May 1, 2015

New body for Minami-sensei~

Yesterday I picked up a package from Ebay, containing a Pureneemo L body for my Minami-sensei, Janna :3 Now she's taller than the other girls and looks more like the teacher she's supposed to be! I was really happy to notice that her clothes (excluding the stockings) fit on the taller body as well, yaay~

When I had Janna on the M body, she also had some problems with standing on her high-heels as the ankles didn't bend enough and thus she was leaning forward all the time and couldn't really keep her balance ^^; Now with the L body all these problems are gone, so I'm extremely satisfied that I decided to buy this body for her!

I took a quick comparison photo with Alisa, who has M body :) They're both wearing heels though, so the height difference may not be 100% accurate.

Happy May Day everyone~! I'm not sure whether or not it's celebrated in other countries (and how), but here it typically means balloons and other decorations, food/snacks (especially Finnish funnel cakes and donuts) and drinking "sima" :)

We're going to take some fun doll pictures today, so I'll be making another post at the end of the weekend~


  1. Hyvältä näyttää opettajan kasvuspurtti <3 Pitää itsekin miettiä tuota L-kroppaa jollekulle jossain välissä niin saisi kaikki kokoluokat tuonne, hehee...

    1. Me happy! ♥ Joo se on kiva saada erikokoisia kroppia niin ei kaikki tytöt ole kuin samasta muotista, pientä vaihtelua XD Näitä saa ainakin Ebaystä Mimiwoon kautta kätevästi, jos ei ole esim. Amiamissa stokissa :3

  2. She looks more mature ~ x3 on that body. And Omg I am so in love with those adorable little bunny shoes D:

    Happy May Day! Here in China we get a 1 day holiday.. nothing else xD

    1. Yeah I do think so too ^^ The bust isn't larger or anything, but the height itself makes a big difference! I did think about getting the LL bust for her, but it's so ridiculously huge that these clothes definitely wouldn't have fit anymore... I do love these bunny shoes, I would've loved to get another pair (or two..) in another color, but looks like these were quite popular and sold out now :(

      May 1st is a holiday here as well, also on Sunday most stores are closed (typically stores are open on Sundays) so I guess that counts as another holidays as well. I guess it depends on the job you do, it seems like bus drivers etc. never get a day off ^^;;

  3. Heti kasvoi sensein auktoriteetti pituuskasvun myötä :D Hyvältä näyttää! ♥

    Hauskaa vappua!

    1. Hahah joo ehdottomasti, vaikeampi senseille nyt ryppyillä XD Tää kroppa on muutenkin hirmu ihana kun pitkät jalat~ ♥

      Kiitos, sitä samaa :3

  4. Ihanat tyttöset sinulla! Hyvältä kyllä näyttää, kannatti sinun kyllä ostaa tuo, kun on niin ihanan pitemmän näköinen kuin muut tytsylit. ❤
    Vaatteetkin näyttävät sopivan täydellisesti! ^33^~

    1. Kiitoksia, kiitoksia ^3^ Erittäin tyytyväinen olen tosiaan tähän ostokseen~

  5. She looks nice in the new body!
    May 1st is worker's day here so no one works but there's no cake X(

    1. Thanks, I think so too ^^
      Awww no cake :( But at least you get the day off!
