May 25, 2015

Incoming dolls - Iplehouse Eva and two Pureneemos

My Iplehouse girl crew will be growing by another member again, since I just ordered SID Eva in peach gold skin *w* ♥ I ordered her on 2-part layaway, which I'll be finishing next month :) Iplehouse's waiting times have been around 1-2 months, so there's hope that she might even be ready to be shipped once I send the last payment!

Character-wise she'll be Medeia, a sorceress/monster hunter in-training~ She is a brave, kind-hearted, strong-willed and loyal person, deep down also has a bit of a girl next door vibe to her. Medeia is an only child and ever since her birth she's been treated like a boy by her father, who had wished (and assumed) that his unborn child would be a boy. From young age Medeia has felt like she was a disappointment to her father no matter what she did and even agreed to start hard fight training under a monster hunter Aslak's supervision to prove that she was such as good as a boy.

Later on I got some inspiration for this character from Yennefer of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Medeia lives in a same kind of world as the characters in that game and of course she has a muscular companion Aslak (Sarg's IOS Jade), who has gotten some inspiration from Geralt, another character from the game. I could go on and on about the game, Yennefer, Geralt and their lovely relationship, I'm such a hopeless fan! ♥ That being said, we're still not looking to create "cosplay" or anything like that. Our characters Medeia and Aslak existed even before we found out about The Witcher games, but now they inspire us even more after the amazing game.

Hmm, Medeia will be my 6th girl from Iplehouse... This meme that was posted on a discussion thread on Den of Angels seems quite accurate hahah XD

Iplehouse Boromir meme


Besides Medeia, I'm also waiting for a few Azone Pureneemos!

I managed to find this pink-haired version of Majokko Little Witch of Heart Chiika for pretty cheap from Yahoo!Japan *w* I spent quite some time hunting for this one... I did bid on some earlier, but they went over 15,000yen and I wanted to wait and see if I could find one for cheaper. The waiting paid off since the one I won was less than 10,000yen, despite being a fullset in great condition! I'm still waiting if I win some Re-ment items that I could combine shipping with, but in any case I'd expect this girl to come home during next month :)

I'm really excited to be able to get some cute twin Chiika photos with Nia, my white-haired Chiika~ I still haven't figured out a suitable name... The two Chiikas are twin sisters, so I'd like one that in some way matches with Nia >3<

Then this Pink!Pink! a la mode Maya.. ♥ At first I thought that I'd be able to resist this cutie, but a few days before her pre-order started, I decided that I do want her after all ^^; I ended up selling my Tick-Tock Rabbit Himeno since I didn't bond with her and thought that this girl could be my new Kirari~

It was a bit of a hassle to get her on preorder. First, I contacted one shopping service agent asking them to order her for me (being a Direct Store version, she wasn't available on Amiami or other international sites), but they never replied anything ; . ; Then I tried getting her through some other shopping services, but they couldn't help me either due to the quantity limit per doll set by Azone (they had obviously already ordered this doll for some other people). Finally I managed to place my pre-order through Treasure-Japan! ♥ Apparently Maya will be released in late June, hopefully near my birthday, hahah~

Sarg is getting the standard version and we're planning to swap the shoes, socks and maybe cardigans as well ♥ I don't know yet whether Kirari will be wearing this kind of clothes or if I'll let Shiori (Heartful Kiss Maya) steal this outfit X'D


  1. Poden aivan kamalaa azone-kuumetta ja nuo kaksi ostamaasi ovat aivan liian ihania. u__u<3 Chiika on hirmu söpö, vaikka onkin aika kliseisen oloinen tuollaiset vaatteet päällä. Silti huolisin itselleni! ♥ Tuo Maya on aivan supersöötti! En yhtään ihmettele, mikset pystynyt vastustamaan. ♥ >w<

    Melkein jo ostin yhden azonen. ;u; Lankean minä hetkellä hyvänsä! xD

    1. Oivoi, varo vaan, nämä söpöt pienet vie vielä koko käden mennessään >:3 Ite tykkään kovasti tän Chiikan asusetistä (tuosta kissapehmosta puhumattakaan ♥) ja tosiaan kun miulla on sama versio myös valkoisella asulla+pehmolla, niin näyttävät varmasti söpölle yhdessä~ Harvemmin tulee kuitenkin mitenkään pysyvästi ainakaan jätettyä nukkeja näihin default-asuihin, kiva kokeilla muitakin vaatteita välillä tai luoda itse kokonaan erilainen stailaus :) Kaikki pastellisuus on kyllä ehdottomasti pop, olisi pitänyt arvata etten voi jättää tilaamatta tätä Mayaa...

      Onkos siulla joku tietty Azone kiikarissa? :)

    2. Arvaankin, että vievät koko käden ja haaveissa olisikin kerätä parikymmenpäinen lauma ja alkaa tehdä niistä hassua japanilaiskoulutyttökomediaa. xD

      Ehdoton ultimate grailini on se Secret Wonderland Sera ja hyvänä kakkosena tulee Maya Nostalgic Story Sahra's a la mode (huh mikä nimi) ja sen lisäksi tuo toinen Maya Nostalgic Story mutta se pelkkä tuo. xD (Näillä on kauhean hankalat nimet!) Eilen kävin kyselemässä Face-ryhmän myynti-ilmoituksesta jotain vanhaa ilmoitusta, mutta siinä ei lukenut että olisi mennyt jo. :D Joku tyttönen, jonka kokoa tai muutakaan en kunnolla tunnistanut. Säästön kohteena on kuitenkin tällä hetkellä Alice's Tea Party Aoto, johon törmäsin Plasticpopissa. :3 Ihanan asenteellinen olemus. ♥

    3. Japanilaistyttökomedia <3 Meilläkin on Sargin kanssa jo joku kyläkoulu varmaan kasassa, näistä saa kyllä ihanan luokan aikaan XD

      Voih tuo Sera on kyllä aivan ihana, tykkään etenkin siitä asusetistä! ♥ Nostalgic Story Mayakin on ihana, etenkin se jolla on lyhyt karamellin värinen tukka~ Täytyy tunnustaa että olen siitä itsekin haaveillut, mutta tämän ruskeatukkaisen myötä on jo kaksi Mayaa sitten talossa (kolme jos tuo Sarginkin lasketaan) niin en sitten tiedä enää X''D Olen vaan heikkona näihin polkkatukkaisiin nyyh... Toivotaan että sinnekin rantautuu pian joku Azone, oli se sitten tuo Aoto tai joku muu ;3

  2. Nyuuu pastelli-Chiika *3* Onnea uusista ihanuuksista ja etenkin hyvästä Chiika-diilistä :D

    1. Yaay, kiitoksia ♥ Kävi kyllä hyvä tuuri tuon diilin kanssa XD Saa nähdä saanko tuon pidettyä tummanpuhuvassa stailauksessa (siskon ollessa vaalea), vai alkaako pastellihammasta kolottaa...

  3. Hahaha, that meme is evil :D the same goes for me and Soom dolls T_T;; Congrats on your new orders though! :D I'm a big fan of that little cat plushie of Chiika's

    1. It sure is XD I could say the same about Soom as well, though I was more of a fan of their older style and have been able to resist most of their newer releases (which my wallet is happy about XD).

      Thank you~ I love this cat plushie too ♥

  4. Wow tuo pinkkitukkainen Chiika on kyllä aivan ihana, etenkin fulsettinään! Ensimmäinen Azone joka on heti alkanut kutkuttaa että oispa itselläkin tuo :D Onnittelut tulokkaista ja paljon sitten saapumiskuvia kaikista!

    1. Se on kyllä ihana! ♥ Azoneiden joukosta löytyy paljon kaikkea erilaista, jokaiselle varmasti jotakin :) Sopisi varmasti Azone sinunkin porukkaan, olisi esim. mainio "nukke" Eikollesi? Eikös hän ollut animen sun muun Japani-jutun fani ;3

      Ja kiitoksia onnitteluista! ♥ Saapumiskuvia tulee varmasti :)

    2. :D hauskaa että muistit! Juu, Eikon piti olla vahvemminkin cossauksen, lolitan ja nukkejen harrastaja, jotta voisin kivasti elää niissä harrastuksissa sen kautta. Eikon vähän vakavoiduttua hahmona taitaa cossit jäädä enemmän Yuffielle, mutta edelleen joku Eikon oma bjd voisi hyvin käydä... Pistetään harkintaan! Onko muuten SDlle skaalassa parempi puremeemo vai pikkoneemo, jos SDllä pitäisi olla oma SD?

    3. Joo muistelin lukeneeni jostain :)
      Itseasiassa kumpi vain voisi käydä, tässä kuvassa näkyy kahta erilaista Picconeemoa ja L-kokoinen Pureneemo n. 58senttisen BJD:n kanssa. Tuo L-kroppainen on jo aika valtava, mutta S-kroppainen voisi hyvinkin olla juuri SD-skaalainen :) Harmillisesti ei ainakaan itse ole tullut kuvattua noita keskenään, ettei ole tähän hätään kuvaa antaa... Tässä kuvassa on Picconeemo saman nuken kanssa, itse ostin tuon Cecille "omaksi nukeksi" :)

  5. That meme scares me a little... XD'

    But Eva is a gorgeous and quite underestimated sculpt from IH imo. I can't wait to see her in your hands and the lovely photos you will (you must!! ;D) show us *^^* Congratulations on getting her.

    1. Hahah XD It's turn out to be true for me, I'm afraid... Maybe your Lawrence will end up wanting a fighting bud or a lady friend from Iple too? ;D

      I feel that way too, there seem to be quite few Eva's out there, which is such a shame :/ I hope I'll be able to do justice to the sculpt~ Thank you! ♥

  6. Congrats on Medeia! The character looks very insteresting, I hope she will arrive soon!
    I want an Iple girl, but I hope that meme is not true xD

    1. Thank you ^^ We'll see how long it takes for Iplehouse to make her, they're usually quite fast! The only time I've seen them having delays is during bigger events, which they haven't had for a while now :)

      You never know XD Basically you could change the company's name from that meme for any other company. Iplehouse's aesthetics are very much to my liking and they have many sculpts that I love, so the meme is very true for me...

  7. Congrats on getting Medeia, hope she gets to you as soon as your layaway is finished :)!! I've hear nice things about Ilehouse shippings lately~

    Is your bday in june or? :o Mine is june 21st :)

    1. Thank you dear~ ♥ I believe Iplehouse starts making the doll right away after the order, unlike Soom for example (they start making the doll only after the layaway is finished), and I've seen dolls be shipped like a few days after finishing the layaway XD They're really fast, so I don't think I'll need to wait more than 1,5-2 months at most!

      Yup, mine is on June 25th :)

  8. Yay, congrats on buying Medeia! I really love Eva so much, so it'll be awesome to see her in your dollie crew. :3
    I like your description of her character, and I'll look forward to reading more and seeing pictures. ^__^

    1. Thank you, I hope I'll be able to do justice to the sculpt ^^
      I've grown quite fond of the character in a short time and I'm already looking forward to being able to make some clothes for her and take photos! ♥ Luckily I have already one SID girl at home (with a different bust option though), so I can start sewing while waiting~

  9. Oi, aivan ihanat neitoset! ♥ Hyvä että löysit heidät ja pääsit ostamaan! ^3^~ Aivan ihania kyllä ovat, minusta tuo Chiika on todella suloinen! ♥♥♥ Odotellaanpas sitten postausta, kun nukkesi saapuvat kotiisi! : )

    1. Kiitoksia kiitoksia :) Saa nähdä minkä verran joutuu vielä odotella näiden kotiutumista ennen kuin pääsee saapumispostauksia tekemään!

  10. What beautiful dolls! I'm so excited for you! :D

  11. Many congratulations on your impending orders!

    I can't wait to see what you end up doing with the Iplehouse girl.

    I really love the names you choose for your dolls and the characters. I love fantasy characters so I might be a teeny tiny bit biased there! I wanted to make all my doll characters fantasy characters but I always had a hard time finding fantasy clothing that fit in a price range i could afford. Hence why they are more modern/sci-fi genres.

    1. Thank you so much! ^w^
      I already have big plans for Medeia and hopefully I'll be able to get started on some clothing while waiting~

      I love browsing through different name sites etc. looking for suitable names for my dolls/characters ♥ I agree that the selection of fantasy themed clothing is quite limited and often what you're looking for might only be available in the wrong size... I wouldn't be able to have this many fantasy dolls if I didn't sew myself, it'd make me crazy to look for outfits that don't exist XD

  12. Aivan ihania nukkeja tulossa! ^3^
    En malta odottaa millaisen taiot tuosta Iplehousen Evasta. Iplehousen nuket firmakuvissa ei face-upin puolesta oikein iske minuun (paitsi ne jotkut merirosvo- villi länsi- yms. teemaiset vaatteet on hienoja), mutta sitten sinun stailauksesi ja face-uppisi tekevät niistä niin hienoja että on ihan pakko tykätä! x3

    1. Kiitos kiitos x3
      Eva ei itseasiassa kuulunut lainkaan suosikkeihini Iplen moldeista, ennen kuin uudistivat hieman noita default-meikkejään ja uuden B-meikin myötä aloin katsoa moldia kokonaan uusin silmin ja nähdä siinä enemmän potentiaalia :) Iplen meikit on kyllä ihan hienoja, mutta itse kaipaa aina vähän jotain erilaista, kiva päästä tämänkin kanssa kokeilemaan mitä saan aikaan!
