May 16, 2016

In the jungle

The third challenge of Instagram's Next Top BJD is now over! I was quite worried about this challenge, but looks like the judges liked Carmen enough to let her through to the next round ^^ There are only 34 contestants remaining, 11 were eliminated this round. The competition is definitely getting tougher!

The theme for this challenge was "Jungle"- we had to create an outfit that our doll would wear for a jungle adventure! I found this challenge to be the most difficult one so far, since Carmen is a city girl to the bone and it's so hard to think of her in the jungle XD She hates bugs, would never wear cargo pants or other non-feminine clothes, and would probably die out there without her makeup and hair care products... But I had to come up with something. I think this contest is such a great inspiration and gets us to use our imagination to the fullest! I decided to go the Lara Croft route, since I thought it would suit Carmen's character best. Who knows, maybe she'll even go on an adventure with her husband now, dressed like this XD

Previous challenges:
#1 A pop of color
#2 Day & Night

This was my photo for the challenge. It was a bit windy and Carmen's hair was all over the place most of the time, but I managed to get one shot where her hair was flowing quite nicely! At first I only took full-body shots, but in the end I decided to go with this half-body photo since I wasn't completely happy with the shoes XD

I don't have any combat boots or similar shoes for my Iple girls, so finding shoes to match this outfit was the hardest thing. I actually borrowed these from Sarg, hahah XD

The next challenge's theme is "Disney" and I'm super excited about it! XD I've already picked out the character inspiration for Carmen's outfit and I think I also have the needed materials for making it. I'm not going to reveal the character yet, but the outfit is going to be something that fits Carmen's own style so she can wear it outside the contest challenge as well!


  1. Upea Carmen! ^3^ ♥ Onnea jatkoon pääsystä ja tsemppiä seuraavaan haasteeseen!

    1. Kiitoksia paljon! ♥ Asu seuraavaan haasteeseen on vähän vaiheessa, mutta onneksi on vielä viikko aikaa >3<

  2. She looks amazing!!! And congrats on passing to the next round, that is great <3!!!

    Can't wait to see her as a disney character! I'm trying to think who she could be haha

    1. Thanks so much! ♥ There are so many amazing entries each round that I'm always surprised not to be eliminated D:
      Hahah XD For me it was quite an easy choice, but I think not many people might guess the character that I picked! You'll see next week~

  3. Ohhhh! She looks like a real hashashin! Cool! xD

  4. Ah, Tomb Raider was one of my fav. games back in the day, awesome theme to choose for this challenge! Disney will prove to be interesting too~ :D

    1. I've actually never played the original games, just the new one, though my inspiration came from the earlier games XD I'm looking forward to the next challenge, it'll be fun to take the photo for it~

  5. Wow but Carmen brings to mind Lara Croft from Tomb Raider in these shots. I really love how capable she is coming across, heart of steel!

    1. Oh thank you, I guess it's a goal achieved then! :) There is definitely a softer side of her too, but Carmen prefers to let everyone think that she's all spikes and steel...

  6. Congrats on getting to the next round! I really like Carmen's outfit, you are very skilled at dressing and styling your dolls :3

    1. Thank you very much dear~ This time I just put the outfit together from the things I had (shirt from Iplehouse, self-made bikini bandeau and mini shorts), but I'm quite happy with the end result!

  7. Congratulations Safir! I'm glad you made it to the next round, you're doing great!

    1. Thank you :) I try to do my best and the challenges have been super fun so far too!

  8. Your girl is gorgeous! :D I'm crossing my fingers for you and Carmen! ^^

  9. Ihanaa, miten pidät nuken hahmo-uskollisena! Tarkoitan tällä siis sitä, ettet heittänyt nuken päälle jotain, mitä se ei käyttäisi, vaan mikä on sen tyyliin sopivaa. Kauniita kuvia tuli tuulesta huolimatta!
    Onnea jatkoon! o/ Innolla odottaen mitä olet keksinyt Disney-haasteeseen .3c

    1. Ooh kiitoksia! Olen tosiaan näissä haasteissa yrittänyt teemassa pysymisen lisäksi miettiä sitä hahmoa, mikä on tietty tuonut oman lisähaasteensa hommaan mutta on ollut samalla tosi hauskaa :D Disney-haasteeseen väsään vielä pukua, mutta onneksi on ensi viikko aikaa saada se valmiiksi ja ottaa kuva!

  10. Ihania kuvia, nukkesi on niin kaunis. ♥

  11. Croftmainen lookki kyllä sopii Carmenille tosi hyvin vaikka kuinka olisi off character. U_U Disneyhaastetta odotellessa! Se on varmasti hyvin jännittävä! :D

    1. Kiitoksia :3 Lookki sinänsä voisi sopiakin Carmenin hahmoon, mutta ihan tuosta vaan ei kyllä rouva lähtisi tarpomaan viidakkoon tms. XD Tänään tuli kuvailtua Disney-haastetta varten, viikonlopun jälkeen selvinnee sitten miten käy~

  12. Onnea jatkoon pääsemisestä! Kyllä Carmen on sen ansainnut! Minusta tässä lookissa on juuri sopivasti asvalttiviidakko-tyyliä mutta menee myös safariasustakin.

    Odotan kanssa innolla mitä keksit Disney-haasteeseen!

    1. Kiitos kiitos ^w^ Porukkaa ei ole enää paljoa mukana ja alkaa olla tiukkaa kilpailu. Oon kuitenkin ollut ainakin itse tyytyväinen asuihin tähän mennessä ja mukava että tuomaritkin on sitten tykänneet riittävästi~

      Jännittää kyllä kovasti miten Disney-haasteessa käy!
