October 14, 2015

Comparison: Picconeemo & Pureneemo bodies (NSFW!!)

It recently occurred to me that after getting the Picconeemo M body for Kokoro, I have most of the different Pureneemo and Picconeemo bodies at home, so I thought I could do a little comparison, mainly of the heights :) I've got some questions about the differences and some of my followers are not so familiar with Azone dolls, so I thought someone might find this post useful~


The only bodies that are not included in this comparison are the Pureneemo M body with LL bust and XS boy body.

All of the dolls in this comparison have the newer Flection Full Action body, which has upgraded shoulder joints that allow better range of movement. There are a few different versions of the older bodies, but they should be pretty much the same in height as these new ones.

Here are the Pureneemo bodies by themselves. You can see that besides the height, also the bust size changes a bit.

I took a closeup to compare the different busts. Here you can see the "standard" bust each body comes with, but you can change the bust parts between the bodies if you wish. 

Here are a few other things I thought I could mention:

:: HEADS ::
Pureneemo heads can be put into any of the bodies, though the larger heads might look a bit bobbleheaded on the XS body.
Picconeemo S heads can be put on the M body.
Picconeemo D heads don't really look good on the S/M body, and vice versa.

:: HANDS ::
Pureneemo S, M and L bodies can share the same hand parts, but the XS body has its own, smaller hands.
Picconeemo S and M can share the same hand parts, the D body obviously has different ones.

:: FEET ::
The feet size of different Pureneemo bodies looks pretty much the same to me, so I'd say they can share shoes.
Picconeemo S and M have the same feet size.
Picconeemo D can't share shoes with Picco S & M, but some Pureneemo shoes might fit them (and other way around).


Hope I didn't forget to mention anything! ^^;
Feel free to ask if there are any further questions ^^


  1. That was a really interesting post Safir, I didn't realise there were so many different sizes and it's good to see them side by side like that. I like how the bust develops in line with their height & age, much more natural than seeing huge knockers on a young girl.

    1. Great to hear it was useful :) I agree that the bodies look more natural this way and it's also good that there is a variety of different bodies.

  2. Thanks for posting this :D It's very interesting to see such a variety of sizes! It's also very cute to have dollies of such varying sizes all together!

    It seems the pureneemos height difference is mostly in their legs? :O So does that mean they can share most clothes between L-M-S?

    1. No problem :3 I like all the sizes of these dolls, it's fun that they don't all have exactly the same body~

      You're right that most of the height difference comes from the legs, so the Pureneemos can often share clothes despite being on different bodies. Some of the tighter clothes meant for the smaller (S & M) bodies might not fit L body. Azone usually mentions which body the clothes are meant for and whether or not they'd fit on the others :)

  3. Thanks for the info and comparison pictures! I didn't know there were this many sizes of Neemo dolls and didn't realize that Picconeemo were that small compared to the Pureneemo.

    1. You're welcome! With Pureneemos and Picconeemos it's a bit like starting the BJD hobby all over again, isn't it XD A lot of new information...

  4. Yay, very useful stuff, thanks! <3

  5. This is a very useful comparison! I have always wondered if they had different bodies (my knowledge of Pureneemos is scarce) and this was great!
    Thank you for the info and the pictures :D

    1. Good to hear that the comparison was useful, I was glad to share some info :)

  6. Oh thank you so much for the comparison. I had been wondering about the Picconeemo size compared to the regular Pureneemo sizes. I also didn't realise Manami (the teacher if I got her name right) came on the L body. Is that her default body?

    I think I have all the Pureneemo bodies except the L size. Picconeemo S could almost work as dolls for the larger Pureneemo girls ... hmmm....

    1. No problem! Picconeemos are really cute and tiny, though they're feet is so small that it's quite impossible to find any other than Azone shoes for them ^^; You almost got the name right, it's Minami(-sensei)! She comes with the M body actually, but I wanted her to be taller than the rest of the girls so that she looks more like the teacher she's supposed to be. The L body seems to have been discontinued now and sold out everywhere, so I'm glad I bought the body when I still had the chance >.<

      I think of Picconeemos as the little sisters to the bigger Pureneemos :) But Picconeemo S makes such a perfect doll for a SD sized BJD! That's actually what originally got me interested in Azones - the idea of a doll for a doll :) Here you can see my Iplehouse girl (60cm) with a Picconeemo S.

  7. Tämähän on tosi selkeä ja hyvä vertailu! Täytyypä linkkailla tämä tuonne oman blogini Azone info-sivuun ^^

    1. Kiitoksia, kiva jos vaikutti hyvälle :3 Ja saa toki linkkailla info-sivulle jos tästä vaikka olisi jollekin hyötyä!

  8. This will be super useful if I ever decide to buy some pureneemos, thanks for sharing!

    1. No problem, great to hear you found it useful! Everyone should get at least one Pureneemo ;)
