March 2, 2015

Sunday meet-up~!

We had a super fun meet-up yesterday with Sarg, Spica, Janina and Tiinyan ^w^ This was our first time meeting, but hopefully we'll be able to arrange more little meet-ups in the future as well~

First we decided to go to a Chinese restaurant ♥ It'd been many years since I'd last been to one, but I definitely wish to eat Chinese food more often now, it's so yummy! Being a vegetarian it always makes me a bit nervous to visit new places since I have no idea what kind of dishes they might have, but this place had a great menu! ^^ The food was really good and reasonably priced, my dish was even so big that I couldn't eat all of it ^^; Now I wish we'd taken photos of our dishes too, they all had a cute flower as a decoration ;3; (And I like taking photos of random things like food...)

We had thought of going to a café afterwards, but they were already about to close soon, damn you Sunday and 6pm closing times! Instead we just wandered around, found a random table at the corner of the shopping center and decided to put our dolls on it for some pictures XD Mine aren't the best quality as I only had my iPhone along, oh why I didn't bring my DSLR... Hopefully the others will share their photos as well~

The Neemos! ♥ (many Mius XD)

The pink-haired ladies, Spica's Chiika and Janina's Alisa~

Kinoko Juice is my grail Azone and I had asked Spica to take this girl along, so I could see her IRL... And she is soooo pretty, sniff ;___; I really hope I'll be able to find one for a reasonable price someday...

Yaaay, Mimi and Tiinyan's Shiori were able to meet! ♥ I love it how they look like they have their own personalities, even though they're the same doll~ (Mimi looks smaller since I've now swapped her to the XS body)

"Heey, don't forget me!! >3<"
Yup, little Miu wanted to get into the photo with the big Mius XD

The girls also got some male company XD

Janina's Kotori Nendoroid ;___; So adorable, I hope mine will arrive soon too!

Hello handsome! ♥ Spica's new Soom Chrom~ 

I helped Spica with ordering her Chrom and the doll was delivered to my address, so I had to somehow transport the doll and the box to Helsinki X'D Actually, bringing the doll to Spica was the original "reason" for meeting, but we figured that why not invite some other local dolly people as well! (Really glad we did ♥)

Photo by Janina

The perfect bag for transporting a Soom, it says "Everything but expensive" in Finnish XDD Definitely one of the most epic things in our meet-up, we laughed so hard at this! This should be like the official carrier for dolls hahah

Thank you so much girls, let's meet again soon! ♥ *hugs to all*


  1. This looks like you had so much fun! The girls are so cute and the Chrom is beautiful <3

    1. We definitely did ^^ Chrom looks gorgeous in tan skin~ Glad that someone nearby got him so I can admire ;3;

  2. Haha, you beat me to post about the meet-up! ;'DD

    Awww~ Thanks to you and Sarg (and Janina and Tiinyan too!) I had a super fun sunday evening! * hugs to you as well!* (Haha, actually I would have liked to ask you all for a hug when we parted, but I didn't muster up the courage to do so, heh.) ^3^ It was nice talking to you and seeing your Pure Neemos (although I might have been too in awe with Chrom at the time we took the dolls out... but there's always next time~) And thank you so much for helping me with Chrom & carrying him to the meet~ <3
    I hope we'll be able to arrange another meet-up soon, I'd really like to see your resin dolls as well. :3

    I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the food and that they had tasty vegetarian dishes to your liking. I'm usually a bit nervous when I recommend a restaurant, if people don't like the food, haha... ^^;;
    (and yeah, I like taking random pics of food and peculiar stuff that I come across too! ^3^ )

    Haha, that plastic bag was superb! x''D I'm still giggling when I look at that photo, heh!

    1. Awww you~ ; ///// ; I'm always super nervous to ask for hugs IRL, but now that we know, maybe we have more courage and can hug next time ^w^ You surely weren't the only one in awe with Chrom hahah, that guy is way too gorgeous~ And no problem, I'm always more than happy to help! Hopefully we can arrange something again soon, would be great to bring some BJDs along as well :3

      It was really a great restaurant! ♥ Me and Sarg usually just go to McDonald's or Subway or Picnic, since those places are "safe" and we're afraid to try out new places ^^; It's great that you recommended that place!

      Heheh hope you didn't throw away that bag, you never know when you might need it to transport something "not expensive" again X'D

  3. Kiitänpä vielä tännekin mukavasta sunnuntai-iltapäivästä! ^^
    Mimi ja Shiori oli niin söpiksiä tossa yhdessä vieretysten ;3;
    Voi ei tuo muovipussi X'D Todellakin eeppisin juttu mihin on vähän aikaan törmännyt, haha

    1. Kiitos sinnekin, oli tosi hauskaa! ♥
      Olivat tosiaan niin nöpöjäää~ Hetken tuli sellanen fiilis kun näki nuo kaksi rinnakkain, että vitsi pitäisiköhän koittaa metsästää toinenkin... Mutta jos nyt kuitenkin ei antais mopon karata käsistä ^^; Oon kyllä niin pottapää-fanaatikko että X'D (Tuo blondi pottapää on muuten miun Shiori, olisi pitänyt ottaa noista kahdesta Shiorista myös yhteiskuva!)

      Pitää kohta varmaan käydä ostamassa kasa pelkkiä muovipusseja Tarjoustalosta kun toi on niin epic X'D

  4. Sounds like a great day was had by all! The Chinese food sounds delicious. I love taking photos of food but it ends up making me hungry!

    Oh I love that Kinoko Juice Chiika too. She does tend to run at the expensive end, even second hand. I would love to add that one too to my collection one day if I can find her at a reasonable price.

    1. It sure was ^^ I'm super delighted that everyone had a great time! Hahah you're right about photographing food, it's never wise unless you can eat it after taking the photos XD

      Yeah, many people are after her and the high demand is probably the reason why people have started asking so much for them :/ But $400-500? That's just way out of the price I'm willing to pay... I'm a bit sad since there was one nude doll for 18,000yen ($150) on Mandarake for quite a long time and by the time I finally made up my mind that I'm going to order her, she was already gone ;___; But hopefully one day we'll all have Kinoko Juice Chiikas! XD (Re-release, please?)

  5. Looks like it was a really fun day!!!!
    I wish SOOM was everything but expensive :p
    Pretty dolls from everyone~

    1. Yeah it was! This was mainly about Pureneemos, but hopefully in the future we'll have many different types of dolls included ^^

      Hahah yeah, I bet everyone wishes that BJDs (and why not Azones as well) were everything but expensive X'D

  6. Hihii, kiitos vielä ihan sikana teillekin sunnuntaista!! Mulla oli tosi kivaa ja toivottavasti nähään tällä kokoonpanolla uudestaankin! <3

    1. Kiitos kiitooos <3 Täytyy ehdottomasti nähdä piakkoin uudestaan ^^

  7. You guys look like you had so much fun! I love it! I wish there were enough people locally around here who had/cared about Neemos to have a meetup! Most of the people here are BJD collectors, and when you pull out a Pure Neemo, they could care less about them! ;_;

    1. We surely did! Pureneemos don't seem to be that popular in Finland either (at least compared to BJDs, Pullips, etc.), but we all just happen to live in Helsinki or nearby ^^;

      Awww that sounds so sad ;___; I like multiple types of dolls and think it would be great to have everything mixed in meet-ups!

  8. Sydämeni itkee verta joka kerta kun näen Kinoko Juice Chiikan. On nimittäin minunkin grailini mutta onnistuu hirveillä hinnoillaan karkottamaan aina luotaan.

    Ihania söpöjä nukkeja teillä miitti täynnä <3

    1. Jep, tiedän tunteen : < Yksi myyjä otti tarjouksia vastaan ja kun kysyin että mitä hintaluokkaa hän oli ajatellut niin kuulemma $400-500... ^^; Jooei. Päälle 250e noita on Yahoo!Japanissa, mutta siitäkin hinta nousee vielä kaikenmaailman maksuilla : < Tekisivätpä jonkun uusintajulkaisun...

      Kiitoksia <3 Toivottavasti päästään siunkin kanssa joskus miittaamaan! ^^
