May 25, 2016

White blooming elegance

More photos from last weekend~
There's this massive apple tree near our apartment, right next to the bus station, and we've been wanting to take some cute photos of our Pureneemos there while the tree is in full bloom. On Sunday evening we had a perfect moment for doing that, since the whole town was probably watching the Ice Hockey World Championships Final and not many people were outside :D Only a few people walked past us while we were taking the photos! The location is really pretty and I hope there'll be time for taking more photos later, before all the lovely flowers are gone.

We decided to go with my Totori and Sarg's Ritsuka, since they both have cute hairbands with animal ears x3 Toto is channeling squirrel, while Ritsuka's theme animal is white wolf.


While Sarg was posing the dolls for me, I took some photos of the blossoms itself~ Surprisingly when I checked the camera after getting back home, there were more blossom photos than photos of the dolls >_<; Guess I got a bit carried away with the beauty of the tree... I also should've taken a photo of the full tree from farther away, since it was truly a beautiful sight.

I visited my parents on the weekend and it was a big surprise for me to notice that even the apple trees on their yard are blooming, which hasn't happened in many years! I'm stalking if those trees get enough flowers for doll photography purposes, it would be great to be able to take photos with them as well since they have cute pink flowers! ♥ But the trees are quite small and I didn't see too many buds in the branches, so they might not look spectacular even in full bloom ^^; We'll see a bit later!

Lol, I feel like I've been neglecting my BJDs (besides Carmen) quite a bit lately... It's just so easy to go to places with Pureneemos or Picconeemos since they're so small, or even Dollfie Dreams since they're so light-weight! I love my BJDs a lot too, but especially the bigger ones can be difficult to carry around... If the weather finally allows us to have a picnic meet-up on the upcoming weekend, I'll try to take some of my resin dolls with me >3<


  1. I love these photos! So bright and colorful ^^
    Your girls look lovely and so does the flowers *__*

  2. Lovely photos!! Apple trees are so wonderful, all fruit trees are lovely (except plum ones XD). I love how easy you make it seem to go around hanging dolls in trees for photos haha! they came out really nice!!

    Don't worry if you don't take that much photos of your bigger dolls, I'm sure at some point you will be inspired by some idea and take them out too since there's so many things you could do with them too, that you couldn't do with pureneemos since the style is so different. I also love taking smaller dolls for photos :D, especially Ailene because she has the most clothes XD you can tell she gets the most time out of the box

    1. Thank you! I think plum trees can look really pretty too XD My parents had one, but it never made any fruit so they replaced it with a cherry tree... It's actually surprisingly easy to take cute photos of dolls in trees, as long as the branches are not too high XD

      Yeah, that's true :) I do often play around with them or change their clothes, but I've started to miss taking proper photos of them! Small dolls are just so easy, aren't they :D Ailene is definitely the most spoiled one in your doll crew, but I think she's happy about it~

  3. Ihania kuvia Neemoista. =w= Kumpikin on niin söpöjä, nuo hassut pikkukädet on niin ilmeikkäät.

    Ja omenankukkaset <3 Tuoksunkin melkein tuntee kun näitä kuvia katselee.

    1. Kiitoksia :3 Näillä eri käsillä saa kyllä hauskasti muutettua ilmettä!
      Ihme kyllä nuo eivät juurikaan tuoksuneet, hmph :/ Pölisivät sitäkin enemmän tosin...

  4. Those photos are amazing!! I hope you are able to take more photos there, too :D

    And regarding your dolls, I'm sure inspiration will come back again. As Fantasywoods said, they have different possibilities than Pureneemos!

    1. Thank you so much ^^ Sadly all the flowers are gone from the trees now, so these were the first and last photos I was able to get there :c

      You're both right! I actually do have the inspiration too, but I've just been feeling so lazy with the resin dolls, since Pureneemos and DDs are so much easier :p But sometimes it's fun just to change the clothes and play around with the dolls, without taking any proper photos of them.

  5. Lovely photos and the flowers are so bright and pretty! I totally get what you mean, I'm hardly motivated to drag any heavy resin dolls outside too ;_;

    1. Thank you dear ^^ I would've wanted to take one of my resin dolls there too, but the flowers were already gone from the tree when I checked... After getting into DDs I've definitely become more lazy when it comes to going outside with them >3<

  6. Komiat kukinnot ja niin söpöset neemoset! Aika sniikisti valittu tuo kuvaussession ajankohta! :D

    1. Kiitos kiitos :3 Joo ajateltiin tällälailla sniikkailla, kun yleensä tuossa keskustan tietämillä liikkuu suht paljon ihmisiä XD Saatiin nyt sitten olla rauhassa.

  7. Todella kauniita kuvia! Minäkin olen tässä tällä viikolla havahtunut huomaamaan että meidänkin lähellä ovat hedelmäpuut kukassa. Pitää ottaa nukkekuvia kun puissa on vielä kukkia jäljellä!

    Kiva jos hartsisetkin saavat taas välillä huomiota, vaikka nuo pikkuiset ja DDt onkin paljon helpompia roudata mukana. Sen takia minultakin on jäänyt isompien hartsisten kuvaaminen kun siitä tuntuu olevan niin paljon enemmän vaivaa... Mutta sitten kun jaksaa niitä kanniskella niin tulee kyllä yleensä näyttäviä kuviakin. :)

    1. Kiitos paljon! Toivottavasti kerkeät ottaa nukkekuvia hedelmäpuitten kera :) Täällä satoi eilen ja tänään oli ainakin tuosta ihanasta omenapuusta kaikki kukat poissa nyyh...

      Hartsisissa on tietty oma viehätyksensä, mutta noiden pienten nukkejen ja DD:eiden kanssa helposti laiskistuu eikä tee mieli kuskata isoja ja painavia nukkeja kovin pitkälle :'D Täytyy kyllä yrittää ryhdistäytyä, ulkona olisi paljon hienoja kuvauspaikkoja isoille hartsisillekin näin kesäaikaan!

  8. Beautiful pictures! :) I love pictures of flowers, even though I have never really tried it myself. Maybe I should.

    1. Thank you! Taking pictures of flowers is really fun, I do recommend trying it out :)

  9. Pureneemos are easier to lug around places with you. I love that about them but I hear your pain on lugging bjds around. I don't tend to anymore unless it's around the yard or something.

    These photos are gorgeous. I love that amongst those blooming white flowers, these girls remind me of angels or animal spirits frolicking around in spring time.

    1. Yup, that's true. I try not to be too lazy though, the Finnish nature has so many nice places and scenery for BJD photos :)

      Thank you very much! ♥ Love how you mentioned animal spirits, that's the feeling that I got from them as well~ They're just original school girls to us, but who knows, maybe they would like to be animals :)
