May 11, 2015

Lana with her faceup!

I don't have a lot to say, but I wanted to share a few quick photos that I took after finishing Lana's faceup yesterday ^w^ Here you can also see her own wig, which is a lovely art wig from Leekeworld~ It looks blue-ish at least on my screen, but in person it has more of a purple/lavender shade :)

I really love this girl ♥ Her body poses like a dream too, so hopefully I get to take more than just portraits soon!

Blogger attempted to screw up my pictures by changing the colors to really weird sepia shadows, but luckily I managed to fix the problem by changing the files to .PNG format >.<

Next she needs a manicure, as well as some clothes and jewelry! I already made a corset pattern for the Zenith body, though I'm not sure what kind of outfit I'm going to make her first...


  1. Wowwww! She looks really unique and beautiful~ *3* I think you did this sculpt justice, the face up brings out the best in it. I didn't even notice that there are tiny little teeth too, aww~ *loves dolls with teeth* <3

    1. Thank you dear! ♥ Glad to hear if I managed to do justice to the sculpt~ I was a bit worried that I might not get her to look just the way I wanted, but in the end it all worked out well :3

      I'm a big fan of dolls with teeth too XD ♥ Tää söpö suu oli merkittävä tekijä miksi ihastuin just tähän moldiin~

  2. Hyvin ihastuttava! Olisin tosin halunnut nähdä kuvaa myös kulmakarvoista. Tykkään paljon noista silmäkulmien kiehkuroista. En malta odottaa, että näen tämän ja mahdollisesti myös sen toisen tytön kokonaan valmiina niiden huikeiden haarniskaosien kanssa :3

    1. Kiitos paljon~ Tässä peruukissa on niin pitkä otsatukka, että peittää tosiaan aika taidokkaasti nuo kulmakarvat X'D Voisin kuitenkin koittaa ottaa tuosta kuvaa vaikkapa ilman peruukkia, jos ne kulmatkin sitten näkyisi! Mulla on varmaan joku kiekurafetissi kun tykkään aina söheltää ties mitä kuvioita nukkejen naamoihin X'D

      Sargin tytölläkin on jo meikki ja jotain teaserin poikasta on nähtävissä esim. täällä :) Saa nähdä milloin hän ehtii maalailemaan meille noita armoreita, mutta hiljaa hyvä tulee!

  3. Oih, ihanat sävyt meikissä <3 Ja tietysti myös hiuksissa ^^
    Tahtoo äkkiä lisää kuvia! >u<

    1. Kiitos kiitoss ^w^ Pastellisuus on rakkautta ♥ Jumaloin tätä peruukkia kun se on niin sileä ja pehmonen XD Saisipa aikaiseksi jotain vaatetusta niin voisi kuvailla enemmän, raukka ei välttämättä arvostaisi nakukuvauksia... Tekisi kyllä koko ajan mieli kuvata jotain ihme Loreal Paris hiukset peittää strategisesti kuvia X''D

  4. Ihailin tätä jo Instassakin, mutta tulen vielä tännekin hehkuttamaan~~ ♥ Tosi kauniit kasvot olet tälle maalannut, ja tuo baby pink -värinen huulipuna on aivan ihanaa! ♥3♥ Peruukissakin ihana liukuvärjäys~

    1. Fuu kiitoksia paljon >3< Mulla ei ollut sopivanväristä pastelliliitua huuliin, niin koitin vaan sekoitella eri värejä ja kumma kyllä sattui syntymään täydellinen sävy~ Peruukki on tosiaan yksi Leeken art-peruukeista, tässä on pohjavärinä valkoinen ja päällä sitten tuommoista ihanaa laventelia ♥

  5. She looks so stunning, congrats!!! Another wonderful girl added to your collection! I can't wait to see her full body photos and armor!

    1. Thank you, really happy about this girl! ^^ Hope I can take full body photos soon~

  6. I love those souldoll girls so much, and you have made her so beautiful. That Zenith body is a lot of fun to pose, too! <3

    1. Thank you :3 This was my first doll from Souldoll and I'm definitely happy I got her~ The body is beautiful and a great poser too!

  7. She has such a beautiful face up. I really love the colour and style of the wig you gave her. She's a very ethereal looking doll.

    1. Thank you so, so much! ♥ I'm a hopeless fanatic of purple and pastel colors XD Love to hear if she looks ethereal, I was kind of hoping to achieve such a look!

  8. I like her a lot ~ especially her slightly open mouth xD; (maybe that's one of my weird things I like about BJDs) ~ I also like her color scheme with the lavender gradient ~ I think a wig without bangs might also suit her a lot! :o

    1. Thank you dear~ ♥ We're in the same boat then, I looove BJDs with a slightly open mouth too XD I actually was planning to get her a wig with no bangs originally, but then Leeke released this art wig and... But I'd definitely like to get her another wig too :3

  9. She is super pretty! The sculpt of cause, but also the gentle styling. Especially the pale lashes with the intensely colored eyes *__* She just has a lot of personality! Congatulations on your beauty.
    Maybe some nailart? :3

    1. Thank you ^w^ I had doubts whether the white lashes would work with the black under lashes, but I'm really glad I did go for the white after all!

      Oh yes nail art coming up definitely! ♥ She has these lovely long fingertips and nails, so it'd be a waste not to do something nice with her nails~

    2. Seeing your dolls always set my own creativity on fire. I can't wait to see her all done and amazing ;D

      Yeah, those long slender fingers are perfect for nail art ^^ I also have a few girls I owe some nail art <__<" hehe XD

    3. Awww love to hear if you feel that way ; //// ; I get so inspired by watching many other people's dolls, so it makes me happy if I can spread the inspiration to someone else! ♥

    4. It is definitely a big inspiration to follow you :D
      It makes me want to work on getting better myself ^^
      This hobby would be so dull without being able to drool at other peoples dolls and ideas XD'

    5. ^w^ *hugs*
      Yeah there are so many wonderful dolls and new ones released all the time, so it's impossible to be able to order everything yourself... But at least you get to admire them in other people's photos! (For example, I'm quite excited to see your Lawrence! ♥ I don't get along that well with male dolls myself, but I love drooling them hahah XD)

    6. *hugs back* :3
      Oh my! Think of how costly that would be XD
      Precisely! I love looking at other peoples photos. It's so inspiring! Sometimes it can even make me fall in love with sculpts I didn't like on the promo pics. ^^
      Haha yay thanks! He is one big chunk of resin, but I hope he will somehow fit in still. I know the feeling. I love looking at MSD-sized dolls, but I know I'll never get one :)

  10. She is absolutely gorgeous, love her face-up! ♥
    Her lips look so kissable. xD Dolls with slightly open mouth are pure love!!

    1. Thanks so much! ♥ I definitely agree with you on dolls with a slightly open mouth, I love them as well~ I'm sure I won't be able to resist some cute photos where she puts her fingertip or maybe a lollipop on her mouth hahah

  11. Just stunning <3 I love the color of her wig, it looks so soft and sweet.
    Can't wait to hear more about her :3

    1. Thank you :3 I'm really happy with this wig, now I just wish I could find her a second one with similar colors but without bangs!

  12. Niin kaunis vain on! Naamaan on käytetty niin kauniita värejä! Peruukki sopii myös tuohon meikkiin, kun niissä on hiukan saman sävyisiä värejä! ❤ Rakastan myös tuota valkoista ihoa johon sopivat tietenkin valitsemasi värit täydellisesti, A w A ❤

    Haluan jo niin nähdä tästä neitosesta vielä kuvia ja varsinkin, niillä mukana tulleilla haarniskoilla ❤
    Hyvä, kun sait tämän neitisi naaman valmiiksi! c( . ^u ^. ) ⌒

    1. Voi kiitoksia paljon! ♥ Koitinkin peruukin värin mukaan vähän valikoida silmämeikin värejä :3 Ainakin tässä vaiheessa Souldollin hartsi on ihanan puhdasta valkoista, toivottavasti ei hirveän nopeasti ala kellastua >.<

      Valitettavasti armorikuviin voi jonkin verran mennä aikaa, kun niiden maalauksessa kestää :( Ellen nyt satu menemään Sargin luona käymään Lanan kanssa tässä joku viikonloppu, nuo armorit kun on tosiaan hänen huomassa nyt odottamassa maalia pintaan.

  13. She looks lovely!!
    First thing I do when a website does something weird to my photos is check the color mode. CMYK tends to really screw up on screens since it's made for printers, while RGB it's made for screen. Maybe that was the problem? since PNG doesn't have cmyk mode, but you can have CMYK images in jpg.
    Though that wouldn't make sense since your camera won't save the images as cmyk :o!!

    Sorry, I'm rambling ~_~

    1. Thank you ^^
      I don't really know what the problem is caused by, but other Blogger users have also noticed that JPG photos sometimes get crappy quality when uploaded to Blogger and changing to PNG helps... It's quite weird. On my computer and in Photoshop the colors looked totally different than on Blogger when I tried uploading the JPG version ^^;

  14. Tulipas siitä kaunis tyttö!! Noi huulet on aivan ihana! <3 Tykkään myös tosi paljon peruukin väristä, ihanan oot kyllä löytäny! En malta odottaa et on kaikki vaatteet ja armorit kasassa, Lanasta tulee kyllä niin päheen näkönen ettei mitään rajaa!!!

    1. Kiitoksia~ Itekin tykkäilen näistä huulista kovasti ♥ Leekeworldin sivuilta kannattaa kurkata ART wigs osiota, siellä etenkin on kaikkia ihanuuksia ;3; Pikku hiljaa valmistuu jotain pientä asustetta sun muuta, kivaa iltapuuhaa työstää hiljalleen nukkea valmiimmaksi~
