March 17, 2015

January loot from Amiami

FINALLY this package is here :D It was shipped on February 10th and after over 4 weeks I was starting to think that I'd never see the items I ordered... But fortunately it finally arrived to Finland last Friday and even though it got stuck in the customs, I was able to pick it up from our post office today. It felt so weird to get the February package a lot earlier, but as long as all of my stuff gets here safe, I'm happy!

This is what the box looked like after I removed all the paper stuffing... Once again, these could've fit into a lot smaller box u_u

My loot was quite figure-oriented this time, though me and Sarg did add on a few Azone clothes for our girls :) I forgot to take a picture of them, but it's nothing special, I only got a skirt and some school uniforms X'D

After this loot I guess you don't need to ask me what is one of my favorite anime series, it's probably quite obvious... X''D

Love Live! Nendoroid Petite set 

I contemplated for a long while whether to pre-order the complete set or try to find my favorite characters separately afterwards... As you can see I decided to go for the complete set X'D And I'm definitely glad that I did, these are all sooo cute and I probably would've ended up spending the price of the set on finding just the few of my favorites separately... The LL girls definitely look the best together as a complete group~ ♥

I was kinda hoping that after getting this Nendo Petit set I would no longer feel the urge to buy the new SEGA prize figures since they're wearing the same outfits... But nope, I still don't know what to do with them ;___; Eli, Maki, Kotori, Hanayo and Honoka all have so cute poses and faces, there are only three that I don't especially like (Umi, Rin, Nico). Nozomi only has the concept art for now, but she's my favorite, so I'd most likely want her in any case... So that still leaves me 6 out of 9 >.<;; Gosh, I guess I need to try to just look away when I see them for sale somewhere XD

Minami Kotori Nendoroid

Kotoriiii ;___; ♥ My second favorite Love Live girl~ I already saw this figure IRL since Janina had brought it to our meet-up and it's so, so adorable ♥♥ The Nendo group is coming together beautifully hahah~ I didn't open this figure yet, so I'm probably going to make a separate post about her and the other LL Nendoroids that I have so far :3

Devil Homura Nendoroid

I'm really glad that the Nendoroid version of Devil Homura wasn't an exclusive like the Figma was, so pre-prdering was more simple :3 Though they did have earring parts as a GSC shop exclusive bonus, but I didn't think they were worth of ordering through GSC. Their price was more expensive and I also would've had to pay the EMS shipping for just this one figure, so... No thank you XD

Devil Homura is definitely one of my favorite Nendoroids ever, she's just so beautiful and detailed ;3; She didn't come with that many parts so the price did seem quite high, but I guess they knew at GSC that PMMM/Homura fans would be prepared to pay it for this girl XD She's totally worth it though! (And I'm glad I was able to pre-order her since the prices for PMMM figures tend to be ridiculously high in the second-hand market...)

This is another figure that I didn't open yet, I might make a separate post about her as well~

Kousaka Honoka prize figure x2

Honoka was the last girl that I was missing from the Mo Gyutto "love" de Sekkinchuu! prize figures, though I didn't have to worry about whether or not I'm going get her as I had her on pre-order, unlike the rest... Honoka isn't exactly one of my favorite characters, so I wasn't as excited about getting the figure itself than completing the full set, but now after seeing it in person I must admit that I do like it a lot :3 However, I'm not that keen on the school uniform version, especially since I don't have the other girls with the same outfit so the poor Honoka is all alone hahah :'D I guess I might try to sell it later...

Minami Kotori -No Brand Girls- prize figure

Aaand my last missing piece from the complete set of No Brand Girls prize figures, now my life's complete! ♥ I managed to snag her from the pre-owned section. There's been a bunch of Love Live prizes there since the figures were released, so apparently my concern of not being able to get the figures for a reasonable price was pointless...


I apologize for posting so many loot posts lately, I'll try to come up with something else for the next post ^^; It's just that I've been working a lot and haven't really been inspired nor had the strength to take any decent photos. When I've had some free time I've just wanted to relax and quietly play with my dolls and figures by myself. I've done some sewing as well, though!


  1. Herranjestas mikä odotusaika! D: Minä olin eilen huolissani kun tuli neljä viikkoa täyteen Amiamin ja CDJapanin tilauksista, mutta taitaa olla niin että joudunkin odottelemaan vielä tovin. Vähän jännittää kyllä, tänään nimittäin saapui eräs myöhemmin tilattu paketti Amiamilta, mutta niitä toisia lähetyksiä ei vain näy eikä kuulu. T___T

    1. Joo toi on kyllä tosi mystinen juttu... Toi helmikuun tilaus tuli tosiaan EMS:llä ja tää tammikuun SAL Parcelilla, että silläkin voi olla (ja onkin) vaikutusta, mutta oon kuullut että muillakin on Japanista tulevat paketit jumittaneet >.< Yksikään paketti ei vielä kyllä ole miulla kadonnut tähän mennessä, vaikka välillä olisikin saanut odotella kauan. Toivotaan että nää siunkin paketit ilmaantuvat pian :3

    2. Suurin piirtein viime marraskuusta asti kaikki Sal-lähetykset on minusta tulleet tavallista hitaammin, sen oli vissiin muutkin huomanneet. Ei mullakaan oo koskaan hävinnyt mitään, mutta huolestuttaa välillä että joku ohikulkija napsii paketit mukaansa laatikosta jos en oo kotona kyttäämässä postiautoa. >___< Pitäis ostaa lukollinen laatikko...

    3. Itelle on yleensä tullut enimmäkseen Airmaililla joka on ollut aikas ripeä, tämä oli nyt ensimmäinen SAL-lähetys pitkään aikaan ja kyllä jännitti tuo hitaus... >3<

      Muistan sen kauhunhetken kerran kun asuin toisaalla ja meillä oli lukoton postilaatikko, tulin kotiin ja näin että isohko nukkelaatikko oli tungettu postilootaan niin että se tuli puoliksi ulos sieltä eikä kansi mahtunut kiinni tai mitään... Siitä olisi kuka tahansa voinut napata kalliin nuken, onneksi ehdin kuitenkin ensin X'D

    4. Oijoi! :/ Mullekin on yks nukke saapunu suoraan laatikkoon, mutta se tuli onneksi niin pienessä paketissa että laatikon kansi mahtui kiinni... Kiitos vertaistuesta, paketit tulikin jo tänään, turhaan huolestuin. :DD

    5. Yay, mahtava kuulla että pakettisi kotiutuivat! ♥ Tuntuu että yleensä auttaa sanoa jollekin että hitsi kun kestää ja sitten onkin jo tavarat laatikossa XD

  2. Ah congrats on the arrival! I am still quite confused on the big boxes for shipping. Maybe it's a standard rate or something over there as both Hobbysearch and Mandarake seem to ship the same way.

    Nendoroid Petites are really cute. Do you have trouble standing them on their stands? I always seem to knock mine over.

    1. Thank you! Yeah the big boxes confuse me as well... I kinda understand it with scale figures that could break easily, but Nendoroids and such are pretty much in pieces to start with and it's not like they could get broken during the shipping unless you run over the package with a car or something ^^;; It's nice to be cautious with packaging, but too much is too much...

      I love Nendoroid Petites, they're so tiny and cute~ ♥ I don't think I've had any problems with standing them on the stands, though with some it can be a bit harder to find the good balance due to the heads' weight X'D

  3. Mä tykkään tosi paljon näistä sun lootti postauksista ^^
    Ja olisi todella kiva nähdä review tuosta Kotorista varsinkin~ ;> ..Ja nähdä paljon kuvia kaikista sinun Love Live figuureista !

    1. Yay, tosi mukava kuulla! ^3^ Ite tykkään tehdä loottipostauksia kun tykkään katsella muidenkin lootteja, mutta välillä alkaa mietityttämään että mitä jos muut ei tykkääkään... Mutta mahtavaa jos nämä eivät ainakaan kaikkia karkota hahah XD

      Joo voisin tosiaan tehdä jotain review-tyyppistä postausta noista Love Live nendoista :) Täytyy myös koittaa kuvailla noita muita, kuvaamisessa on omat haasteensa jos yrittää saada koko tyttöporukan kerralla samaan kuvaan XD

  4. I don't mind loot posts, I find them interesting, since you usually get things I don't know about. I just wish I had more to comment about them XD

    1. Well it makes me really glad to hear that you like reading my posts, even if it's about something you're not familiar with ^^ I truly appreciate it~

  5. Täällä toinen joka tykkää tosi paljon loottipostauksista! ^3^ On ihanaa kun pääsee fiilistelemään toisten ostoksia ja vieläpä figuostoksia, mahtavaa! :33

    Voi ei apua... Nyt te Janinan kanssa vyörytätte näitä LoveLive figuja ja olen ihan uguu ihania joka suuntaan. X'D Ei saa! :'''DD Nyt musta tuntuu että mun pitää hankkia edes joku LL Nendoroid. Voi että noi PuchiNendot on suloisia~ <3 Ihana setti... ;__;

    Devil Homura~ <3 Tohon vielä Ultimate Madoka Nendo viereen niin kuolauksen määrällä ei mitään rajaa. x'D

    1. Yaay mahtia kuulla :3

      Hahah Love Live vallankumous XDD Maki (eli se punahiuksinen) taisi olla sinun suosikki (?), se on Nendona tulossa ilmeisesti ensi kuun puolella pre-orderiin ;3 Noita on julkistettu hahmojen syntymäpäivien mukaan ja Makilla on huhtikuun 19. päivä~ Pikku-Nendoset on tosiaan ihan hirmu suloisia, nää näyttää ihan poikasille kun pistää isompien nendojen viereen! ♥♥

      Joo mulla on itseasiassa toi Ultimate Madoka Nendona myös, joten ehdottomasti pääsevät vierekkäin hyllyyn hengaamaan! Pitää ottaa yhteiskuvia noista jossain välissä :3 Vielä kun saisi Devil Homuran figma-versiolle Ultimate Madokan kaveriksi... Tuntuvat vaan liikkuvan ihan hirveissä hinnoissa T.T

  6. So many pretty figures, even though the only anime I know from these are Madoka Magika. xD

    I've recently bought my first anime figures and I kinda fear what I've gotten myself into. Now I just can't stop looking at the websites all the time, haha. ^^'' I'm also waiting for my first order from Amiami, but it got caught in the customs even with the slowest shipping method. T_T Stupid customs!

    1. Oh thank you <3 There are so many anime nowadays and new series coming out like every month, so it's quite impossible to keep track of everything X'D But I do recommend checking out Love Live, I think it's a fun music/slice of life series~

      Those were exactly my thoughts when I got started with anime figures, hahah X''D I guess it's the same as with BJDs, they can be really addicting! It helps if you like series that are not so popular/do not get lots of figures released, but I happen to like some series (well, like Madoka Magica...) that get LOADS so I feel like there's always something new and tempting ^^;;;

      Sorry to hear that your order got caught in the customs :/ They do not undervalue the packages nor mark them as gifts, so the customs always catch them here too, even with the slowest shipping method...
