March 11, 2016

The complicated arrival of Takane Shijou

This girl already arrived yesterday, but much later than I had expected so I didn't have the energy to write the post and edit the box opening photos last night =.= Getting her was quite a complex process right until the end, so I wanted to share the whole story!

I originally lost Takane in the Volks lottery, but managed to buy her from a person who had won and didn't want her anymore. This great person even sold her to me for the lottery price without asking for any extra, even though Takane was so popular that she was going for almost double price right away... Most of the winners seemed to be in Japan and apparently many of them just scalpers, so I feel so lucky with this amazing deal! ♥

Takane was shipped from the US on February 10th and was supposed to take 6-10 business days to reach Finland by Priority shipping. For 7 days she wandered in the US and on February 17th the tracking updated for the last time... I waited and waited, but there were no news on her so I was getting extremely worried and thought that she was lost or something ;___; But then finally this week I got a letter from the customs about a package from the US, with a completely different tracking code! Apparently the code had changed somewhere along the way before the package had left the country :D In the end, it took exactly a month to the day I got her home.

Yesterday I was up since 8am, anxiously waiting for the mailman to deliver my packages. They usually come somewhere between 8am and 10am, but that was not the case this time. Finally, at around 1pm I saw the mailman drive behind the building to the yard and was expecting the doorbell to rang any second. But nope. A few minutes later, I saw how the van just drives away...


Apparently the usual delivery person wasn't at work or something, and this other person didn't have the keys to get inside the building =_= If I had known this, I would've run to the front door. But of course I had expected that it's the same woman who always delivers our packages and has the key.

Then, I had to wait for the tracking to update that the package can be picked up from the post office. I had a few other packages waiting there as well, so of course I wanted to pick them up at the same time to save some trouble. They just recently closed our post office and moved their services to a little kiosk, which is a bit farther away from our apartment. At 4pm I was finally able to pick up Takane and the other packages.

The long-waited box!

The inner box

What the heck is wrong with that one eye X'DD

All the accessories were packed carefully

VERY carefully :'D The hairband came in a plastic cover that was inside the little white box...

So pretty! ♥

The boots, these are quite cool XD

The wig, which was quite disappointing... I'll talk more about it a bit later!

A little leaflet that has many useful things, like instructions for doll care, measurements for all the different Dollfie Dream bodies and photos of the different standard head models/eye collection/wig collection.

Another leaflet for Takane

This one only has these two pages - first page just shows the accessories that came with the doll piece by piece

Instructions on how the belt works and how the hands and feet need to be removed to put on the wristbands and pants. My brain was apparently not with me when I took this photo and looked at this page, since I started putting the pants on Takane without taking off the feet and wondered why it doesn't work ^^;; 

Back cover of the leaflet

Moving on to the mummy doll itself!

Almost there...

Yaaay, pretty face! ♥♥ I'd already admired some owner pictures of her, but I have to say that she looks even more stunning in person *3* The faceup looks really pretty too, though I'm not a big fan of the grey eyebrows. I'm planning to re-paint her at some point after I manage to paint my Saber project head first and figure out what kind of faceup I want this girl to have.

A little bit of the side profile, gotta love that cute nose! ♥

Front view

Tried the default wig on her and now you can probably see why I mentioned that this was quite a disappointment... First of all, the fiber quality feels really cheap, like 80s Barbie hair or party wigs D: It's super shiny as well and the curls are really messy. The fiber quality didn't really inspire me to try to do anything to the curls and I doubt you could use heat on this, at least it looks like the whole thing would just melt XDD As a cherry on top of the cake, the head cap shows through on top of the wig.

Better view of the head cap showing through... I tried to move some of the hair to cover it, but they just won't stay there and want to part right there >_<; Usually it doesn't bother me if the wig cap shows where the side bangs part, but this wig has straight bangs so there shouldn't be a parting at all, lol...

It's not so obvious if you don't take closeups and the hairband covers it as well :'D I also dressed Takane in her default outfit. It's pretty and otherwise functional, but the vest thing won't stay on nicely... I was planning to keep her fullset stuff, but I don't like them that much after all so I'll probably try to sell them to someone who's a bigger fan of the character :)

Super shiny plastic hair...

After these fullset photos, I removed the default eyes and started trying out other eyes and wigs. The eyes that I had bought for her didn't look so nice, the style was a bit too round and the blue color too bright. I'm gonna have to order a new pair once I figure out the right color :3

I haven't even mentioned her name yet, have I? I decided to name her Kasumi, which is often translated as "mist". I thought that this name suits her more mature face and a bit mysterious personality perfectly. She's like a big sister / onee-sama type of figure to my other DD girls, who are a few years younger than her ^^

I fell in love with this eye style, though the color is wrong :'D These look pretty for sure, but since Susu already has purple eyes, I don't want another girl with the same eye color.

This wig is one of the two that I bought for Kasumi~ It's more of a casual, daily style for those days when she doesn't have a lot of time for doing her hair and makeup, or doesn't want to look too over the top. She classifies her dressing style as a hime gyaru.

This super poofy hime gyaru wig is for the days when she wants to go the extra mile and look like a true princess~ I wish this style was available in the same color as the other wig >3< I like that color a lot more, but couldn't resist getting this style since it's so perfect for the hime gyaru look! Perhaps the platinum blonde is her "own hair", while this one is just a wig? :'D

Did some eye color testing in Photoshop, need to figure out which one of these I like the most ^^; Right now I'm leaning towards brown...

That's pretty much it for this box opening and the first photos of Kasumi~ Now I have a lot of sewing and accessorizing  to do >3< I'll be sharing more info and photos of Kasumi at least once she gets proper eyes and some clothes! ♥


  1. She's so cute! I love the color of her default wig, but the quality is disappointing--the hime gyaru wig is much nicer..maybe she needs 2? I like the gold and the gray eyes in her, but everything looks cute :D I love how these girls pose, too! I think you will have a lot of fun with her once you get her looking the way you want her to. <3

    1. Thank you! Yeah the default wig has a pretty color, too bad that the quality wasn't so good :/ Since Kasumi wears wigs as a character too, it's not a problem to get multiple wigs for her even if they're a bit different colors! I was thinking of ordering a few different eyes to try out, probably those gray-ish brown and orange/gold ones :D Since they might look a bit different in person than on the sales photos, I'd have option B in case the option A isn't as nice as I would've thought~

      DD girls do have a great poseability and they're really fun to photograph! I also love how light-weight they are compared to SD sized BJDs, it makes travelling with them a lot easier :3

  2. Congrats!!! She's very pretty and I love the brown eyes look the most, it looks amazing with the blonde wig (that I prefer over the other color).

    The volks wig looks really bad I agree, I was thinking in those cheap wigs they sell for halloween and new years with the first photo and then you pointed it out too (it's the shine in it that makes it look cheap imo).

    You suffered all the trials and tribulations with this package, but it's finally over~

    1. Thanks!! :3 Those brown ones I my favorite pair too~ I think I'll order them as my number one option and maybe the orange pair as the second option, since you can never know for sure how they'll look in person!

      Yeah exactly... I've had some human wigs that are super shiny and the shine really makes them look cheap and fake :( If I was a hardcore Takane fan and planning to keep her in her default gear, I would've been very disappointed with the wig.

      I'm definitely happy now that she's finally home ^^ Having such hard time with getting a doll makes it even more precious in a way~

  3. Eeih, voin vain kuvitella, kuinka paljon on ottanut päähän tuo posteljoonin karkaaminen :'D Ensin on odottanut pitkään pakettia ja sitten se viedäänkin nenän edestä pois >.<; Mutta hyvää kannatti odottaa! Kasumi on upea!

    1. Nojoo oli ilme kyllä aika näkemisen arvoinen kun tuijotin ikkunasta miten se auto vaan ajaa pois X'DD Mutta noh, näitä sattuu! Ainakin on nyt tyttö turvallisesti kotona ja ihanahan se on~ ♥

  4. Congratulations on the new arrival. She's gorgeous and those boots are epic!

  5. Kasumi on niin kaunis! Onnittelut saapumisesta, ikävää että toiset kuljettajat ei pysty toimittamaan kotiin asti, tosi omituista ettei niillä ole kaikilla avaimia jne. Meillä on nuo ovisummerit ja joskus kävi niinkin ettei sitä summeria edes soitettu ja seurannassa vaan sitten luki ettei vastaanottajaa tavoitettu. :P Tympeätä odottaa sitten seuraavaan päivään hakua, kun taisin olla iltavuorossa.

    Tykkään kyllä tuosta silmienvärivertailusta, suosikkejani ovat nuo turkoosit ja kullankeltaiset. ^^ Violetti olisi ollut myös mutta jos Susulla jo on niin onhan se kiva ettei kaikilla nukeilla ole samanväriset silmät. :D Pitääpi googlailla mitä tarkoittaa hime guary koskapa en semmoseen ole ennen törmännyt. :)

    1. Kiitos kovasti~! Ihmettelen kyllä itsekin tuota avainhommaa D: Hetken päästä tuon karanneen kuljettajan jälkeen tuli sitten pyöräilevä postintuoja, joka kyllä pääsi sisälle... Harmi ettei meillä ole ovisummeria >.<

      Ruskeat ja kullankeltaiset silmät varmaan päätyvät ostoskoriin ja testaukseen, toivottavasti jompi kumpi niistä näyttää myös livenä kivalle! Liila on oma lempiväri, mutta koitan saada nukkeihin vähän vaihtelua ettei kaikki näyttäisi keskenään ihan samoilta XD

      Hime gyaru on tosiaan yksi japanilaisista alternative-pukeutumistyyleistä :) Hime tarkoittaa japaniksi prinsessaa, josta tyylin perusidea tulee. Vaatetus on tyypillisesti prinsessamaista, on röyhelöä ja kaikkea söpön kaunista, vaaleanpunaista, pinkkiä, kermaa, sieviä kukkakuvioita jne. Hiuksissa taas on tyypillistä muhkeus ja kauniit kiharat ^^ Ihailen itse kovasti kyseistä tyyliä, mutta vaatisi valtavasti laittautumista niin elän sitä maailmaa sitten tämän nuken kautta~

  6. Hi Safir!
    Congrats on your long awaited arrival, she's very beautiful.

  7. She is so pretty and that sure was an anxious situation with the package and customs!! The good thing is that you got her :3
    Can't wait to see what you do with her!

    1. Thank you! It definitely was quite an adventure, but glad it's all over now XD

  8. Congrats on the arrival! Ite tykästyin noihin harmaanruskeisiin silmiin eniten. Hime guary on kyl ihana lookki, toivottavastimsaadaan pian kuvia koko stailauksestasi :3

    1. Kiitoksia! Harmaanruskeat silmät meni tilaukseen, toivottavasti niitä ei hirmu kauan joudu odottelemaan :3 Tykkään kyllä kamalasti hime gyarusta~ ♥ Olen koittanut ommella pikkuhiljaa Kasumille asianmukaista vaatetusta, saa nähdä milloin saan valmiiksi ja maltanko kuvata ennen oikeiden silmien saapumista >3<

  9. Congratulations on being able to get her! She looks quite gorgeous. I like that the colour of the eyes really changes her expression. She seems to be one of those dolls that can wear any colour.

    1. Thanks so much! ♥ I'm loving her so much~ I agree with you that she seems to look good with any color and could work for many different styles!

  10. Tosi sievä nassu tällä tytyllä :)! Tykkään hirmuisesti! Tuo kuva valkoisilla hiuksilla, ai vitsi miten nätti. En malta odottaa minkä näköinen tästä tytystä tulee :)

    1. Kiitos paljon ^^ Olen itsekin kovin rakastunut tähän tytyyn~

  11. Ohhh she's sooooo lovely! O3O I never even realized how pretty DD Shijou Takane is! She might become my personal favorite of your DDs. <3

    Actually I really like those gray eyebrows! She looks unique with them and I think they give character to her. :)

    1. Thanks dear~ ♥ I do think that she looks a lot better in person than on the promo shots! Heyyy, don't go picking favorites yet, you haven't seen Millhi in person yet ;DD

      Oh I do think that the grey eyebrows look nice and the whole faceup is pretty, but it just wouldn't be right for what I had in mind for Kasumi :/

  12. She's so pretty~ I like her lips and smaller eyes :O
    The himegyaru wig looks super awesome on her, but I also like the color on her default wig. Too bad the quality is so poor =(

    Congrats on finally getting her though! :D :D

    1. Thank you :3 I wish Volks made more DD faces like Takane's~
      I still need to style the hime gyaru wig so that it won't be so hard to maintain XD

  13. Oh so many new lovely blog entries on your site! And I am so happy for you *////* so many new great dollies kyah! She is so sweet, this kind expression is the sweetest >3< and wow what a story with the post man i would have been freaked out! XD

    1. Aww thank you so much dear ;3; ♥ Yeah it was quite an adventure, but I'm really happy now that she's home with me~
