March 31, 2015

Woman's best friend - Mila arrives!

This morning I got an EMS package from Eve Studio~ ♥ They have a variety of different BJD pets available and from the moment I found about them, I knew I wanted to get at least one doll from them! Then one day we were roleplaying and talked about our characters (Zinnia and Shagrilah) and how cute it would be if they had a dog as a pet... We browsed through Eve Studio's website and well, found just the perfect dog for them ^^;

Sarg already had Zhimor and now I have this little girl, her name is Mila :3 I ordered her on December 2nd, so it took a little less than 4 months, which just fits in the company's estimated waiting time of 3-4 months.

Scroll down a little bit to find out what kind of dog Mila is! ^^

When I opened the box there was this most adorable card ;___; ♥ It makes me really happy that I'm able to support such lovely artists that have a passion towards making these dolls~ You can really tell that they put a lot of love into this :)

On the other side of the card there were pictures of some of the dolls they offer :)

A note with my order info~ So Mila is a Russian Toy terrier :3 Eve Studio used to have this breed available only with a docked tail, but I requested them to release it with a natural, long tail... Docking dogs' tails is not allowed here in Finland and being personally against it as well, it wouldn't have felt right to have a docked dog as a pet for my characters, even if they're living in a fantasy realm instead of Finland X''D But yeah, I'm very, very happy that Eve Studio listened to my wishes and released this version some months after I asked! 

Now back to the box opening!



After taking the box opening pictures, I started playing around and trying out different poses for her, just to get a hang of her posability. She's a great poser I think and able to get into many realistic poses!

Here you may be able to see the texture of the material a little bit! It's not as smooth as resin, it feels a bit like sanding paper and also gives this fur-like feeling when photographed :) This material is also very light-weight compared to resin!

She seems to want some doggy treats.. ^^;

We had this cute dog bed for Mila and I even made a soft mattress to it, but we might've underestimated Mila's size and the bed is maybe a bit too small ^^;; Or it kinda looks like something that Shagrilah and Zinnia bought for Mila when she was a tiny puppy and even once she grew up (and outgrew the bed), she was so attached to her beloved sleeping place that wouldn't accept any other X''D Maybe that's how it went in the story, so that Mila can keep this small bed... She does look like she likes it lol

Aaand of course I had to take some test shots of Mila with her owner, Zinnia ♥

I was unsure about what size to choose, since there are not so many of these Russian toy terrier BJDs around and I couldn't find any comparison photos with SD sized dolls to help with my decision... So it was a bit of a gamble, but I think Mila looks perfect as 8cm! Not too small "handbag dog", but not too huge for it's breed either :)

I've been sewing for Zin and using her as a sewing model, which is why she's lacking a pair of pants  here ^^;; That shirt is new and I'm also slowly working on her wedding dress ;3

Just look at thiss ♥♥♥ I'm a huge sucker for the seeing deep bonds between dogs and their owners, I think it's one of the most beautiful things on Earth~ I can already feel that these characters will be very therapeutic to me when one day my own dear dog (now 10 years old) will no longer be here ;___;

Sarg is making some toys for Mila and I'm going to make her a cute collar with a name tag ♥ Hopefully we'll get to take a little photoshoot of the whole "family" since Sarg is coming over for Easter and will bring Shagrilah with her *3*


  1. Awww, what a cute doggie <3 She looks very nicely in scale with Zinnia! Woof woof <3

    1. Thank you! ♥ I'm really happy that the scale turned out to be right :)

  2. Ohh huge congrats!!! \^3^/~♥

    Mila looks so cute and very realistic! It's awesome~!!! And such expressive eyes... ;__; The surface of that material actually looks like she has a coat of fur and it makes her look even more adorable.

    It's a bit of a surprise for me that she's so big! O3O I thought these dogs would be a lot smaller, but she's a perfect size for Zinnia.

    And now I want a dog from Eve doll too, oh noes! ...wonder if they would make pomeranians... x'D

    1. Thank you, thank you ;3; ♥
      I'm really happy with this doll~ Due to Sarg's Zhimor, I knew what to expect in terms of the material and quality, but I was still surprised at how perfect this little doggie is! I can really recommend Eve Studio's dolls ;3 The material does indeed make it look like she has a coat of fur! It'd be awesome to see more dog breeds from them, such as pomerians and shelties (obviously XD), but I wonder how they'd be able to sculpt their longer fur, hmm...

      Yeah the size surprised me too! XD I tried to use a ruler and imagine what size she'd be, but it still surprised me hahah...

  3. No jopas on suloinen ;3; Etenkin tuo Milan katse! <3 Mila sopii kyllä täydellisesti Zinnian koiraksi ^^ Mahtavaa, että toiveesi hännän suhteen huomioitiin!

    1. Voi kiitoksia <3 Tässä katseessa on kyllä sitä jotakin... En tajua miten nuo silmät on niin aidonnäköiset! En halunnut mitään liian Paris Hilton -koiraa Zinnialle, mutta tää yksilö tuntui sitten juuri sopivalta :3

      Ja se on kyllä aina mukava kun nukkefirmat/artistit oikeasti ottavat huomioon asiakkaiden toiveita :)

  4. ... is Eve Studio the same as Elleo doll on Etsy? O_O Or are they different artists?

    I'd love to get the biggest Akita dog from Elleo~

    1. They're different artists! :) Though Elleo doll does have great animal dolls too, that Akita definitely looks cool~ It's fun to see how many different dog breeds will be available as BJDs!

  5. Aww mikä söpöliini hauva! Tykkään hirmuisesti näistä aidon näköisistä eläimistä, harmi vain että nämä ihanuudet yleensä ovatkin aika hintavia.

    1. Kiitos! :3 Kieltämättä kirpaisi kyllä vähän tuo hinta ja pitkään tuli mietittyä, että onko tämä nyt sitten varmasti järkevä ostos ja onneksi tuo osoittautui kovin laadukkaaksi ja ihanaksi... Ja kun tilaus maksetaan kahdessa erässä (puolet tilaus hetkellä ja puolet kun nukke on valmiina shipattavaksi), niin sekin vähän vähensi hinnan hirvitystä X''D

  6. Oh my gosh, I love this company's pet dolls ~~~ your little Mila is so cute, I think the texture of the resin is so perfect for pet dollies!

    1. I love them too! ^^ I really like the realistic features and the texture~ The material is actually called "polyamide", so it's not exactly like resin... A lot more light-weight and seems maybe a bit less fragile :) They do offer resin versions of some of the pets though.

      Thank you! ♥

  7. She is so cute and poses really great.

  8. Congrats on the arrival!!!!

    I ahd an amazing dream once, I dreamt Faolan was real and He had a gorgeous dog. I've been obsessed with him having a dog since then, but since I sold my Saint to reshell Faolan in the far future I don't have to worry about that yet XD! Which is good because Eve Studio pets are very pretty but expensive as well. I will get one someday though, I'm totally having a pet for Faolan :)

    Zinnia and Mila look perfect together, you can feel the love for her pet in the photos, so cute!

    1. Thank you dear! ♥
      Aww that sounds like an amazing dream x3 I really hope you get a dog for Faolan once you've reshelled him~ Eve Studio pets may be expensive, but I think they're worth the price!

  9. Oi kun tuo koira on ihana, erityisesti noine nappisilmineen! Onnittelut tulokkaasta ja paljon lisää kuvia Milasta ja omistajastaan. :) Btw, harrastaako Zinnia Milan kanssa jotain, näyttelyitä, tokoa tms (ei mitään hajua mitä noin pienien koirien kanssa saa/voi harrastaa), mistä saisi kivoja kuvia?

    1. Kiitoksia kovasti~ Tämä pikkuinen nappisilmä on kyllä hurmannut kotiväen täysin~
      Oiih en ollutkaan yhtään tullut ajatelleeksi jotain harrastuksia Milalle! Pienien koirien kanssa pystyy toki harrastelemaan kaikenlaista :) Täytyy ehdottomasti kehitellä jotain söpöä harrastusaiheista kuvailua!

  10. Ei taas kommentoin ihan liian myöhään >.<
    ~ Kuitenkin, aivan hirmu söpö koira *3* ❤
    Ja tämä ihana neiti - nukke näissä kuvissa on ihana ! Onkos hänen nimensä Mila ? ^^
    Mutta siis, olen aivan rakastunut noihin koira "Figun" silmiin ywy ♡ Tämä "figuuti" koira on kyllä niin hyvin tehty ! : 3

    1. Aww kiitoksia ^^ Tän koiran nimi on siis Mila ja tämä ihmisnukke on nimeltään Zinnia :) Milan nappisilmät osaa kyllä valloittaa, tää on kyllä tosi realistinen ja ihan kuin oikea koira minikoossa!
