March 24, 2015

Welcome home sensei-chan~

The title probably already spoils it, so I'll just say it: I FOUND MY GRAIL AZONE MINAMI-SENSEI!! ♥♥ *___*
I've been looking for the brown-haired version with a reasonable price for months and this was only the second one I've seen for sale, even though I check Mandarake and Y!J daily! The first Minami-sensei I saw was like 2 months ago and it was gone before I could buy her. So it seems like she's quite rare, the other version I've seen pop up quite often. I really shouldn't have bought another doll right now, but with Minami I just couldn't risk that if I let this one go, I might not see another for many months ;__;

Photo © Azone

I had already bought this girl when I was writing the meet-up post, but since you never know whether or not you actually get an item from Mandarake until you get a confirmation... I'm a bit superstitious, so didn't want to mention anything before I was sure, fearing that if I spoke about it aloud I might end up not getting the doll after all and being all disappointed >3<

And speaking of being superstitious, I really think that Tiinyan's Minami-sensei was my Lady Luck here, so thank you SO MUCH for bringing your girl to the meet-up! ♥ I can't believe how she found her grail Candy Cotton Miu soon after I got mine, and now I found Minami-sensei on the next day from seeing hers in person XD Hope we can get some group pictures someday~

Sarg actually purchased the other version a while ago, she's already in the Finnish customs (with my Lil Fairy Erunoe) waiting for us to pay the custom fees! Sarg wanted to give her girl a Scandinavian name (Malla), so I chose a matching name to my Minami as well, since they're going to be sisters x3 My girl's name will be Janna!

Malla is the younger sister that often takes the students hiking and camping on her biology lessons, while the older Janna teaches languages and also sometimes substitutes on gym lessons~

Photo © Azone

And to celebrate purchasing Minami-sensei, I dressed some of my girls into their school uniforms and took a few photos ^^ Hopefully the second desk set will arrive soon (it was missing from my order and they offered to send it separately later) and Minami-sensei too, so we can take some fun school photos ;3;


  1. Oooh, congrats! ^_^ She is very cute, and her dress is yummy. And those little glasses <3

    1. Thank you <3 I just can't get over how cute she and all of her clothes are x3 And the tiny glasses especially are so adorable~

  2. Haha, no se kävi nopeasti tuo Minamin löytäminen! :'D Onneksi olkoon!
    Ihania oppilaita siellä näköjään odottaakin jo opeaan ^^

    1. No kyllä!! En meinannut uskoa silmiäni kun näin tuon Mandarakessa XD Kuukausia olin stalkannut eikä missään näkynyt ainuttakaan ja nyt sitten heti miitin jälkeen... On se merkillistä ^^;

      Kiitoksia~ Ainakin toistaiseksi oppilaat on innokkaana opea odottelemassa, saa nähdä miten käy sitten kun pitäisi kirjat ottaa esille ja ryhtyä opiskelemaan XD

  3. Oooh wow! Congratulations! ^3^ That's just awesome!! (although I had a sort of a gut-feeling while reading the meet-post that you might already have a certain Minami-sensei in sight, hehee! ;) )

    The girls are so lovely in their seifukus~ Unicorn Schoolgirl must be the cutest thing in the world. x'33

    1. Hihih thank you dear! ^3^ I couldn't resist a tiny hint on the previous post, but didn't want to gloat to much in case someone else managed to grab her before me ^^; But now that it's all confirmed I can party hard hahah XD

      I'm such a sucker for cute seifukus... I managed to get one in Picco size too, can't wait to see that tiny thing IRL XD Janna doesn't seem to be such a strict teacher since the girls can wear their unicorn hairbands, bunny shoes, etc. XD

  4. Congrats! She looks very pretty~

    I'm a bit supertitious as well, I never tell anyone of something that might happen that I want to happen because I feel that If I tell it won't happen XD

    I'm glad you got her!

    1. Thank you ^^ I'm really happy to have found her~
      Yeah that's exactly how I feel as well XD Sometimes I'm afraid to even mention things that I've ordered, fearing that they might get lost in the mail or stolen if I talk about them... Though I guess that's more like being paranoid ^^;

  5. Onneksi olkoon grailista ^^ Teillä ne Azonet vaan tuntuu lisääntyvän kuin sienet sateella xD

    1. Kiitos paljon~ Joo nää on nyt päässeet lisääntymään huimaa tahtia kun monista suosikeista on tullut vastaan liian hyviä diilejä pienen ajan sisällä T////T Toivottavasti tämä Minami olisi nyt viimeinen vähään aikaan...

  6. Congrats on your grail! It is a wonderful feeling to get something you really really want :) And it looks like a very cute Azone!

    1. Thank you so much ♥ It definitely is a great feeling being able to find a grail doll and it feels even more wonderful when you get the doll home to see it for the first time! ^^

  7. Hihii!! Onnittelut Minamin löytämisestä täältäkin suunnalta (terveisin, hidas kommentoija)!! Sitten paljon yhteiskuvia molempien Minamien kanssa kun ne saapuu, joooooko?! *u*

    1. Hehehe, tai sitten vaan minä postaan liian usein?! XD Mutta kiitos kiitooos!! ♥ Yhteiskuvia Minami-siskoksista tulee varmasti, tuo Sargin Malla saapuikin jo tuossa eilen ja omani toivonmukaan ei jumita ikuisuuksia postin kynsissä >3<

  8. Onnea! ♥ Että, rakastuin tuohon yhden tyttösesi yksisarvispantaan (/ ~3~)/ <3 Niin söpö koulupulpetti ja kouluvaatteet nwn ~

    1. Kiitoksiaa ^w^ Joo mäkin rakastan tota yksisarvispantaa, kaikki yksisarvis-asiat yleensäkin on niin ihania~
