October 9, 2015

Swan Lake Raili arrival

My Swan Lake Raili arrived this morning ^^ I was pretty sure that I'd be at school and wouldn't be able to open her until the evening, but I was feeling quite sick when I woke up so I decided to stay at home and rest. Looks like I've caught the autumn flu that everyone seems to have here ^^; But I'm glad that this girl came just in time to cheer me up! ♥

There are quite many photos in this post, so beware...

The box with Sarg's Harumi (Bambi-chan Raili) and Ritsuka (Wolf Koron)! They assisted me with the box opening~ ♥

Careful with those scissors, Harumi...

Opening the box...

Harumi: "Is there anyone there??!"

Looks like we're going to need the scissors again to get this plastic off o3o

Carefully, Harumi!! Don't hurt your new friend ;o; (Also, looks like a wild Miu has appeared...)

Here we go! ♥ Girls, this is your new friend, Sayuri~

Cuuute~ ♥

I wonder why I always take photos of the box and accessories before focusing on the doll itself :'D It used to be the other way around - some time ago I was way too impatient and wanted to get my hands on the doll right away, everything else could wait...

Anyway, here are some photos of the box:

The doll + all the accessories she came with! I forgot to take more detailed pictures of her outfit though, blame it on the flu and this horrible headache ^^; It's just gorgeous, I need to take more pictures of it later!

A closeup of her lovely accessories ♥ That little bag is definitely my favorite of these~ I also love the cape, it's made of this lovely soft material! Unfortunately the bow on it had been folded during the shipping, so it doesn't look that nice... I need to do something to it later. But still, I'm very satisfied with the outfit and all the little things~

Next we're going to take a look at the leaflet!

Look at all those cute animals ;___; ♥

Swan Lake is one of my favorite fairy tales, so I really love how Azone used it as an inspiration for this doll. I enjoyed looking at the cute pictures in this leaflet too, even though I can't read really Japanese ^^; These drawn swans are adorable, the picture looks like a postcard~

On the last page there are pictures of all the outfit parts! 

Aaand now let's get back to the doll...

Harumi: "Let me help you~"
Sayuri: "... ; . ;"

Sayuri: "I'm free!! D:"
Harumi: "Yes~ Welcome, new friend c:"

Sayuri: "Iaaaah, a monster!!"
Harumi: "Sayuri, calm down, it's okay!"

Harumi: "It's just Ritsuka... Hey, don't scare others like that >:I"
Ritsuka: "Sorry... I just wanted to say hi :c"

Sayuri: "H-hello... For a moment I really thought you were a monster... ^^;;"
Ritsuka: "Heh, sorry about that... But this hood thing is really comfy! ^w^

After this little misunderstanding, the girls seem to be getting along well~

I'm really happy that I decided to get this doll, she's even prettier in person! I got the same feeling from Briar Rose Lien as well and Sarg's Wolf Koron is super gorgeous too, so I guess there's something extra special in these fairy tale themed Neemos :3

We also took a few quick closeup pictures!

The two grey-haired Pureneemo girls in the house ♥ We actually started thinking that these two could be relatives of some sort?

And a comparison of our two Railis c: They look so different!

The box opening ends here, that was a lot of images to edit! X'D We already took a little photoshoot of Sayuri as well, but I think I'm going to leave those photos for another post... Now I need to get some rest, this flu made the photo editing feel very exhausting ;3;


  1. I'm sorry to hear you are not well and hope the flu doesn't hang around too long. It's always not pleasant being sick!

    Congrats on the new girl. She looks really beautiful. I never noticed her eyes were a gradient style blue. I love that feature. And everything she comes with, these dolls seem to come with a lot of stuff.

    Thanks for posting the two Raiilis. It's nice to see the comparison. Is one taller than the other because of shoes?

    I was also curious, your wild Miu, she's so much smaller. Is that a Picconeemo body?

    1. Luckily I don't seem to get the flu that often! It feels like everyone is currently sick in Finland, most of my class mates have been sick as well :/ I'm already feeling better, which is great since I was fearing I'd be sick for my holiday next week~

      Thank you~! I think her eye color is really lovely! And I always love how many parts there are in the default outfits and how detailed everything is :3

      The both Railis have the same body (S), the little height difference comes from the shoes. I didn't realize to put on Sayuri's shoes until after taking these photos ^^;

      Yes, little Miu has a Picconeemo S body :) I've been thinking of doing a height comparison of all the Picconeemo and Pureneemo bodies I have, in case some people might find it useful~

  2. Congrats on your new arrival Safir. I hope you are feeling better soon, the flu can be a right ol' pain in the butt. Your new girl is very sweet and her costuming is pretty, actually all three are wearing lovely clothes.

    1. Thank you dear~ I'm already feeling a bit better, thankfully the flu didn't hit me as badly as it could've!

  3. Pikaista paranemista! Onneksi olkoon uudesta nukesta, alkaa jo vähän kaduttaa kun jätin joutsentytön ostamatta... :P Toivon ihania ulkokuvia heti kun maa on valkeana! <3

    1. Kiitoksia~ Täytyy tosiaan ottaa talvisia kuvia sitten kun lumen aika koittaa :3 Onneksi näitä on vielä mahdollista saada jälkimarkkinoilta, en ole ihan järkkyihin hintoihin vielä törmännyt!

  4. Voih, katoin itekki tätä Swan Lake Railia Amimista ja mietin et, tilaakohan jotkut tämän neitokaisen itselleen, ja oikeessa olin (loll) x3♥♥
    Ihana neiti on!! ♥Nuo valkeat asusteet♥ *3* nwwwn
    Sataispa jo lunta maahan!!

    1. Awwh, kiitoksia x3 Tämä tyttö oli kyllä pakkohankinta!

      Lunta odotellessa~ Ei tosin tarvitsisi ihan vielä sataa, kun en ole ehtinyt vielä ottamaan nättejä syksykuviakaan X'D

  5. Onnea uudesta nukesta, hän on aivan ihanaaaaa ja nuo vaatteet mitkä hänelle tuli on aivan ihanat. ♥

    1. Kiitos paljon! :) Tämä asusetti kyllä ihastuttaa, todella kaunista jälkeä~

  6. Nyyh, se on niin kaunis! Ja noi silmät on niin ihanan sävyiset! ;_;

    Toivottavasti flunssa menee nopeasti ohi. Paranemisia!

    1. Tää silmien sävy on kyllä tosi nätti! Täytyykin varmaan ottaa tyttö mukaan sitten seuraavaan miittiin :)

      Kiitos, flunssa alkaa jo pikkuhiljaa helpottaa ^^

  7. I hope you get better soon!!! it sucks to be sick :(
    Your new doll is gorgeous, congrats! Loved the costume. That fairytale is one of my favoreite too :)

    1. I'm already feeling better, yay~
      Thank you :3 Somehow I've always liked the animal themed fairytales a lot!

  8. Hope you feel better soon! (But I'm sure a new arrival will help you feel better already!)

    Raili is adorable :O I love her outfit (especially the hood!) and all the little details in her packaging~ I'm also a fan of pale-skinned neemos it seems x3

    1. Thanks dear~ Looks like the flu didn't like me that much, since I'm already feeling better XD Dolls do help a lot, they can definitely brighten up the days even when you're sick~

      I like the Raili face a lot, but I wish there were more pale-skinned neemos too! I've been hoping that Azone would introduce some new faces to us at some point >3<

  9. I hope you feel better soon! ;.; Be sure to get plenty of rest and keep your dolls nearby to cheer you up ^^

    Congratulations on your new sweetie! She is so darling and her outfit looks amazing!!

    1. Dolls do cheer up a lot during the sick days~ I'm feeling better already!

      Thank you ^w^ The outfit is just perfect~

  10. Hope you feel better soon!!
    Raili is so cute, lover her outfit :3 And Ritsuka's wolf koron is adorable!!!

    1. I'm feeling a lot better already~
      Thank you dear ^^

  11. Vitsi kun noi harmaat/hopeiset hiukset on ihanat!! <3
    Toivottavasti flunssa menee nopeesti ohi! Sitä on nyt tosi paljon liikkeellä! O___O"

    1. Joo nää on tosi nätinväriset~ Sais olla enemmänkin tällaisia hiuksia neemoilla x3
      Onneksi tää tuntuu menevän ohi aika nopsaan, paljon parempi olo jo! Satu on kanssa kipeenä ja sille iski paljon sitkeämpänä >.< Tuntuu että joka toinen on tässä flunssassa...

  12. Voi kurjuus että ole kipeänä! Toivottavasti olo jo helpottaa! ^-^

    Oi, ihana nukke! Tykkään hirveästi näistä satulehtisistä, joita satuteemaisten Azoneiden kanssa tulee, kiva kun otat niistäkin kuvia. (hihi, Schleichin valmistamia eläinfiguureja kuvassa! x3)
    Teidän Azone tytöt on aina niin pirteitä ja iloisia, tulee niin hyvälle mielelle näitä kuvatarinoita lukiessa ja katsellessa.

    1. Ah, luin edellisen kommenttisi, Sadulle kanssa paranemisia! ^3^
      Nyt tuntuu olevan tosi sitkeää flunssaa liikkeellä, kaikki on kipeänä! *yrittää sinnitellä ettei saisi tartuntaa*

    2. Itse olen jo aikalailla parantunut, mutta Sadulle iski vähän sitkeämpi flunssa. Välitän terkut eteenpäin :3

      Kiitos! Nää lehtiset on hirmukivoja kyllä, sie varmaan osaat näitä lukeakin~ Mietittiinkin Sadun kanssa että onko noi Schleichin eläinfiguja kun näytti niin tutuille XD

      Kiva jos nämä piristää~ Azone-tyttöjen kanssa tulee itsekin hyvälle tuulelle ja nämä mahdollistaa tällaiset enemmän höpöhöpö-jutut, kun taas suurin osa BJD:eistä on sitten vähän vakavampia tapauksia X'D (vaikka näitä söpöjä/hassuja joukossa sielläkin)
