May 21, 2017

BJD crew changes & updates

Hey guys, it's been quite a while! ...Again. Unfortunately I haven't had much inspiration nor energy for the blog lately, mainly due to all the stress from school stuff :/ But now that I'm almost done with my practical exams and the summer break is just 2 weeks away, I'll hopefully manage to be more active here XD

There are some changes happening in my BJD crew right now, so I thought I could write a post about that.


First of all, I decided to sell a few BJDs. Some of these are actually very dear to me, but I just haven't been inspired to do anything with them for years, so I thought that it's finally the time to just let go and find new homes for them ;___; I don't want to have any dolls in my crew just for the sake of them being pretty, I also need to feel inspired by them.

Deri (Soom Sweet Witch) --- Ruri (Soom Clozel) --- Lili (Luts Tiny Delf Gretel elf)

Roselle (Pipos Ringo) --- Lysithea (Soom Nyer) --- Sienna (Soom Nelen)

  Marissa (Soom Minette) --- Sindra (Souldoll Junia)

I'm planning to re-shell Marissa as one of Miyadoll's sculpts at some point and I know that I'm gonna miss Deri and Ruri for sure, so I might get them back if I ever find new sculpts for them (Souldoll?). For the others I don't have any "comeback" plans so far. For now they'll just exist as characters in our RP story :3


There's also a new arrival that I haven't posted about on my blog yet. I received Ryx, my Soom ID75 York around 6 weeks ago, but he arrived with a head that didn't match the rest of the doll at all >.< I was so disappointed that I didn't want to post the box opening pictures anywhere. I had to send the head and a hand (for color matching) back to Soom and wait for them to send me another head, which I finally received this week.

I still don't think that the match is 100% perfect, but it's not really noticeable anymore. Now I'm happy with Ryx and hoping to show him with a faceup soon~ ♥ He only has boxers and shoes so far, so I need to make some clothes for him as well XD I could've worked on something while I was waiting for the new head, but the disappointing situation didn't really inspire me to do anything for him... Now that everything's okay, I can finally feel myself getting inspired by this guy!

I got my Frappzilla wig order a little before the replacement head arrived and it was great to see that this wig fits him perfectly! ♥ I had been a bit worried about the fit, since ID guys have quite huge heads XD I loooove this wig~ ♥ I think I'll add some extensions to the back though, just to make it a little bit longer and even better looking.


  1. Heippa hei ja kiva että löysit aikaa blogille. Olen ollut kurkkailemassa silloin sun tällöin. Mutta niin se elämä on, joskus opiskelu, työ, muut harrastukset ja elämä ottaa oman ajan. Nyt on kesä tulossa, miten ihanaa, ja vapaat päivät. Toivon mukaan myös ihanat ilmat.

    Ajattelin tässä Sting:in kappaletta….”If you love somebody, if you love someone set them free….” Nukkejen myyminen on vaikeaa, tiedän sen itse. On ollut ajatus, mutta vielä ovat luonani. Kerran oli jopa ajatus että kaikki ulos, pieni hetki tyhjyyttä ja sitten alkaa alusta. Niin kuin ”decluttering”. Toivottavasti löydät uudet ja kivat kodit nukeille.

    Ja onnea uudelle komealle Ryxille. Harmi että pään väri oli väärä. Onneksi loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin!

    Hyvää uutta tulevaa viikkoa!

    1. Blogiin kirjoittaminen on mukavaa puuhaa ja ehdottomasti koitan pitää tätä elossa, vaikka kiireisimpinä aikoina ei välttämättä kauhean usein ehdikään postata ^^; Ihania ilmoja kesäksi tosiaan toivotaan mahdollisimman paljon~

      Nukkejen myyminen osaa kyllä olla välillä hirmu vaikeaa, mutta sitten kun saa päätöksen tehtyä niin tulee helpottunut olo. Joskus nukke ei inspiroi mutta hahmo on rakas, joskus taas nukke on hirmu ihana mutta hahmoon ei meinaa saada yhteyttä. Monimutkaista hahah XD Mutta joo, osalle näistä onkin jo löytynyt uusi koti/ovat osamaksussa, toivottavasti loputkin löytävät vielä ostajat :3

      Kiitoksia! ♥ Soomilla kyllä tuntuu sattuvan näitä kaikenmaailman mokia vähän turhan usein... Mutta onneksi sentään korjasivat tilanteen ^^;

  2. Damn, Soom really haven't improved their recently terrible QC, eh? Sorry to hear it, but glad you finally managed to get him complete! I love reading about reorganizing doll families! Haha, I am looking forward to some group photos of your dolls after the "purging" lol!

    1. Yeah, it's still quite terrible >.< But at least they fix their mistakes, it's just a shame that the customer needs to point out things like this...

      Oh I should definitely take that group photo at some point! XD No promises though, hahah...

  3. A late congrats on York! He is a very handsome sculpt. And best wishes on your dolls sale. I'll definitely miss Deri and Ruri. <3

    1. Thank you ^w^ I've always liked York as a sculpt, so couldn't resist getting him when Soom finally re-released him (it's been many years since the original release).

      Yeah, I'll miss Deri and Ruri too :< Maybe one day I'll find new sculpts that work even better for their characters!

  4. Great to read something new from you dear! Hopefully you can enjoy your fee weeks soon ^^!

    And yes I can understand the point with selling dolls, sometimes it is bette rto let them go I also sold a few and still selling some of my crew! I wish you'll find (or already found new lovely homes!)

    Congrats to Ryx he looks so cool! I am eager to see him with a face up!


    1. Awww hello dear~ ♥ I hope everything is okay! ^w^

      Yeah selling dolls can be quite sad, but sometimes it's just the right decision. Some of the dolls have already found new homes/are on layaway :)

      Thank you~ Sarg has actually finished his faceup and has posted some photos on her Instagram! I'll also post the photos on my blog at some point, I'm just slow and lazy hahah XD

    2. Thanks! Yes Indeed it is good to be back slowly ^//^ ♥ And I do hope you are also doing well!

      So I am looking forward then x//3 for now I won't get back to IG.

      Have a nice day!♥^^

  5. Congrats on the new arrival!! It is great to hear from you!
    Also, best of luck with the selling. It is sad to see some of your amazing crew go, but your collection must make you happy! I cannot wait to see what you will do <3

    1. Thank you :3
      Yeah, there are times when some dolls just have to go... It can be a difficult decision, but the right thing to do in the end :)
