March 8, 2016

Sugar, spice, and everything nice

Sarg's Kikipop girl Popo finally got a wig that perfectly fits her from Crobidoll ^3^ This inspired me to sew her a new dress, using this super cute fabric that I got a while back. Sarg added some little decorations to it (a bow and cute heart-shaped buttons) and also made a matching headbow~ Popo loves sugary things and soft animals, so the print of this fabric is perfect for her XD

It would be nice to get another Kikipop as a friend for Popo-chan at some point, but for now we're content with just this one girl x3 The new releases with the cute bunny hoodies are adorable, but since it's easy for me to make the clothes myself, I'd rather choose a Kikipop based on the eye color. The earlier versions with pastel purple and pink eyes are quite tempting >3<

Hope you enjoy Popo's sweet and a little bit silly photos~ ♥


  1. So adorable!! *__*
    She is such a cutie! Good job on the dress and everything. She looks so sweeeet <3

  2. Eeiih, ei tällaisia syötävän suloisia kuvia Kikipopeista nyt, kun pitäisi pysyä lujana ja vastustaa uusia nukkehankintoja! X'3 Ihana tuo mekko ♥

    1. Heheh, kyllä sinnekin varmasti yksi Kikipop mahtuisi ;3

  3. Oh Safir doesn't she look the cutest wee thing, the little dress you made suits her to a T, but the donuts are making me hungry. :) I love little border prints to sew with, but they are hard to find and that one is exceptional.

    1. Thank you so much :) I guess that's always the negative side of dealing with candy or pastry themed fabrics - just looking at them makes you hungry (and craving for sweet things...)! I wish fabrics like this were a lot easier to find :/

  4. That dress is so sweet~ love the fabric :D!!! Is kiki smaller than a yoSD? She looks so big in the photos so now I'm confused XD

    The wig suits her perfectly too, is that powder brown? love that color, though I've sold all the wigs I had with that color +_+ need to get me a new one down the road XD

    The photo with the "mustache" reminds me of portrait photos of Dali haha

    1. Thank you ^^ She has MSD sized head and a bit different proportions from yoSDs, so she's quite an unique size. Which makes finding clothes quite difficult, if you need to rely on buying everything. She is bigger than I had expected too XD Maybe we could take some comparison shots of her with yoSDs!

      Yup it's powder brown! I looove that color as well, it's such a pretty shade <3 I don't have any for my dolls either, but at least now there's one doll in the house with that color XD

      Hahah now that you mentioned it, I can see the resemblance too XDD

  5. She is just so cute!!!! So adorable!
    And I love the fabric of that dress!!

  6. No voi, miten söötti. Paras istua paikallaan ja yrittää olla tilaamatta Kikipop-nukke. Sitä kyllä ollaan katseltu monesti, niin kuka tietää. Ihana mekko! <3

    1. Kiitoksia <3 Kikipopit on kyllä kovin ihania ja valloittavia tapauksia, hienoa että niistä tuntuu tulevan uusia julkaisuja nyt tasaiseen tahtiin! Jospa sieltä joku eksyisi vielä sinnekin ;)

  7. Gorgeous photos! Popo-chan looks adorable. I love her dress and of course, all that pink is lovely. The wig suits her little perfect face beautifully!

  8. She's sooo cute, I love the fabric pattern on her dress!

    The little background is also really nice, the wallpaper is the best! :O

    1. Thank you dear! ♥
      I love the background too, it's so fun to use different kinds of papers as backgrounds for doll photos ^^

  9. Voi miten söpö! Ja tuo kangas! Joskus on hyvästä jemistellä jotain ihanaa kangasta inspiraatiota varten. :D Viiksijuttu hiuksilla - nauroin tälle ääneen jo aikasemmin kun bongasin kuvan. Ja voi nuo pienet alpakat. <3

    1. Kiitoksia x3 Joo kaikkia söpöjä kankaita on aina pakko rohmuta jos vastaan sattuu tulemaan, vaikkei aina juuri sillä hetkellä olisikaan mitään hajua mistä siitä jotain tekisi tai kenelle :D Yleensä aina sillon kun sitä inspistä olisi ja vartavasten lähtee jotain tiettyä etsimään, niin ei sitä kaupoista siinä vaiheessa löydy kumminkaan...

      Popo kyllä keksii kaikkia hassuja juttuja XD

  10. Voi Popo ja sen ihanat alpakat! ^_^ Mäkin toivoisin vertailukuvaa yosdn kera, vaikka vielä enemmän pitäis vaan nähdä tällanen livenä jossain, ei sitä varmaan muuten kunnolla hahmota XD

    1. Hih kiitos ^^ Joo täytyy yrittää muistaa ottaa jossain vaiheessa tässä tuollainen vertailukuva! Helpoimmin varmaan tietysti hahmottaisi koon livenä, mutta ehkä tuosta vertailusta jotain osviittaa saisi XD
