November 5, 2016

The second big Azone girl

I've had my second 50cm Azone girl at home for a while already and thought that I'd finally post the first photos of her here. She is Lilia - The Traditional Grimoire :3 When I saw the first photos of this girl, I just knew that I have to get her! Her fullset styling is just perfect, it looks like something that I could've designed hahah XD It's always fun how some of my doll friends say things like "it looks like your doll", apparently people have noticed what kind of dolls I usually like and end up getting? Lilia is also one of my favorites from the big Azone girls and I like how she looks more mature compared to my Maru.

I took a few box opening photos, but was in a bit of a hurry since I had to leave to school shortly after getting her out of the box XD

Her bangs were a bit too long when unstyled like this, but I took care of it a bit later! Unlike Maru who wears wigs, this girl has rooted hair (just like the smaller Pureneemos).

Hello~ ♥ I decided to name her Nami, which means wave in Japanese (or candy in Finnish, lol).

This bag is one of the prettiest doll accessories that I own! ♥ I'd love to have one in human size as well XD

Then, moving on to the photos last weekend's quick photoshoot :3 As you'll notice from these, I cut Nami's hair short and also cut her bangs. Since Maru has long brown hair, I thought that Nami would look too similar if she had long hair too. Aaaand I think this short look suits Nami really well~ ♥

Konsta, one of our Amuse sloth plushies, wanted to say hi as well :D


  1. Onnittelut uudesta isosta tytöstä! ^^ Uusi kampaus sopii oikein hyvin Namille ♥

    Hei Konsta! (n_n)/ Tuliko hän kenties kärkkymään muutamaa leivospalaa Namilta...? :3

    1. Kiitos kovasti! ^3^
      Siltä vähän vaikuttaisi, että Konsta on herkkuja vailla :D

  2. Heippa Konsta! :) Ihana veikkuli!
    Onneksi olkoon uudelle tytölle! Hän on todella kaunis ja värit ovat sopivat hänelle!

    1. *Konsta vilkuttaa* :3
      Ja suuret kiitokset! <3

  3. You did a great job with the hair! :D She's really cute.
    How tall are these Azones? They seem bigger than PureNeemos, but honestly I have no idea.

    1. Thank you <3
      These bigger ones are actually around 50cm tall! Their heads are SD sized :)

  4. She does look like your style x3 ~ aahaha. She's adorable and I love what you've done with her hair! :O
    Now you have an excuse to buy all the adorable Azone 50cm clothes, right? xD;
    and omg, sloths are the cutest thing ever :3

    1. Aww thank you dear x3 ♥
      Oh yes, now I definitely have the excuse to buy even more Azone 50cm clothes XD Maru and Nami have different styles too (Maru loves light colors and everything cute, while Nami's style is a bit more mature and she likes darker colors).
      I love these sloth plushies, they're so cute! ♥

  5. Paljon onnea uudesta neitokaisesta, todellla ihanat vaatteet ja laukku! Kaikki yksityiskohdat on niin nättiä että! Tykkään tästä lyhyemmästä tukasta, hyvin olet leikannut sen. :) Lisäksi pitää kehaista leivonnaisia, oletko itse tehnyt? Herkullisen näköisiä <3 Ja vielä pieni bambikaveri <3

    Konstalle terkkuja <3 :D

    1. Kiitos paljon! ♥ Näissä Azonen fullset-julkaisuissa (niin pienissä kuin isoissa nukeissa) kyllä aina silmä lepää kaikissa ihanissa yksityiskohdissa~ Kieltämättä jännitti kamalasti leikata tämän tukkaa! XD Pureneemot on vielä helppoja, mutta isommassa päässä mahdolliset virheet näkyvät paljon helpommin... Onneksi tämä kuitenkin onnistui ihan hyvin :3
      Leivonnaiset on Sadun tekemiä c:
      Konstalta terkkuja takaisin :D

  6. Congrats on the arrival!! I love Nami with the short hair, and that purse is so so cute!!
    Also love the tiny deer <3

  7. Oh congrats! She looks pretty amazing. How do you find they compare with Pureneemo in terms of the face (decals etc.) To me, from the photos, they look better, both in scale and quality. How do you find they compare with your DDs?

    1. Thanks so much ♥ Actually, I could do a post about this at some point and share my thoughts on how they compare with Pureneemos and DDs :) Obviously it's easier to get more details on a bigger doll, so I think that's one reason why these 50cm Azone dolls might look better compared with Pureneemos.

  8. A little late, but congratulations! ^3^
    She's awesome, that fullset outfit is amazing! *__* Looks like it could go well in a steampunk setting as well, with a few accessories thrown into the mix.
    Her new hairstyle suits her very well. I'd like to cut some of my Azone dolls' bangs, but I'm afraid I'll ruin them! DD:

    1. Thank you! ♥
      Yes the outfit got me thinking of a steampunk setting as well :D
      Cutting their hair is actually quite easy, I can tell you more about how I do it in a meet-up or something :3
