January 29, 2015

Mimori's box opening ♥

Here she is, Azone Antique Sweet Memory Cotton Candy Miu!! Being shipped on last Sunday and arriving today, she got home super fast~ This was my first purchase from Mandarake, but I'm definitely happy with them and will deal with them in the future as well.

I'm so glad that I have a day off from work, so I can stay home all day and play with her yay XD

And now for the photos! (This is going to be a picture-heavy post...)

An adorable Miu card ;___; I so need to put this on my wall sniff

Here she is!! That box background is really pretty, I used it as a background for some photos below since I was too lazy to set up anything proper X'D

Mimi: "Hello~ My name is Mimori, but you can call me Mimi c:"

I tried on her bonnet and cape ; w ; I think I'm going to die from this cuteness...

A super cute bag! I wasn't expecting it to be functioning, but it actually has a snap button and can be opened D: Mimi can put some candy in there hahah XD

Nia fell in love with the bunny scarf so I'll let her have it...

Mimi-chan came with the older version of the Pureneemo body (Advance), one that doesn't have joints at elbows, knees and ankles. The posability is very limited; she is only able to move her arms up or down, not to the sides, can't bend her knees, can only sit with her legs spread, etc. XD Nia luckily has the Full Flection S body, so she can share it with Mimi until I get a second body... I've actually been thinking of buying XS body for Mimi instead of S, but I'm not sure yet. It sure would be nice if she was shorter than Miyuki (who has S body) :3

Preparing to swap bodies with Nia XD

Floating head with the cape as a hat... ^^; I don't even know...

Here's a comparison of the bodies (Flection on left, Advance on right). They look very similar, but there's a big difference in the posability between them. Since I want to be able to take photos of my dolls and pose them, I don't really fancy that Advance body ^^; But if you just want to keep your doll on display, it would work out just fine. I might end up selling it as I don't really have use for it...

Body swap complete! Look who can now bend her arms~ And now Nia is all ??? I can't move? o.o

Happy Mimi is happy!

I also took a few cute shots of Mimi with her little sister Miu ♥ I also need to take proper photos of them later and with the third sister Miyuki as well~

The size difference is just too adorable XD

Miu: "Look I'm wearing big sis's bonnet!! :3"
Me: "Um... I think that's a bit big on you... ^^;"

That was all for now, sorry for the long post and all the Miu spam hahah XD
I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Wow that shipping was super fast!!! Your new girl is adorable, poor Nia, you left her wondering why she can't move now XD! Hope you get another body soon. The body is actually very pretty!

    1. Yeah I know! Sometimes EMS packages arrive super fast to Finland, but sometimes it can take a week or even more... Either way, I'm happy that she's here XD

      Hahah yeah, Nia is a bit confused about her current situation XD Her face too is all "D: what's happening??" But I'm going to order a second body soon, so then Nia can have hers back!

  2. She is sooooo cuuute! ^3^ <3 More Mimi spam, please! :) and hang in there, Nia! ^^;

    1. Thank youu x3 I will try to post more! I just ordered a body for Mimi so Nia can move again soon XD

  3. Aw, Mimi is a lovable little cutie~ <3 Loving that pic of her with the bonnet and the cape~
    Good to know the differences between the old and new Neemo bodies... All my current Neemo dolls seem to have Flection bodies so I though that all Pure Neemos had awesome poseability. ^^;;

    Miu and Mimi really do look like sisters~

    1. Thank you ^w^ Her outfit is so adorable, I love all the accessories she came with~

      Good to hear if you found the body info useful! I knew that there were two types of bodies, but I'm still not sure when they changed to the Flection body... It feels like the BJD hobby all over again, there's always something new to learn XD

      Yes they do ♥ Even though they're not the exactly same versions, the black hair and similar eye color make them look so much alike~

  4. Ompa söpimys! Ja löytyi sille pienempikin sisar >_< <3!
    Kiitos myös pään irrotuskuvasta, onkin aina kiinnostanut, että millainen kaulatappi neemoilla on (juu,en ole uskaltanut irroitella omani päätä). Irtosiko pää ihan vain *pop* vetämällä?

    1. Kiitos! ♥ Tästä pienimmästä Miusta innostus Azoneihin oikeastaan lähti! Vaikkei ollutkaan ensimmäinen tilattu, niin saapui ensimmäisenä kun second-handinä ostin :3 Joku järjetön Miu-buumi kyllä, ollaan Sargin kanssa molemmat ihan fanaatikkoja hahah XD

      Oi kiva jos tuosta kuvasta oli jotain apua! Aika simppeli kaulasysteemi noilla on, pää irtoaa ihan vetämällä ja tykkään itse vähän pyöritellä päätä sivuttain edestakaisin ettei tunnu niin rajulta vetää toiselta vaan pää irti X'D Takaisin laittaminen onnistuu helposti myöskin, tykkään silloinkin vähän pyöritellä sivuttain samalla kun painan päätä alas paikalleen ja tuosta kuuluu ihan selkeä plop-ääni kun asettuu paikoilleen :3

  5. Oh my goodness, that was fast!! Congrats on her arrival. I think mine is en route (going through customs at the moment).

    She is amazingly cute. I love her face. That bunny scarf is just so awesome.

    It's good to know that about the Pureneemo bodies. I never knew the advance were the older bodies with very little posing ability. I had to go check my incoming Mia and I think she is on the flection. Hopefully!

    I will have to check when the new bodies came into effect so I can keep an eye on that if I order more from Mandarake,

    1. Yes I'm happy about the fast delivery! This time the customs let her slip through, but sometimes when they stop a package it can take forever for them to move it further... Hope your girl arrives soon as well :) And thank you for liking my new girl <3

      I'm still a bit confused about the body differences myself too, everytime I try to search for info Google just gives me a bunch of links to Ebay or other stores selling the bodies... XD But these two are NOT the only different types out there, Azone has also re-designed some parts of the Flection body a couple of times and I'm still not completely sure when each update took place. But it seems the change from Advance to Flection happened sometime in 2010, so any doll released after that should have a some sort of version of the Flection body :3 I think the Winter Vacation Mia was released in 2012-2013?

  6. Aaawwwhhh, voi kun Mimi on suloinen ilmestys!! Mun mielestä Miun naama on kanssa sulosin noista neemotytöistä...! >3<) En oo ennen nähnykään tätä versiota Miusta ja toi musta polkkatukka on ehkä maailman söpöintä!! Kaipailisin niin tännekin jotain mustahiuksista tyttöä..... Hnnngghh!! <3 Maybe one dayyy ~
    Pikku-Miu on myös extra lutunen!! Toi yhteiskuva on aivan ihana! <3

    1. Voi kiitoksia <3 Miun naamassa on vaan sitä jotain... Joo tosiaan iteltäkin oli jotenkin mennyt ihan ohi tällasen Miu-version olemassaolo, yllätys oli iso kun Mandarakessa törmäsin XD Mulla on joku heikkous näihin polkkatukkiin...
