November 27, 2016

The little white wolf

I've had this girl home for over 2 weeks already, but just haven't had the energy to edit the photos and write this post >_>; And there are many other posts that I've been planning to make too, just been lacking the time and energy.

But here are the box opening pictures of my newest Pureneemo! I was in a hurry when I opened her in the morning before school and didn't have time to take photos of the leaflet (like I usually do with the Azone dolls that I receive), of course I forgot to do it later when I got back home...

She looks so adorable~ ♥

But this is what her hair looked like when I took her out of the box... o_o

If you look at the company photos, you can see how big difference there is XD My girl's hair looked much longer than it's supposed to be and the style is a complete mess... Obviously I wasn't gonna leave it like that >3< I like re-styling my dolls' hair, so this wasn't a big deal for me at all, but someone who is expecting to get a doll just like in the pictures might've been quite disappointed to receive their doll like this.

Here's what my girl looks like now! ♥ I only used scissors and hot water :3

Her name is Anzu

A close-up of her cute boots~

Sarg has the previously released (and original) version of Wolf Koron, so we naturally wanted to take some photos of these two wolves together and compare their outfits piece by piece :3 

The boots are the same style, just different colors~

There's a bit bigger difference between the underskirts as they've been made of different materials.

Both versions have these cute bags ;___; (The white one belongs to this blond-haired version)

Aaaand of course both wolves had their own cute wolf hoods with paws! ♥

Are you afraid of the big bad wolf? >w<


  1. Her hair looks so much better now that you cut it!! I wonder if they just forgot to trim it after it was rooted? Anyway, she is adorable! And so are your photos <3

    1. Aww thank you ^^ I'm definitely liking it a lot more now. I wonder about why they left the hair like that though... Other people seem to receive their dolls with the messy hair too.

  2. What little sweetie pies! I adore their hair and dresses! Looks great!

  3. This one is probably my favorite Pureneemo I have seen yet :3 She soo cute! Love the outfit she came with. And those rosy little cheeks :D Awww

    1. She's one of my favorite releases too, I love everything about her! ♥ I think her cheeks have a bit more color on them compared to the other releases ;3;

  4. Oijoi, tämähän onkin paljon suloisempi tyttö kuin osasin kuvitellakaan! Mitenhän mun kuihtuneen säästötilin käy jos susityttö tulee jonnekin myyntiin... Minusta tuo olkapäämittainen tukka on yllättävän kiva, joskin parturoituna siistimmän näköinen. :D

    1. Joo tää on kyllä kovin ihana~ Kannattaa tarkkailla Mandarakea yms. Mulla tuli vähän Ulla Taalasmaa-fiilikset tuosta pidemmästä tukasta, siistittynä sekin olisi kyllä voinut olla tosi kiva :D Mutta nää lyhkäset pottatukat on mun heikkous ;___; ♥

  5. Oh gosh she is adorable! >w< I wanted one when I saw her but I forgot her while being busy with sewing. I like her new hair! The one she came with it -- ^^; Ahhaaaa quite different from the original design. Yours is much better. :D I really like the face design, those rosy cheeks and cute mouth! I think I'll do some stalking definitely. ^^; Huge congratulations!

    1. Oh yes she is >3< ♥ And thank you :D I've seen her pop up quite often on Yahoo Japan at least, she doesn't seem that rare or anything. Hope you'll be able to find her ;3

    2. I should need to learn how to use Yahoo Japan and then try to get one. *u* Thanks for the hint!

  6. Ihana blondi susihukkanen! ^3^ ♥ Ja hyvä, että pääsi käymään kampaajalla :D

    1. Kiitoksia~ Joo kampaaja tuli tällä tarpeeseen ^^;

  7. Hahaha I laught with this gift, My doll comes like yours.I think cut the hair too but Im scare... Your doll looks Really nice now👌

    1. Ahh sorry to hear that >.< Hope you could find someone to do it for you then. Though it's actually not so difficult!
      Thanks! :3

  8. Congrats1!! Love the hairstyle you have her, she came in with a wild cut haha! I would be disappointed to receive something like that because I wouldn't dare tot touch the hair x.x.... glad you know how to do it so you can fix what you don't like
    She's very pretty

    1. Thank you dear ^^ Yeah I thought that some people might not want to touch the hair at all, so it'd be a disappointment in that case if the hair was all messy >.< At least with BJDs it's easy to just change wigs, but Azone dolls are more complicated...

  9. What is going on with Azone and their Pureneemo hair? They don't seem to be keeping to the promo styles. I really love your fix of the hair. She looks a lot better now. I really love that hair and eye combination. I regret not ordering her but truth be told, the promo photos didn't really draw me in but having seen her now through your photos, she looks way better in real life. Congrats on getting her!

    1. I've been satisfied with all my other Azone dolls' hair, but I've seen that some dolls have looked really different compared to the promo pics. Great to hear that she looks good now, thanks! ^^ I can say for sure that she's even cuter in person (minus the hair problems) ;3

  10. She is so pretty, congrats!!! And wow, the hair looked so different but I love how you restyled her hair! It looks amazing now :D

    1. Thank you, glad to hear that it looks better :3

  11. Onnittelut uudelle ihanuudelle! Ja kyllä oli hiukset siellä-sun-täällä! Onneksi sakset auttavat hyvin! Todella hyvin leikattu!

    1. Kiitoksia ^^ Aina se hieman jännittää aloittaa hiusten saksiminen, mutta kyllä tuo pikku hiljaa alkaa sujua ihan kivasti!

  12. Congrats on the new arrival, and she's so adorable @o@ I love how they release different color editions of dollies :O it gives such a nice variety of choices!
    The detail on the bags and hats is so nice! :3

    1. Thank you~ I agree, it's great that Azone releases a few different versions of a certain release! Though sometimes it can be hard to choose which one to get XD
