May 7, 2015

Souldoll Bella & Justitia - double box opening

I was kind of hoping that I'd have time to make a post about the last weekend's second photoshoot before making this post, but nope, I haven't had the time to even edit the photos yet ^^; I wanted to make this box opening post on the arrival day, so the photoshoot post will have to wait for a bit more...

Anyways, as the title says, my and Sarg's Souldoll order from December finally arrived ^3^

Souldoll previously gave us an estimated shipping date for late March, but it got delayed since they apparently had a lot of orders during December/January. The second time we asked, they gave an estimate for late April. Well, we didn't hear any news by the end of April, so we thought that there's some delay again, but I happened to check our order status on Tuesday and noticed that the order was "on shipping"... When I checked the tracking numbers (our order was so huge that it was splitted into two packages...) I noticed that Souldoll had indeed shipped them on the last day of April and the packages were already in Finland :D So we paid the (heavy) custom fees right away and got the girls home this morning~

Warning for DOLL NUDITY!!!

Huuuge packages feat 65cm Shagrilah :D They were so heavy that the mailman asked Sarg to help him carry them inside... 7,5 and 8,2 kilograms, so in total almost 16kg of resin awesomeness X''D

There were actually two doll boxes in each of the package, so four boxes in total ^^; The armors needed their own boxes and the dolls needed their own too... I've never owned a doll from Souldoll, so I was really excited to get this beautiful box with a butterfly logo ;3; 

Armors and wings :3 A looot of bubble wrapper XD Everything was so safely packed!

Aand all pieces unwrapped :3 The extra shield and lance belong to Sarg, otherwise we both got the same armor set. Though I splitted my helmet to another local hobbyist, since I don't need it.

Then, let's take a look at the dolls itself before I show some detail photos of the armors~

Sarg also got the default outfit with her Justitia :)

Awww look at these adorable mummies XD

It feels like they're showing some personality even straight from the box :D Lana is a bit insecure and shy, whereas Sandrian is cheeky and impatient, she definitely looks like she wants to get in all kinds of trouble already XD

Hands~ The left ones belong to Lana :)

Noses ♥ 

Here is my beautiful Lana ♥♥♥ I love this sculpt so much, she looks so adorable~ Her features seem like a mixture of Soom Onyx and Nephelin :3

And Sarg's Sandrian! ♥ This sculpt looks SO different without the default faceup, it didn't do her justice at all *o* She actually has the same kind of naughty grin as Iplehouse Scarlet, which Sarg also has XD 

And then the detail photos of the armor parts, as promised!

Leg armors ♥

Shoulder pieces

Arms and hands

Chest piece ♥ This is probably my favorite from the whole set~


Sarg's shield

The lance

And this photo shows how huge it actually is...

The wing lol... 

And lastly a photo of Lana with a wig ♥ This ain't hers though, she's just borrowing it for the photo since it was the closest to her own wig :)

I'll try to work on Lana's faceup and ear mods this weekend ^3^ Sarg is in charge of painting all the armor parts, so it might take a while before she manages to finish everything, but for now I can play with Lana without the armors and sew some clothing for her! We're really excited about these sisters and can't wait to be able to take photos of them together~ They're both just as lovely as we had expected :3

Have a great weekend guys~ ♥


  1. Congrats on your big order :) I've actually been pretty excited to see your Bella, since I want her as well. She's gorgeous (same with Justitia).
    I can't wait to see, what you guys are gonna do with them ^__^

    1. Thank you ^^ Bella is definitely a beautiful sculpt, so I totally recommend getting her~ I'll be posting more photos of her once I make some progress on her :3 It's great that Bella is a non-limited sculpt, I feel like there were only a couple of people who ordered her right away! Hopefully we get to see many more, I'd love to see her in your doll crew as well ♥

  2. Vau mikä lähetys! *_* Ja mikä sisältö! Todella kauniita yksityiskohtia ja herran jestas toi peitsi on iso! :o
    Noi siivet näyttää Sohvin unelmaleluilta XD Se varmaan kynisi kaikki sulat irti sekunnissa...

    1. Joo ei kyllä tämmöisiä jättipaketteja ole ennen tullut... Kerran tilattiin kumpikin nuket samassa, mutta silloin ne mahtuivat kyllä yhteen laatikkoon ja sekään ei tainnut olla noin massiivinen ^^; Nää kaikki osat on kyllä tosi taidokkaasti tehty ja hirmu yksityiskohtaisia, että ei voi kuin nostaa hattua Souldollille ja toivoa että onnistuu saamaan itse nämä ihanuudet oikeuksiinsa! Peitsi on joo aika valtava, melkein kuin joku lasten lelumiekka X''D

      Hahahah Sohvi eiii XD Voin kyllä kuvitella että toinen iloisena koittaisi kaapata tämmöisen kummallisen roikuttimen ja riepotella "saalista" ympäriinsä...

  3. Wow! So many gorgeous dolls *___*
    They are very beautiful and I can't wait to see pictures of all of them all dressed up in their awesome armor :D yay! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much, we're so excited about these! ^3^ My poor Lana doesn't have any clothes before I manage to sew something for her and it surely will take a while before all the armors are painted... But it's fun to work on things slowly and not finish everything in a hurry :3

  4. Herranen aika, kuin ihania! Ovatko nuo tavarat tuollaisia valkoisia, että ne voisi itse jotenkin värjätä, vai?
    O 3 O~ Lana on kyllä todella kaunis tuolla peruukilla! ❤ Ja, ei nuo sormett.. Wääh! Liiankin ihanat... ; uu ; ❤

    Ehheh.. Luin ensiksi, että nuo siivet olisivat olleet peruukki ja sitten vähän mietin, "Mitenkäs tuo peruukki on noin oudon ja sulkaisen näköinen?" :" D
    Mutta sitten, kun aloin tarkempaan katsoa niin huomasinkin, että siinä lukee siivet enkuksi, eikä peruukki enkuksi. X 3

    Tuo toinenkin nukke on ihanaa ❤ (olikos se Sargin?) Tyttösillä on kyllä eroja naamassa paljon ja samalla vähän.

    Odotellaan nyt vain miltä nuo uudet nukkenne mahtavatkaan näyttää meikeillä! (╥ 3 ╥)/ ♥ ♥
    Ja oho, kun on iso peitsi! Siis aivan järkyttävän iso kun on vähän yli nukenkin korkuinen! Miten pitkiä nuo nukkenne muutes ovat? ⌒| ̄ u  ̄|⌒

    1. Kiitoksia paljon! :3 Kaikki osat olivat tosiaan valkoisia ja ne olisi tarkoitus maalata sitten~ Toivottavasti Lana ei päätä ryhtyä peruukkirosvoksi ja pölliä tätä lainaperuukkiakin omakseen =.= Oon aivan rakastunut näihin käsiin, niin sirot~~

      Hahah joo ei ihan peruukki sentään, voisi näyttää päässä vähän hassulle XDD Ja tämä toinen nukke on tosiaan Sargin. Huomaa kyllä että on saman firman nukeista kyse, jotain tiettyä samankaltaisuutta on havaittavissa! Toivotaan että olisi aikaa työstää meikkejä pian! ♥

      Nämä on about 65cm pitkiä eli tuo peitsi on... todella pitkä ^^;;

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful sisters! I liked the promos so much and I think the girls are even prettier in person! I can't wait to see what you will sew for them!

    1. Thank you so much!! ♥ I agree that they're even prettier in person, though the promos looked wonderful as well~ I already have some sewing ideas for Lana ^^

  6. Onnea uusista leideistä! Haha, melkoinen karavaani hartsia tulikin, voi postinkantaja-parkaa xD Odotan innolla millaisia mimmejä näistä valmiina syntyy, etenkin tuo pastellisempi sisar kiinnostaa toki kovasti <3

    1. Kiitos Ellu! Mahtoi kyllä postisetä vähän ajatella että mitä kummaa näissä paketeissa oikein on, päällä kun vielä lukee NUKKE XDD

      Lanan oma peruukki ei ole ehkä ihan näin pastellinen, se on semmoinen Leeken ihana art-peruukki jossa on valkoisen päällä pastelliliilaa ;3; Pastellivärejä tulee kyllä hänen vaatetuksessakin olemaan, saa nähdä mitä saan aikaiseksi~

  7. Congrats! Totally worth the looong wait! I'm a fan of those wings especially, the shape seems very special~ I can't wait to see these 2 girls completed with face-ups and all!

    1. Thank you dear! ^^ They were definitely worth the wait (and every penny hahah), both are gorgeous~ I love the wings and their shape as well, we haven't tried them on yet, but I'm sure they'll look beautiful!

  8. Congrats on getting them!! They are both so gorgeous, and those armors are incredible!!
    I can't wait to see what you do with this dolls, I'm sure they will be stunning and gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, we're really happy about them! ♥ Definitely no regrets about buying them ^^
      I really hope we succeed to do justice to these beautiful sculpts~

  9. Woot Congrats!! they are GORGEOUS!!!And it seems they are everything Sarg and you wanted from the sculpts. I'm in love with your girl, She's just so pretty, I ca'n't believe they already started shipping Justitias as well, time does fly! (or maybe it flies because I'm not waiting for anything :P)

    Painting my soom deertaur was a nightmare, it had so many pieces!!! I get stressed out just by thinking on painting 2 huge armors XD!!!! Holy **** Sarg's so brave and my new hero XD

    My favorite armor part has to be that shield, it's stunning

    1. Thank you so much~ You're definitely right; they're just as lovely as we had hoped for! I'm super happy with my girl, this sculpt is sooo pretty! ♥

      We ordered these girls on December 19th, so it took a bit over 4 months for Souldoll to send them :) I've gotten used to around 3-4 month waiting times, so it didn't feel that long, though waiting always feels horrible in a way since you're all excited about the upcoming doll XD

      Hahah I do think Sarg will slowly start regretting that she promised to paint my girl's armor as well X'D Even one of them would be a lot of work, but TWO.. Good thing that there's no hurry so she can work on them whenever she has the time and feels inspired~ She's definitely my hero too! ♥ (I stick with faceups, manicures and other small parts, I'd just screw everything up if I tried painting something bigger ^^;)

  10. Ei vitsi noi armorit......!!!! ∑(O_O ) Noista tulee varmaan ihan älyttömän upeet kun saa maalit pintaan ja nuket stailattua valmiiksi!! Tuskin maltan odottaa lopputulosta!! Onnittelut molemmille uusista tulokkaista!! (/> w<)/

    1. Kiitoss paljon ^w^ Toivotaan että rakastutaan näihin entistä enemmän sitten kun saadaan valmiiksi, jo pelkät blankot nuket on niin ihania että ♥

  11. Loving that armour set! And looking forward to see them all blushed up!

    1. Thank you ^^ Lana's faceup is done already, but painting the armor is definitely going to take a while...

  12. Oih, isot onnittelut! On kyllä ihan kunnon keko hartsia ja neljä laatikkoakin! Kaikkien aikojen Souldoll tilaus! :D

    Nuket ovat kauniita jo blankonakin, tosi hienoa jälkeä Souldollilta. Hartsikin näyttää ikäänkuin hehkuvan "maagisesti". :3
    Ja nuo armorit on kyllä eeppiset ei voi muuta sanoa~

    Pisti kyllä naurattamaan nuo tuplamuumiokuva. Vielä kun nukeilla on silmät päässä niin näyttävät ihan siltä kuin mulkoilisivat patukoistaan että "päästäkää meidät pois täältä!" x'D Aww voi toisia~ :3

    1. Kiitos kiitos x3 Taitaa olla kaikkien aikojen mikään tilaus, ei ole tämmöistä kasaa tullut aiemmin kerralla mistään XD

      Joo oltiin kyllä molemmat tosi tyytyväisiä niin näihin moldeihin kuin kroppiinkin. Sadullahan on aiemmin ollut pari ukkelia Souldollilta, mutta nämä oli nyt ekat tytöt molemmille :) Nää on armorit on aivan mahtavat ja toi hartsikin on ihanan tuntuista ja fuu~ Kannatti tilata XD

      Hahah muumioista tuli kyllä vitsailtua että näyttävät Hattivateilta... :''D

  13. Congratulations on such a beautiful addition to your crew. The detailing on that shield is gorgeous and I really love how that body is sculpted. Really quite gorgeous even without face up.

    1. Thanks so much! ♥ After seeing Sarg's shield in person I kind of wish I had ordered one as well, but my girl doesn't really need one ^^; I love how the body is sculpted too! It's very sturdy and holds poses well :3
