September 15, 2015

Susu-chan / DDS Mariko arrival~

Yaay, my first Dollfie Dream and grail doll Mariko is home at last~ ♥ I noticed that she was already in the customs on Saturday, while usually the tracking doesn't update at all on weekends D: Looks like even the post office knew how special this doll is to me and how anxious I was to get her home, as they were really fast with forwarding her after I'd paid the custom fees and all :D

Since we'd had problems with the EMS deliveries (the person who brings the packages doesn't know the code to the front door), we put a huuuge note on the door telling to call me so I can come to open the door. To our surprise our doorbell rang in the morning and after chatting a while with the lady, she told me that she'd been on parental leave for a while and didn't know our door code after getting back to work (these are new buildings), but now she knows and can deliver our packages from now on! :3 Great news!

Anyway, here comes the box opening of Susumi alias Susu-chan! ^o^

The outer box, which hadn't taken any damage during the shipping!

Seagull Jaanatar is my assistant here and helping with opening the box :'D

The inner box!

There are a few cute pictures of Mariko on the box ;3;

Waaah, I can already see her face a bit *O*

Lol, cyber age?? XD

Out of the box~ She was packed very safely :3

;____; ♥ That face, love at first sight~~ 

From the promo pictures her eyes seemed brown (at least on my screen), but in person they actually have a green/olive tint! Not what I had expected, but still really pretty for default eyes :) And it's fun that my eyes are actually the same; sometimes they seem brown, sometimes they look more green-ish XD

Hahah she looks like a baby wrapped in a blanket like this XDD

The outfit and other accessories she came with ♥

A lovely thank you rose ;___; I saw a picture of these roses on Twitter, but didn't realize that Volks is going to send them with the dolls! Such a lovely gesture, I think~ I might remember wrong, but I think the roses in the Twitter picture where actually dark red D: I really love this pink one though, I generally prefer pink roses over red ones, hahah...

Two leaflets, one with photos of Mariko and "instructions" on how to put on her outfit, the other has general DD information, like photos of all the different bodies (+ measurements), hand and other extra parts, eyes, etc.

Inside the Mariko leaflet

Back of the Mariko leaflet

A funny comparison, my hair color matches pretty much 100% with Mariko's wig :''D

After dressing Susu up, I thought I would take just one quick test photo, but she's so damn adorable and inspires me so I went quite photo happy ^^;

It's a bit hard to explain and might sound weird, but I really see myself in this doll... Her hair and eyes are like mine, and she has this very insecure, anxious and even a bit sad expression on her face. I see so much when I look at her ;__; To me she's not just an ordinary doll, even the word "grail" doesn't quite explain how much she means to me... She symbolizes myself, who I am, what I've been through and how despite everything, I've always been a dreamer and believed that there's a way to achieve your dreams. A few years ago I would've never thought that I'd one day hold this doll in my arms ♥

Susu really likes the cute pouch that matches her yukata~ ♥

Shoes and cute toes! ♥♥

That was the photo spam, for now >:3  I've ordered Susumi a pair of eyes, as well as some clothes and shoes from Taobao, but those will still take a while to arrive, so for now she'll be wearing her pretty default gear~ Though I might try on some of the wigs that I have and see how she looks with them! I also need to order some extra hands from Volks, since she only came with one pair and I want to have more for a variety of poses :3

I'd love to do a custom faceup on Susu at some point, but her default looks pretty so I'm in no hurry. I also want to be extra cautious with her and find out what products are 100% safe to use and won't stain her pretty face ;___; Vinyl is such a scary material compared to resin and I really don't want anything to happen to my Mariko...

Okay, I guess I'll go now and finally eat some breakfast... It's almost noon and I still haven't eaten anything, I've been so excited about this girl ^^;; But I'm really, really happy to have her home at last, the whole morning I've been smiling ear to ear~ ♥


  1. She is very lovely, worth all the trouble ;3; Love her mouth, such a delicate expression <3 And that plush is adorable! Yay Mariko!

    1. Thankies~ Oh yes, she's definitely worth all the trouble! ♥ I can't get over her cute expression and the plush is adorable as well XD

  2. Congrats on getting her!!! She looks so stunning and gorgeous!!
    Which eye color are you getting? Hope all those stuff will get home soon! :D

    1. Thank you! ♥ I'm stunned by her for sure~
      The eyes I ordered for her are purple (my favorite color hahah), but I might test some other colors later as well :) Some of the Taobao stuff still hasn't arrived to the shopping service, so it'll still take a while before I get to try out everything >3<

  3. I can see why you fell in love with this gorgeous girl. She is certainly a beauty. I really love her innocent face, those big eyes that are such a lovely colour, the wig looks great on her and just everything about her is so sweet and sincere.

    A very big congratulations. You sound so happy to have her which makes me smile a lot. There's no other feeling to compare to finally having a doll you've dreamed about for a long time finally be yours.

    Looking forward to any photo spam of her you decide to post.

    1. Thank you so much, Alasse~ I'm really happy about her, there are no words to describe the feeling ^^ I've witnessed many people getting their grail dolls and it always makes me really happy for them too, I love how it's possible to feel the happiness of a person through just text and photos! ♥

      I'm sure I'll be spamming lots of photos of her >:3

  4. EI VITSI KUN ON SÖPÖH! ♥♥ *o* ~~ En ole kyllä ikinä nähnyt suloisempaa Dolfie Dream nukkea, kuin tämä Mariko. ;_;Tappavan söpö!
    Onnea❤ ( ˇ▽ˇ ) ❤ Mistä tilasit neitosen? Haluaisin saada tietää, kun en ole oikein ollut kärryillä missä näitä söpöstyksiä myydään. 030

    1. Kiitos paljon ^^ Mariko on tosiaan ehdottomasti oma lempparini Dollfie Dreameistä, vaikka niiden joukosta muitakin söpöyksiä löytyy~

      Näiden nukkejen tilaussysteemi on pääsääntöisesti aika hankala ja rajattu, esim. tälle Marikolle järjestettiin "lotto" johon ihmiset osallistuivat ja onnekkaat voittajat saivat sitten ostaa nuken itselleen. Volks ei tietääkseni ole koskaan julkaissut mitään infoa siitä kuinka monta nukkea olisi jaossa tms. joten ihan tuurista tosiaan kiinni saako ostettua nuken vai ei :( Volksilla on myynnissä myös joitain jatkuvasti saatavia perusmalleja, niin kokonaisina nukkeina kuin pelkkinä päinäkin.

  5. Onnittelut vielä kerran tästä kaunokaisesta! Nghhgh on se niiin suloinen!! >u< ♥
    Hauska sattuma, että teillä mätsää noin hyvin yhteen silmien ja hiusten väri ^^

    1. Hih, kiitoksia kovasti ;3; ♥ *onnensa kukkuloilla*
      Joo tuli kuvistakin kyllä katseltua, että näyttää aika samalle silmien ja hiusten värit kuin itsellä, mutta jännä oli huomata niiden olevan ihan täydellinen mätsi!

  6. Yaaay, so happy to see your lovely mariko x3 She is super pretty and I know what you mean about her slightly sad/insecure expression, it's just so adorable though x3

    I'd be extra careful with wigs - I had a blonde wig on her and even that mildly stained her head ToT... I'm really afraid of staining my Mariko further too... ToooT
    By the way, mine came with a yellow rose XD! I believe yellow rose means "hatred"? LOL. not a good sign.

    1. Yaay thank you x3 I really do love her expression~

      I'm very concerned about staining her ; . ; I've read that DDs can stain very easily, so I want to do everything I can to prevent it. Did you use a protective wig cap or something with the blonde wig? D: It sounds quite scary if even that doesn't help... I made Susumi a white, protective bodysuit (similar to the bodysuits that Volks sells) which hopefully will help at least a little bit. I'm not planning to use any dark color clothes for her, I'd be so anxious all the time @.@

      Ohh, I didn't know that the color of the roses can vary, that's quite fun! XD I actually think that yellow rose describes joy, delight and friendship, though I guess these things could vary in different countries etc. Pink roses mean gentleness and admiration, which was quite perfect for me hahah XD

  7. Onneksi olkoon vielä kerran! Voi kun tämä typykkä on sievä <3
    Tämä on ehdoton lempparini kaikista DD malleista, ja aikoinaan pohdin että jos hankkisin DD:n, se olisi tämä JOS juuri tämä malli ei olisi niin helskutin kallis :D.

    Joo, hartseista onneksi saa lähes minkä vain lian pois, vaikka sitten hiomalla, mutta vinyyliset on kyllä ihan oma pelottava juttunsa. Mutta tarkkana vain tummien vaatteiden ja peruukkien kanssa ja jos vaan voi niin pesee ne huolellisesti tai tekee alle jonkun alusvaatteen joka suojaa.

    1. Kiitoksia ^^ Noi jälkimarkkinahinnat on kyllä aivan järkyttäviä, jotain 1000-1200usd paikkeilla noita aiempia versioita näkyi myynnissä, Yahoo Japanin hinnat tuntuivat joskus menevän vähän alle tonnin, mutta joo... Tän loton kautta suoraan Volksilta ostettuna hinta ei ollut kuin about puolet siitä mitä käytetystä olisi joutunut maksamaan ^^; Tätä Summer Festival versiota on näkynyt myös Y!J puolella ja vielä ihan kohtuulliseen hintaan ;)

      Joo suojapuku tuli tehtyä heti ensimmäisenä ja peruukin allakin on hirveät suojakerrastot, oon oikeesti tosi vainoharhanen ja ylivarovainen tän kanssa X'D Ilmeisesti vaaleatkin peruukit ja vaatteet voi värjätä, mutta toivottavasti nää suojajärjestelyt ees jotain estäisi... Volksilta saa myös ihonväristä teippiä jolla nukkea voi suojata ja jotain ihmeainettakin jolla tahrojen poiston pitäisi onnistua hätätapauksessa D:

  8. She's lovely, congrats!!!
    The photos are as gorgeous as ever but I feel happier seeing this photos than other of yours, maybe it's because you are so happy with her? :D
    I love the default outfit but I agree that she needs more hands X)!! That will be so fun for photos!
    I usually don't like default face ups for DDs but this one is really lovely! Congrats on getting your super grail!

    1. Thank you! ♥
      Awww really ^////^ I do love all of my dolls, but there are always those few that are more special than others~ Susu makes me indeed very, very happy!

      Volks has a nice selection of extra hands and they seem quite easy to change as well, so I'm sure I'll have lots of fun with them in the future :)

      Yeah the DD default faceups can look quite plain and even a bit boring, sometimes they don't really do justice to the sculpt at all. But I do think Mariko's faceup is really cute and compliments all of her cute features ♥ It would be great to do a custom faceup at some point, but I don't feel confident enough for that yet ^^;

  9. Onneksi olkoon ihanasta uudesta tytöstä! <3 Voi miten ihana tuo mukana tullut violetti otus (kissa?), haluaisin samanlaisen. :'D

    1. Kiitos miljoonasti <3 Mullekin tulee tästä violetista pehmosta ekana kissa mieleen, olisikohan se joku kissan ja lepakon risteytys tai jotain sinnepäin :'D Söpö otus joka tapauksessa!

  10. Congratulations Safir, she is the perfect choice. She is extremely photogenic, and looks so beautiful in all those shots. Isn't amazing how quickly the time flies when you're having fun with dolls?

    1. Thank you dear~ ♥ I've only taken a few photos of my friends' DDs before and it still surprises me how photogenic these dolls are!
      Oh yes I agree that the time just flies when having fun with dolls ^^

  11. Congratulations, Mariko is my favorite dollfie dream. She is very beautiful, I love her melancholic expression!

    1. Thank you ^^ Many people seem to love Mariko (even my girlfriend who doesn't like DDs that much is crazy about this girl, hahah) and I don't wonder why, she's really adorable~

  12. She is so pretty! And I love all the extras that came with her too--even the box is beautiful! She just looks like a special doll <3 Congratulations on getting her!

    1. Thanks so much :3 I agree that all the extras and the box as well are really beautiful~

  13. Onnittelut aivan älyttömän suloisesta tytöstä! :) Nuo kasvot ovat vain niin ihanat, niihin ihan sulaa! ;_; Sait juuri uuden lukijan!

    1. Kiitoksia kovasti onnisteluista ja ei muuta kuin tervetuloa lukijaksi~ :3

  14. Suurenmoiset onnittelut! ^^ On tosi söpö uutukainen ja ihanat vaatteet ja kaikki. Todella suloista että Volks laittoi ruusun mukaan. :)

    1. Voi kiitos ^^ Tämä tyttö on kyllä fullsettinäkin aivan täydellinen~ Tämä ruusuidea on tosi ihana, ihme että säilyi elossa ja kuivumatta Suomeen asti!

  15. (A little late but)
    Congraaats! She's absolutely adorable! I love her fullset, I sometimes wish I had an excuse for buying a Kimono/Yukata for a doll, but in my resin crew it would be way too random. But maybe I'll have the chance someday! Haha.

    1. Thanks a lot :3 I rarely like fullset dolls, but this one is just so pretty! ♥ A few of my resin dolls have yukata/kimono as well, even though it's a bit random for them ^^; But they could always be like for photos when the character's travelling to Japan or something!
