September 17, 2015

How to be a hamster~!

Here's a fun little photoshoot / story from today~
Susumi and Sarg's Miyuki have one thing in common - they both really love hamsters! ♥ Miyu wanted to get to know the newest resident in the house and ended up teaching Susumi how to do her favorite pose - the hamster hands XD Scroll down to find out how their first meeting went~

By the way, I changed Susu's wig and really like how this two-toned For My Doll wig looks on her~ ;3; It was not supposed to be hers, but I think she kinda stole it... I don't really have any carefully thought character for Susu (at least for now), she's just my pretty baby that can wear any kind of wigs, clothes and accessories I find cute, but I think she's mostly going to wear sweet lolita, mori kei and combination of the two~ Brown is definitely my favorite wig color for her, but I'm sure I won't be able to resist trying out some cute pastel wigs as well ♥♥

Without any further rambling, here's the photoshoot!

Susumi: "H-hey... D: So small..."
Miyuki: "Hi~ My name is Miyuki, nice to meet you :3"
Susumi: "Nice to meet you too ; . ; That's a cute hamster you have..."

Miyuki: "Would you like to learn how to pose like a cute hamster? :3"
Susumi: "H-how? o.o"

Miyuki: "You just need to put your hands like this :3"
Susumi: "L-like this? o////o"

Susumi: "Am I doing it right? ; //// ;"
Looks like Lettie the hamster approves XD

Miyuki: "You did great, good job! :3 *pat pat*"
Susumi: "T-thank you~ ; //// ; *holds tightly*"

Miyuki: "Can we be friends? :3"
Susumi: "I-if you'd like ;___; My first friend..."

Hamster overload X''D Greetings and hugs to all hamster fans! ♥

Azones and now Susu have pretty much stolen my attention, so sadly I've been kinda neglecting my BJDs for a while now, but I'm planning to take some photos of them this weekend ^3^ There are many sewing and crafting projects to do as well~

Hope you enjoyed these photos and have a great weekend! ♥


  1. Ihanaa hamstereita!! ♡ Q v Q Niin söpöt neidit ja kuvat. Mistä ihmeestä tuollaisia üüber täydellisiä vaatteita saapi nun~
    Rakastan tuota kuvaa, jossa näkyy molempien neitejen sivuprofiili! <33
    Hitsi, nyt on ollut aivan hirvee nukkehinku Dolfie Dreamejen kohdalla. (@ w @)-☆
    Heti kun näkee jollain toisella nukkeilijalla sellatteen, niin tulee vähä kateellinen tunne xD yay..♡♡

    1. Hamsterit on tosiaan suloisia~ Ei varmaankaan huomaa tästä hamsteriaiheisen krääsän hamstrauksesta miten kova kuume olisi saada oikea lemmikkihamsteri >3<

      Kiitoksia~ Näiden kuvien asuissa yhdistyy itsetehtyä ja Taobaon ihmeellisestä maailmasta ostettua :3

      DD:t on kyllä tosi ihania, en ihmettele jos sellainen tekisi mieli hankkia ^^ Näitä on onneksi paljon erilaisia saatavilla, että jokaiselle varmasti löytyy omanlaisensa~

  2. Susu does look good in that colour wig too. I bet she's going to be one of those dolls that can wear pretty much any wig and get away with it. The photo of Susu and Miyuki together is just so adorable. The size difference is so cute. And those hamsters, wow, those are really nice looking hamsters. They look so soft too.

    Really lovely photos as always. That last photo of all of them I could definitely see on a greeting card!

    1. Hahah I do agree X'D Just today I tried some pastel colored wigs on her and they looked super cute as well~ Brown shades are what I like the most on her though, I have a few incoming wigs that I'm sure will be perfect <3

      Pureneemos look like SD sized dolls for DDs XD I love "dolls with dolls" kind of pictures, there's always something so adorable about them! These plushie hamsters are really soft indeed ;3;

      Thanks so much! Would be fun to send some doll-themed greeting cards to friends ^^

  3. This was too cute!! sweetness overload xD
    Miyuki is such a nice and brave person, to go there and say hello to such a big lady XD

    1. Thank you very much ^3^
      Hahah Miyuki was quite brave to do that! XD Though I guess Susumi doesn't seem so scary, I'm sure she was more scared of Miyuki than the other way around...

  4. How wonderful and cute the two of them are together with all those little hamsters, I love it! The wig is lovely on Susumi, she is very much a sweet lolita style girl. Superb photos as always Safir, you have a good eye for capturing just the right poses.

    1. Thank you so much, Xanadu~ I'm flattered to hear that ^^ I think DDs and Pureneemos are quite easy and fun to pose! Now I need to get more clothes for Susumi, some sweet lolita and some mori girl as well <3 I love both of those styles a lot~

  5. Miyuki is so tiny <3 This is just adorable! Thank you for the smiles!

    1. Thank you, glad to hear the pictures made you smile <3

  6. This is way too cute! Love the last picture, it's my favorite. (◕‿◕✿)

    1. Aww thanks a lot :3 Many hamsters in the last photo, hahah~

  7. Cute pictures *o* Susu is just adorable in every way imaginable~~~ x333 cuteness everywhere~

    And I hope you will also post more pics of your other BJDs soon~~ :D :D

    1. Thank you so much ;3; I'm just head over heels in love with the cuteness of this girl~

      Oh I will try!! I planned to take some BJD photos this weekend, but didn't have the time in the end :/ I'm starting to miss taking photos of my BJD crew, I feel like it's been too long >3< Hopefully I'll have the time soon, I do have some photoshoot ideas on my mind already~

  8. Such a cute story!!! They are lovely :3
    I really like that two toned FMD wig on her, but I hope you will find what you are looking for soon!

    1. Thank you very much ^^
      I was planning on a darker shade of brown for her wig, but this lighter one looks so pretty too... I guess both is good? XD This wig belonged to another doll of mine though, hopefully she won't mind Susu borrowing/stealing it ^^;

  9. Apua mikä ihana Azone tyty! :) Ihanat värit näissä kuvissa. ♥

  10. Iiihania kuvia! ♥o♥ Sydän suli totaalisesti! Varsinkin ton vikan kuvan kohdalla! X3

    1. Kiitoss <3 Mukava kuulla että tämä hamsteri vallankumous lämmitti sydäntä :)

  11. Voi mitkä söpöläiset!! Toi uus peruukki sopii Susulle ihan täydellisesti! >w<
    Pureneemojen ja DD:den yhteiskuvat on aina ihan ällösöpöjä kun se kokoero on niin valtava! ♡

    1. Kiitoksia ^3^ Susu kyllä tykästyi tähän toiselta nukelta varastettuun peruukkiin... Omiakin on tulossa, mutta saa nähdä suostuuko tämä enää niitä käyttämään X'D

      Joo DD:n ja Pureneemon kokoero on valtava, mutta näyttävät silti kovin söpöiltä samoissa kuvissa!!

  12. Oh gosh they are soooo cute! The hamsters are super adorable and how cute was Susu having a friend from Miyuki! ^___^

    1. Thank you ^^ Funny story-like things like this are really fun to make! I also enjoy how these dolls give a chance for more randomness, since they don't have as carefully thought stories and all that, like our BJDs have.

  13. I get why Susumi might steal all attention. She's adorable! :3 The story was super cute too!

    1. Aww thanks so much, glad you liked the story! ^^ I do always feel a bit bad if I give too much attention to one doll and leave the others neglected... But Susu just arrived, so I guess this is understandable XD

  14. Onnittelut ensimmäisestä Dollfie Dreamista näin jälkikäteen! Aivan mahtavaa että onnistuit saamaan unelmanukkesi! ;) Ja näitä kuvia katsellessa tosiaan huomaa että Mariko on kuin luotu sinun nukeksesi. On se vaan niin kaunis~

    Ihana tämä hamsteriteema! ^3^ Minullekin pikkujyrsijät ovat kovin rakkaita, vaikka gerbiilit ovatkin itselle lemmikkeinä tutumpia. Joskus haluaisin omistaa myös hamsterin, mainiot Hamsteripäiväkirjat-sarjakuvan innoittamana elo hamstereiden kanssakin vaikuttaa oikein hupaisalta. :)

    ...kunpa joku japanilainen hahmotehtailija tekisi gerbiilipehmoleluja... <3

    1. A wild Spica has appeared! :D Yay kiitos kovasti~ ♥ On kieltämättä vieläkin tosi huikeat fiilikset, että tämä unelma tosiaan nököttää täällä vieressä assdsf! Joistain nukeista on vaan sellanen hassu tunne jo etukäteen, tietää että toi on just mun nukke ja käsitys on vain vahvistunut sen jälkeen kun sai nuken kotiin :3

      Pikkujyrsijät on tosiaan rakkaita ♥ Minulla on ollut vain yksi hamsteri itsellä, mutta kavereiden jne. kautta on tullut tutustuttua myös gerbiileihin ja marsuihin. Hamsterit on kuitenkin se itselle tärkein edelleen, jotenkin samaistun niihin eniten ja koen omaksi XD

      Gerbiilipehmolelut oli kyllä aika söpöjä! Tai entäs gerbiilinukke ;3
