have another doll that could use the dress. It's amazing how generous Souldoll is with their events, their gift outfits definitely look cheap!

Mummies XD Souldoll packs their dolls so safely!

Here the girls are, side by side~ Souldoll's sandy brown and grey are both really pretty colors.

Trying out the dress on Lisanna, she's also wearing her own eyes and wig here~ I'm really happy that her old wig fits her perfectly ♥ It has been customized with some added pearls and feathers, so it would've been a shame if I had to get her a new wig.

Pretty flower details on the dress ♥

And more details~

These are the eyes that I had for Lisanna when she was Withdoll Angela. They're 10mm and they seem a little bit too small for this sculpt, as they slightly cap from the corners :/ This means that I'll need to buy new eyes for her. I'm thinking of going for Makoeyes, but unfortunately all their eyes seem to be sold out at the moment so I need to wait until they accept orders again... For now she can borrow another doll's eyes ^^;

Souldoll has such pretty CoAs ♥ I'm proud to support their work~

This box opening was a bit rushed (sorry about that!), but hopefully later I'll make another blog post with some posing photos as well as a few comparisons with other dolls, at least with Souldoll Kid and Zenith girls :) Sarg wants to do Lisanna's faceup and if she has the time to finish it before the weekend, I can take some autumn photos outside when I go to visit my mom.


  1. Haha, tuo muumio-kuva sai minut nauramaan! Todella kaunis tuo sinertävän harmaa ihoväri. Ja ihana mekko! Mutta kyllä kesti oman ajan tulla perille, vaikka oli osittain maksettu. Itse olisin tullut ihan höpsöksi odotellen o_O Toivottavasti saat mahdollisuuden otella kuvia kun käyt äitisi luona! Ja onneksi olkoon <3

    1. Heh, nukkemuumiot on kyllä aina hauskannäköisiä :D
      Kiitoksia! Odotteluun on kyllä totuttu tässä harrastuksessa vuosien varrella, joten ei tuo loppujen lopuksi niin pitkältä odottelulta tuntunut onneksi. Asiaa auttaa kun muiden nukkejen ja juttujen kanssa riittää puuhaa odotellessa :3
      Viikonloppuna kuvaus onnistui hyvin myöskin~ Täytyy koittaa ehtiä muokkailla kuvia mahdollisimman pian :3

  2. Voi jestas, sieltähän tuli kaksi kaunokaista. :) Odottelen innolla millaiseksi heidät muuttelet. ♥

    1. Kiitoksia kovasti ^^ Instan puolella onkin jo muutama nopea räpsy Lisannasta meikin kanssa ja Sarg tekee Nemolleen meikkiä parhaillaan, joten siitäkin tulee luultavasti parin päivän sisään kuvia!

  3. Congrats on getting them!! They are such gorgeous sculpts! Can't wait to see the faceups :D

    1. Thanks so much ^^ Lisanna's faceup photos are already on Instagram, need to post them on my blog later too~ I think Sarg is going to post photos of Nemo within a couple of days, if she manages to finish the faceup in that time.

  4. Congrats!! That must have been a huge box!! You seem to be super lucky with souldoll, you always get your dolls shortly after finishing your layaways, I had to wait 3 months after I paid mine XD it felt like they totally forgot about me.

    Both girls are gorgeous and the skin colors are very nice. I already saw a sneak peek of your girl's face up on instagram, she's looking lovely.

    1. Ah that's a shame to hear :/ I've heard that Souldoll sometimes takes longer time to ship out the dolls after the layaway haa been finished, I guess it depends on how long the layaway originally was and how many orders they need to work on at the time.

      Thank you so much~! I'm really loving Lisanna's faceup, hope to share more photos soon ^^

  5. Oi joi, taas niin nättejä tyttöjä saapui sinne! ♥ Ja tuo mekko on super suloinen!

    1. Kiitos paljon ^3^ Tuosta mekosta tykkään aivan hirmuisesti!

  6. Aaaws, suloset neitoset sinne saapui!❤❤
    Haluan kyl nähä lisää kuvia sun/teidän nukeista! ;3;

    1. Kiitoksia :3 Lisää kuvia omasta tytöstäni on jo otettuna, täytyy vain jossain välissä muokata ne!

  7. Onnittelut ihanaisista <3 todella kauniit neitoset ja ihanan sävyiset, täytyy kyllä sanoa että tuo vaalea tanni on niin nätti! Harmaakin näyttää kivalta, odotan mielenkiinnolla minkälaisen meikin Sarg siihenkin loihtii, Lisannan meikkiprosessia olenkin jo Instasta seurannut. :) Ja mekot - ihania hörsmäkkeitä ja koristeita. *__*

    1. Kiitos kovasti!! Tykkään itsekin paljon tästä vaalean tannin sävystä. Meillä menee Sargin kanssa intrestit hauskasti, kun itse tykkään enemmän tanneista nukeista ja hän taas harmaista XD Täytyy myöhemmin postata lisää kuvia Lisannasta niin täällä blogissa kuin Instassakin. Nemon meikki on parhaillaan työn ialla, toivonmukaan parin päivän aikana valmis :)

  8. Congrats Lady's to these amazing and most beautiful new additions on your crew! Souldoll is amazing, such delicate and beautiful body, pretty molds and this outfit is so nice too ! They are just doing it right ^^

    1. Thank you very much dear ^3^ I agree with everything you said about Souldoll, they really are such a wonderful company~

  9. Omg, those girls are gorgeous, congratulations!!! Soul doll gives lovely gift items... I wish other companies would do that too. Can't wait to see them with face ups! <333

    1. Thank you! I have no idea how they can give away such lovely stuff in most of their events, they're so generous! But be great to see other companies to follow their example.

  10. 'reshelling' dolls or characters is always interesting :D I have to admit I haven't done it too often unless the dolls look similar enough~
    Anyway, these 2 girls look gorgeous and congrats on receiving them :D I think these sculpts are perfect for what you had in mind!

    1. Sometimes the re-shell sculpt can look totally different from the first version XD It might first feel like "this is it", but after a while you notice that it doesn't work the way you would've liked. So trying out something a bit different might be the way.

      Thank you!! So far we're both really happy with the sculpts and think that they fit our characters perfectly :3
